The Wesley Center Online: Charles Wesley's Hymn Lyrics: A (2024)

S.M. Leviticus viii.35

1 A CHARGE to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky; To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: O may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will!

2 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live; And O thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die.


1 A THOUSAND oracles divine Their common beams unite, That sinners may with angels join To worship God aright; To praise a Trinity adored By all the hosts above, And one thrice-holy God and Lord Through endless ages love.

2 Triumphant host! they never cease To laud and magnify The Triune God of holiness, Whose glory fills the sky; Whose glory to this earth extends, When God himself imparts, And the whole Trinity descends Into our faithful hearts.

3 By faith the upper choir we meet, And challenge them to sing Jehovah on his shining seat, Our Maker and our King. But God made flesh is wholly ours, And asks our nobler strain; The Father of celestial powers, The friend of earth-born man!

4 Ye seraphs nearest to the throne, With rapturous amaze On us, poor ransomed worms, look down For heaven's superior praise; The King, whose glorious face ye see, For us his crown resigned; That fulness of the Deity, He died for all mankind!

1 Abba, Father, hear thy child, Late in Jesus reconciled; Hear, and all the graces shower, All the joy, and peace, and power; All my Saviour asks above, All the life and heaven of love.

2 Lord, I will not let thee go Till the blessing thou bestow: Hear my Advocate divine; Lo! To his my suit I join; Joined to his, it cannot fail; Bless me; for I will prevail.

3 Heavenly Father, Life divine, Change my nature into thine; Move, and spread throughout my soul, Actuate, and fill the whole: Be it I no longer now Living in the flesh, but thou.

4 Holy Ghost, no more delay; Come, and in thy temple stay: Now thine inward witness bear, Strong, and permanent, and clear: Spring of life, thyself impart; Rise eternal in my heart


1 ABRAHAM, when severely tried, His faith by his obedience showed, He with the harsh command complied, And gave his Isaac back to God.

2 His son the father offered np, Son of his age, his only son, Object of all his joy and hope, And less beloved than God alone.

3 O for a faith like his, that we The bright example may pursue! May gladly give up all to thee, To whom our more than all is due.

4 Now, Lord, to thee our all we leave, Our willing soul thy call obeys; Pleasure, and wealth, and fame we give, Freedom, and life to win thy grace.

5 Is there a thing than life more dear A thing from which we cannot part We can; we now rejoice to tear The idol from our bleeding heart.

6 Jesus, accept our sacrifice; All things for thee we count but loss, Lo! at thy word our Isaac dies, Dies on the altar of thy cross.

7 For what to thee, O Lord, we give, A hundred-fold we here obtain; And soon with thee shall all receive, And loss shall be eternal gain.

5 5 5 11

1 Ah, tell us no more The spirit and pow'r Of Jesus, our God, Is not to be found in this lifegiving Blood!

2 Did Jesus ordain His supper in vain, And furnish a feast For none but His earliest servants to taste

3 Nay, but this is His will (We know it and feel), That we should partake The banquet for all He so freely did make.

4 In rapturous bliss He bids us do this. The joy it imparts Hath witness'd His gracious design in our hearts.


1 AH whither should I go, Burdened, and sick, and faint To whom should I my troubles show, And pour out my complaint My Saviour bids me come, Ah! why do I delay He calls the weary sinner home, And yet from him I stay!

2 What is it keeps me back, From which I cannot part, Which will not let my Saviour take, Possession of my heart Some cursed thing unknown Must surely lurk within, Some idol, which I will not own, Some secret bosom-sin.

3 Jesu, the hindrance show, Which I have feared to see: Yet let me now consent to know What keeps me out of thee: Searcher of hearts, in mine Thy trying power display; Into its darkest corners shine, And take the veil away.

4 I now believe in thee Compassion reigns alone; According to my faith to me O let it, Lord, be done! In me is all the bar, Which thou wouldst fain remove; Remove it, and I shall declare That God is only love.


1 ALL glory to God in the sky, And peace upon earth be restored! O Jesus, exalted on high, Appear our omnipotent Lord! Who, meanly in Bethlehem born, Didst stoop to redeem a lost race, Once more to thy creatures return, And reign in thy kingdom of grace.

2 When thou in our flesh didst appear, All nature acknowledged thy birth; Arose the acceptable year, And heaven was opened on earth: Receiving its Lord from above, The world was united to bless The giver of concord and love, The Prince and the author of peace.

3 O wouldst thou again be made known! Again in thy Spirit descend, And set up in each of thine own A kingdom that never shall end. Thou only art able to bless, And make the glad nations obey, And bid the dire enmity cease, And bow the whole world to thy sway.

4 Come then to thy servants again, Who long thy appearing to know, Thy quiet and peaceable reign In mercy establish below; All sorrow before thee shall fly, And anger and hatred be o'er, And envy and malice shall die, And discord afflict us no more

5 No horrid alarum of war Shall break our eternal repose, No sound of the trumpet is there, Where Jesus's Spirit o'erflows; Appeased by the charms of thy grace, We all shall in amity join, And kindly each other embrace, And love with a passion like thine.

C. M.

1 All praise to Him who dwells in bliss, Who made both day and night; Whose throne is in the vast abyss Of uncreated light.

2 Each thought and deed his piercing eye With strictest search survey; The deepest shades no more disguise, Than the full blaze of day

3 Whom thou dost guard, O King of kings, No evil shall molest: Under the shadow of thy wings Shall they securely rest

4 Thy angels shall around their beds Their constant stations keep: Thy faith and truth shall shield their heads, For thou dost never sleep.

5 May we with calm and sweet repose, And heavenly thoughts refreshed, Our eyelids with the morn unclose, And bless thee, ever blest


1 ALL praise to our redeeming Lord, Who joins us by his grace, And bids us, each to each restored, Together seek his face.

2 He bids us build each other up; And, gathered into one, To our high calling's glorious hope We hand in hand go on.

3 The gift which he on one bestows, We all delight to prove; The grace through every vessel flows, In purest streams of love.

4 Even now we think and speak the same, And cordially agree; Concentrated all, through Jesus' name, In perfect harmony.

5 We all partake the joy of one, The common peace we feel, A peace to sensual minds unknown, A joy unspeakable.

6 And if our fellowship below In Jesus be so sweet, What heights of rapture shall we know, When round his throne we meet!


1 All praise to the Lamb! Accepted I am, Through faith in the Saviour's adorable name: In him I confide, his blood is applied; For me he hat suffered, for me he hath died.

2 Not a cloud doth arise, to darken my skies, Or hide for a moment my Lord from mine eye: In him I am blest, I lean on his breast And lo! in his wounds I continue to rest.

10s & 11s.

1 ALL thanks to the Lamb, Who gives us to meet! His love we proclaim, His praises repeat; We own him our Jesus, Continually near To pardon and bless us, And perfect us here.

2 In him we have peace, In him we have power, Preserved by his grace Throughout the dark hour, In all our temptation He keeps us to prove His utmost salvation, His fullness of love.

3 Through pride and desire Unhurt we have gone, Through water and fire In him we went on; The world and the devil Through him we o'ercame, Our Saviour from evil, For ever the same.

4 When we would have spurned His mercy and grace, To Egypt returned, And fled from his face, He hindered our flying, (His goodness to show) And stopped us, by crying, "Will ye also go"

5 O what shall we do Our Saviour to love To make us anew, Come, Lord, from above! The fruit of thy passion, Thy holiness give, Give us the salvation Of all that believe.

6 Come, Jesus, and loose The stammerer's tongue, And teach even us The spiritual song; Let us without ceasing Give thanks for thy grace, And glory, and blessing, And honour, and praise.

5 5 11, 5 5 11. Lamentations i. 12.

1 ALL ye that pass by, To Jesus draw nigh: To you is it nothing that Jesus should die Your ransom and peace, Your surety he is: Come, see if there ever was sorrow like his.

2 For what you have done His blood must atone: The Father hath punished for you his dear Son. The Lord, in the day Of his anger, did lay Your sins on the Lamb, and he bore them away.

3 He answered for all: O come at his call, And low at his cross with astonishment fall! But lift up your eyes At Jesus's cries: Impassive, he suffers; immortal, he dies.

4 He dies to atone For sins not his own; Your debt he hath paid, and your work he hath done. Ye all may receive The peace he did leave, Who made intercession, "My Father, forgive!"

5 For you and for me He prayed on the tree: The prayer is accepted, the sinner is free. That sinner am I, Who on Jesus rely, And come for the pardon God cannot deny.

6 My pardon I claim; For a sinner I am, A sinner believing in Jesus's name. He purchased the grace Which now I embrace: O Father, thou know'st he hath died in my place.

7 His death is my plea; My Advocate see, And hear the blood speak that hath answered for me. My ransom he was When he bled on the cross; And by losing his life he hath carried my cause.


1 AND am I born to die To lay this body down And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown-A land of deepest shade, Unpierced by human thought, The dreary regions of the dead, Where all things are forgot

2 Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me Eternal happiness or woe Must then my portion be; Waked by the trumpet's sound, I from my grave shall rise, And see the Judge with glory crowned, And see the flaming skies.

3 How shall I leave my tomb With triumph or regret A fearful or a joyful doom, A curse or blessing meet Will angel-bands convey Their brother to the bar Or devils drag my soul away, To meet its sentence there

4 Who can resolve the doubt That tears my anxious breast Shall I be with the damned cast out, Or numbered with the blest I must from God be driven, Or with my Saviour dwell; Must come at his command to heaven, Or else-depart to hell.

5 O thou that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die, Who died'st thyself; my soul to save From endless misery! Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe, That when thou comest on thy throne I may with joy appear.

6 Thou art thyself the Way; Thyself in me reveal; So shall I spend my life's short day Obedient to thy will; So shall I love my God, Because he first loved me, And praise thee in thy bright abode, To all eternity.


1 AND are we yet alive, And see each other's face Glory and praise to Jesus give For his redeeming grace! Preserved by power divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesu's praise we join, And in his sight appear.

2 What troubles have we seen, What conflicts have we past, Fightings without, and fears within, Since we assembled last! But out of all the Lord Hath brought us by his love; And still he doth his help afford, And hides our life above.

3 Then let us make our boast Of his redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more: Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain; And gladly reckon all things loss, So we may Jesus gain.


1 And can I yet delay My little all to give To tear my soul from earth away For Jesus to receive

2 Nay, but I yield, I yield; I can hold out no more: I sink, by dying love compelled, And own thee conqueror

3 Though late, I all forsake; My friends, my all, resign: Gracious Redeemer, take, O take, And seal me ever thine.

4 Come, and possess me whole, Nor hence again remove; Settle and fix my wavering soul With all thy weight of love.

5 My one desire be this, Thy only love to know; To seek and taste no other bliss, No other good below.

6 My life, my portion thou; Thou all-sufficient art: My hope, my heavenly treasure, now Enter, and keep my heart.


1 AND can it be, that I should gain An interest in the Saviour's blood` Died he for me, who caused his pain For me, who him to death pursued Amazing love! how can it be That thou, my God, shouldst die for me

2 'Tis mystery all! The Immortal dies! Who can explore his strange design In vain the first-born seraph tries To sound the depths of love divine! 'Tis mercy all! let earth adore, Let angel-minds inquire no more.

3 He left his Father's throne above, (So free, so infinite his grace!) Emptied himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race: 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For, O my God, it found out me!

4 Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed thee.

5 No condemnation now I dread, Jesus, and all in him, is mine! Alive in him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach the eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own.


1 AND let our bodies part, To different climes repair! Inseparably joined in heart The friends of Jesus are! Jesus, the corner-stone, Did first our hearts unite, And still he keeps our spirits one, Who walk with him in white.

2 O let us still proceed In Jesu's work below; And, following our triumphant Head, To farther conquests go! The vineyard of their Lord Before his labourers lies; And lo! we see the vast reward Which waits us in the skies.

3 O let our heart and mind Continually ascend, That haven of repose to find Where all our labours end; Where all our toils are o'er, Our suffering and our pain! Who meet on that eternal shore Shall never part again.

4 O happy, happy place, Where saints and angels meet! There we shall see each other's face, And all our brethren greet: The church of the first-born, We shall with them be blest, And, crowned with endless joy, return To our eternal rest.

5 With joy we shall behold, In yonder blest abode, The patriarchs and prophets old, And all the saints of God. Abraham and Isaac there, And Jacob, shall receive The followers of their faith and prayer, Who now in bodies live.

6 We shall our time beneath Live out in cheerful hope, And fearless pass the vale of death, And gain the mountain-top. To gather home his own God shall his angels send, And bid our bliss, on earth begun, In deathless triumph end.

C.M. "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us." - Romans viii.18.

1 AND let this feeble body fail, And let it droop and die; My soul shall quit the mournful vale, And soar to worlds on high; Shall join the disembodied saints, And find its long-sought rest, (That only bliss for which it pants) In my Redeemer's breast.

2 In hope of that immortal crown, I now the cross sustain, And gladly wander up and down, And smile at toil and pain: I suffer out my threescore years, Till my Deliverer come, And wipe away his servant's tears, And take his exile home.

3 Surely he will not long delay: I hear his Spirit cry, "Arise, my love, make haste away! Go, get thee up, and die. O'er death, who now has lost his sting, I give thee victory; And with me my reward I bring, I bring my heaven for thee."

4 O what hath Jesus bought for me! Before my ravished eyes Givers of life divine I see, And trees of paradise; They flourish in perpetual bloom, Fruit every month they give; And to the healing leaves who come Eternally shall live.

5 I see a world of spirits bright Who reap the pleasures there; They all are robed in purest white, And conquering palms they bear: Adorned by their Redeemer's grace, They close pursue the Lamb; And every shining front displays The unutterable name.

6 They drink the vivifying stream, They pluck the ambrosial fruit, And each records the praise of him Who tuned his golden lute: At once they strike the harmonious wire, And hymn the great Three-One: He hears; he smiles; and all the choir Fall down before his throne.

7 O what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptured host to appear, And worship at thy feet! Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life or friends away: I come, to find them all again In that eternal day.


1 And must I be to judgment brought, And answer in that day For every vain and idle thought, And every word I say

2 Yes, every secret of my heart Shall shortly be made known, And I receive my just desert For all that I have done.

3 How careful, then, ought I to live, With what religious fear! Who such a strict account must give For my behavior here.

4 Thou awful Judge of quick and dead, The watchful power bestow; So shall I to my ways take heed, To all I speak or do

5 If now thou standest at the door, O let me feel thee near; And make my peace with God, before I at thy bar appear


1 And wilt Thou yet be found, And may I still draw near Then listen to the plaintive sound Of a poor sinner's prayer.

2 Jesus, thine aid afford, If still the same thou art: To thee I look, to thee, my Lord, I lift my helpless heart.

3 Thou seest my troubled breast, The strugglings of my will, The foes that interrupt my rest, The agonies I feel.

4 O my offended Lord, Restore my inward peace; I know thou canst; pronounce the work, And bid the tempest cease.

5 I long to see thy face; They Spirit I implore The living water of thy grace, That I may thirst no more.

8s & 6s.

1 ARE there not in the labourer's day Twelve hours, in which he safely may His calling's work pursue Though sin and Satan still are near, Nor sin nor Satan can I fear, With Jesus in my view.

2 Not all the powers of hell can fright A soul that walks with Christ in light, He walks and cannot fall; Clearly he sees, and wins his way, Shining unto the perfect day, And more than conquers all.

3 Light of the world, thy beams I bless; On thee, bright Sun of righteousness, My faith hath fixed its eye; Guided by thee, through all I go, Nor fear the ruin spread below, For thou art always nigh.

4 Ten thousand snares my path beset; Yet will I, Lord, the work complete Which thou to me hast given; Regardless of the pains I feel, Close by the gates of death and hell, I urge my way to heaven.

5 Still will I strive, and labour still, With humble zeal to do thy will, And trust in thy defence: My soul into thy hands I give; And, if he can obtain thy leave, Let Satan pluck me thence!

4-6s & 2-8s.

1 ARISE, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears; Before the throne thy Surety stands; My name is written on his hands.

2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all-redeeming love, His precious blood, to plead: His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace.

3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me: "Forgive him, O forgive," they cry "Nor let that ransomed sinner die!"

4 The Father hears him pray, His dear Anointed One; He cannot turn away The presence of his Son: His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God.

5 My God is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear, He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear, With confidence I now draw nigh, And, Father, Abba, Father, cry!


1 Arise, my soul, on wings sublime, Above the vanities of time; Let faith now pierce the veil, and see The glories of eternity.

2 Born by a new, celestial birth, Why should I grovel here on earth Why grasp at vain and fleeting toys, So near to heaven's eternal joys

3 Shall aught beguile me on the road, The narrow road that leads to God Or can I love this earth so well, As not to long with God to dwell

4 To dwell with God, to taste his love, Is the full heaven enjoyed above: The glorious expectation now Is heavenly bliss begun below.

L.M. Isaiah li. 9.

1 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Thine own immortal strength put on! With terror clothed, hell's kingdom shake, And cast thy foes with fury down!

2 As in the ancient days appear! The sacred annals speak thy fame: Be now omnipotently near, To endless ages still the same.

3 Thy arm, Lord, is not shortened now, It wants not now the power to save; Still present with thy people, thou Bear'st them through life's disparted wave.

4 By death and hell pursued in vain, To thee the ransomed seed shall come, Shouting their heavenly Zion gain, And pass through death triumphant home.

5 The pain of life shall there be o'er, The anguish and distracting care, There sighing grief shall weep no more, And sin shall never enter there.

6 Where pure, essential joy is found, The Lord's redeemed their heads shall raise, With everlasting gladness crowned, And filled with love, and lost in praise.


1 AUTHOR of faith, eternal Word, Whose Spirit breathes the active flame: Faith, like its Finisher and Lord, To-day as yesterday the same;

2 To thee our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable; Increase in us the kindled fire, In us the work of faith fulfil.

3 By faith we know thee strong to save; (Save us, a present Saviour thou!) Whate'er we hope, by faith we have, Future and past subsisting now.

4 To him that in thy name believes Eternal life with thee is given; Into himself he all receives, Pardon, and holiness, and heaven.

5 The things unknown to feeble sense, Unseen by reason's glimmering ray, With strong, commanding evidence, Their heavenly origin display.

6 Faith lends its realizing light, The clouds disperse, the shadows fly; The Invisible appears in sight, And God is seen by mortal eye.


1 AUTHOR of faith, to thee I cry, To thee, who wouldst not have me die, But know the truth and live; Open mine eyes to see thy face, Work in my heart the saving grace, The life eternal give.

2 Shut up in unbelief I groan, And blindly serve a God unknown, Till thou the veil remove; The gift unspeakable impart, And write thy name upon my heart, And manifest thy love.

3 I know the work is only thine, The gift of faith is all divine; But, if on thee we call, Thou wilt the benefit bestow, And give us hearts to feel and know That thou hast died for all.

4 Thou bidd'st us knock and enter in, Come unto thee, and rest from sin, The blessing seek and find; Thou bidd'st us ask thy grace, and have; Thou canst, thou wouldst, this moment save Both me and all mankind.

5 Be it according to thy word! Now let me find my pardoning Lord, Let what I ask be given; The bar of unbelief remove, Open the door of faith and love, And take me into heaven.

6 6 6 6 8 8

1 Author of life divine, Who hast a table spread, Furnish'd with mystic wine And everlasting bread, Preserve the life thyself has giv'n, And feed and train us up for heav'n.

2 Our needy souls sustain With fresh supplies of love, Till all Thy life we gain, And all Thy fullness prove, And, strengthened by Thy perfect grace, Behold without a veil Thy face.


1 Author of our salvation, thee, With lowly, thankful hearts, we praise; Author of this great mystery, Figure and means of saving grace.

2 The sacred, true, effectual sign, Thy body and thy blood it shows; The glorious instrument divine, Thy mercy and thy strength bestows.

3 We see the blood that seals our peace; Thy pardoning mercy we receive; The bread doth visibly express The strength through which our spirits live.

4 Our spirits drink a fresh supply, And eat the bread so freely given, Till, borne on eagle wings, we fly, And banquet with our Lord in heaven.


1 Awake, Jerusalem, awake! No longer in thy sins lie down: The garment of salvation take; Thy beauty and thy strength put on.

2 Shake off the dust that blinds thy sight, And hides the promise from thine eyes; Arise, and struggle into light; The great Deliverer calls, "Arise!"

3 Shake off the bands of sad despair; Zion, assert thy liberty; Look up, thy broken heart prepare, And God shall set the captive free.

4 Vessels of mercy, sons of grace, Be purged from every sinful stain; Be like you Lord, his word embrace, Nor bear his allowed name in vain.


1 AWAY with our sorrow and fear! We soon shall recover our home, The City of saints shall appear, The day of eternity come: From earth we shall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode, The house of our Father above, The palace of angels and God.

2 Our mourning is all at an end, When, raised by the life-giving word, We see the new city descend, Adorned as a bride for her Lord; The city so holy and clean, No sorrow can breathe in the air; No gloom of affliction or sin, No shadow of evil is there.

3 By faith we already behold That lovely Jerusalem here; Her walls are of jasper and gold, As crystal her buildings are clear; Immovably founded in grace, She stands as she ever hath stood, And brightly her builder displays, And flames with the glory of God.

4 No need of the sun in that day, Which never is followed by night, Where Jesus's beauties display A pure and a permanent light: The Lamb is their light and their sun, And lo! by reflection they shine, With Jesus ineffably one, And bright in effulgence divine!

5 The saints in his presence receive Their great and eternal reward; In Jesus, in heaven they live, They reign in the smile of their Lord: The flame of angelical love Is kindled at Jesus's face; And all the enjoyment above Consists in the rapturous gaze.

5 5 5 11

1 Away with our fears, Our troubles and tears! The Spirit is come, The witness of Jesus returned to His home

2 The pledge of our Lord To His heaven restored Is sent from the sky, And tells us our Head is exalted on high

3 Our Advocate there By His blood and His pray'r The gift hath obtained; For us He hath pray'd and the Comforter gained.

4 Our glorified Head His Spirit hath shed, With His people to stay, And never again will He take Him away.

5 5 9, 5 5 9.

1 AWAY with our fears! The glad morning appears When an heir of salvation was born! From Jehovah I came, For his glory I am, And to him I with singing return.

2 Thee, Jesus, alone, The fountain I own Of my life and felicity here; And cheerfully sing My Redeemer and King, Till his sign in the heavens appear.

3 With thanks I rejoice In thy fatherly choice Of my state and condition below; If of parents I came Who honoured thy name, 'Twas thy wisdom appointed it so.

4 I sing of thy grace, From my earliest days Ever near to allure and defend; Hitherto thou hast been My preserver from sin, And I trust thou wilt save to the end.

5 O the infinite cares, And temptations, and snares, Thy hand hath conducted me through! O the blessings bestowed By a bountiful God, And the mercies eternally new!

6 What a mercy is this, What a heaven of bliss, How unspeakably happy am I! Gathered into the fold, With thy people enrolled, With thy people to live and to die!

7 O the goodness of God, Employing a clod His tribute of glory to raise! His standard to bear, And with triumph declare His unspeakable riches of grace.

8 O the fathomless love, That has deigned to approve And prosper the work of my hands! With my pastoral crook I went over the brook, And, behold, I am spread into bands!

9 Who, I ask in amaze, Hath begotten me these And inquire from what quarter they came My full heart it replies, They are born from the skies, And gives glory to God and the Lamb.

10 All honour and praise To the Father of grace, To the Spirit, and Son, I return! The business pursue He hath made me to do, And rejoice that I ever was born.

11 In a rapture of joy My life I employ, The God of my life to proclaim; 'Tis worth living for this, To administer bliss And salvation in Jesus's name.

12 My remnant of days I spend in his praise, Who died the whole world to redeem: Be they many or few, My days are his due, And they all are devoted to him.


1 AWAY, my needless fears, And doubts no longer mine; A ray of heavenly light appears, A messenger divine.

2 Thrice comfortable hope, That calms my troubled breast; My Father's hand prepares the cup, And what he wills is best.

3 If what I wish is good, And suits the will divine; By earth and hell in vain withstood, I know it shall be mine.

4 Still let them counsel take To frustrate his decree, They cannot keep a blessing back By heaven designed for me.

5 Here then I doubt no more, But in his pleasure rest, Whose wisdom, love, and truth, and power, Engage to make me blest.

6 To accomplish his design The creatures all agree; And all the attributes divine Are now at work for me.

L.M. Habakkuk iii. 17, 18.

1 AWAY, my unbelieving fear! Fear shall in me no more have place; My Saviour doth not yet appear, He hides the brightness of his face; But shall I therefore let him go, And basely to the tempter yield No, in the strength of Jesus, no! I never will give up my shield.

2 Although the vine its fruit deny, Although the olive yield no oil, The withering fig-tree droop and die, The field illude the tiller's toil, The empty stall no herd afford, The flocks be cut off from their place, Yet will I triumph in the Lord, The God of my salvation praise.

3 Barren although my soul remain, And no one bud of grace appear, No fruit of all my toil and pain, But desperate wickedness is here; Although, my gifts and comforts lost, My blooming hopes cut off I see; Yet will I in my Saviour trust, And glory that he died for me.

4 In hope, believing against hope, Jesus my Lord and God I claim; Jesus my strength shall lift me up, Salvation is in Jesu's name; To me he soon shall bring it nigh; My soul shall then outstrip the wind, On wings of love mount up on high, And leave the world and sin behind.

8s & 6s. Job xxviii.28

1 BE it my only wisdom here To serve the Lord with filial fear, With loving gratitude; Superior sense may I display, By shunning every evil way, And walking in the good.

2 O may I still from sin depart!. A wise and understanding heart, Jesus, to me be given; And let me through thy Spirit know To glorify my God below, And find my way to heaven.


1 BEHOLD the servant of the Lord! I wait thy guiding eye to feel, To hear and keep thy every word, To prove and do thy perfect will, Joyful from my own works to cease, Glad to fulfil all righteousness.

2 Me if thy grace vouchsafe to use, Meanest of all thy creatures, me, The deed, the time, the manner choose, Let all my fruit be found of thee; Let all my works in thee be wrought, By thee to full perfection brought.

3 My every weak, though good design, O'errule, or change, as seems thee meet; Jesus, let all my work be thine! Thy work, O Lord, is all complete, And pleasing in thy Father's sight; Thou only hast done all things right.

4 Here then to thee thy own I leave; Mould as thou wilt thy passive clay; But let me all thy stamp receive, But let me all thy words obey, Serve with a single heart and eye, And to thy glory live and die.


BEING of beings, God of love! To thee our hearts we raise, Thy all-sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing thy praise.


1 BLEST be the dear uniting love, That will not let us part! Our bodies may far off remove, We still are one in heart.

2 Joined in one spirit to our Head, Where he appoints we go; And stili in Jesu's footsteps tread, And show his praise below.

3 O may we ever walk in him, And nothing know beside; Nothing desire, nothing esteem, But Jesus crucified.

4 Closer and closer let us cleave To his beloved embrace; Expect his fulness to receive And grace to answer grace.

5 Partakers of the Saviour's grace, The same in mind and heart, Nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place, Nor life, nor death can part.

6 But let us hasten to the day Which shall our flesh restore, When death shall all be done away, And bodies part no more!

4-6s & 2-8s. Leviticus xxv.

1 BLOW ye the trumpet, blow, The gladly solemn sound, Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound; The year of Jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

2 Jesus, our great High-priest, Hath full atonement made: Ye weary spirits, rest, Ye mournful souls, be glad; The year of Jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

3 Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb, Redemption in his blood Throughout the world proclaim; The year of Jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

4 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive, And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live; The year of Jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

5 Ye who have sold for nought Your heritage above, Receive it back unbought, The gift of Jesu's love: The year of Jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

6 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace, And, saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour's face: The year of Jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

L.M. Christian Fellowship.

1 BRETHREN in Christ, and well-beloved, To Jesus and his servants dear, Enter and show yourselves approved; Enter, and find that God is here.

2 Welcome from earth: lo, the right hand Of fellowship to you we give! With open hearts and hands we stand, And you in Jesu's name receive.

3 Say, are your hearts resolved as ours Then let them burn with sacred love; Then let them taste the heavenly powers, Partakers of the joys above.

4 Jesu, attend thyself reveal! Are we not met in thy great name Thee in the midst we wait to feel, We wait to catch the spreading flame.

5 Thou God that answerest by fire, The Spirit of burning now impart; And let the flames of pure desire Rise from the altar of our heart.

6 Truly our fellowship below With thee and with the Father is; In thee eternal life we know, And heaven's unutterable bliss.

7 In part we only know thee here, But wait thy coming from above; And we shall then behold thee near, And we shall all be lost in love.

8s & 6s.

1 BUT can it be, that I should prove For ever faithful to thy love, From sin for ever cease I thank thee for the blessed hope; It lifts my drooping spirits up, It gives me back my peace.

2 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust, Mighty, and merciful, and just; Thy sacred word is passed; And I, who dare thy word receive, Without committing sin shall live, Shall live to God at last.

3 I rest in thine almighty power; The name of Jesus is a tower, That hides my life above: Thou canst, thou wilt my helper be; My confidence is all in thee, The faithful God of love.

4 While still to thee for help I call, Thou wilt not suffer me to fall, Thou canst not let me sin; And thou shalt give me power to pray Till all my sins are purged away, And all thy mind brought in.

5 Wherefore, in never-ceasing prayer, My soul to thy continual care I faithfully commend; Assured that thou through life shalt save, And show thyself beyond the grave My everlasting Friend.

6-8s. Exodus xiii. 21.

1 CAPTAIN of Israel's host, and guide Of all who seek the land above, Beneath thy shadow we abide, The cloud of thy protecting love; Our strength, thy grace; our rule, thy word; Our end, the glory of the Lord.

2 By thine unerring Spirit led, We shall not in the desert stray; We shall not full direction need, Nor miss our providential way; As far from danger as from fear, While love, almighty love, is near.

474 = 6-8s. The same subject.

1 CAPTAIN of our salvation, take The souls we here present to thee, And fit for thy great service make These heirs of immortality; And let them in thine image rise, And then transplant to Paradise.

2 Unspotted from the world and pure, Preserve them for thy glorious cause, Accustomed daily to endure The welcome burden of thy cross; Inured to toil and patient pain, Till all thy perfect mind they gain.

3 Our sons henceforth be wholly thine, And serve and love thee all their days, Infuse the principle divine In all who here expect thy grace; Let each improve the grace bestowed; Rise every child a man of God!

4 Train up thy hardy soldiers, Lord, In all their Captain's steps to tread Or send them to proclaim the word, The gospel through the world to spread. Freely as they receive to give, And preach the death by which we live.

7s & 6s.

1 CAST on the fidelity Of my redeeming Lord, I shall his salvation see, According to his word: Credence to his word I give; My Saviour in distresses past Will not now his servant leave, But bring me through at last.

2 Better than my boding fears To me thou oft hast proved, Oft observed my silent tears, And challenged thy beloved; Mercy to my rescue flew, And death ungrasped his fainting prey Pain before thy face withdrew And sorrow fled away.

3 Now as yesterday the same, In all my troubles nigh, Jesus, on thy word and name I steadfastly rely; Sure as now the grief I feel, The promised joy I soon shall have; Saved again, to sinners tell Thy power and will to save.

4 To thy blessed will resigned, And stayed on that alone, I thy perfect strength shall find, Thy faithful mercies own; Compassed round with songs of praise. My all to my Redeemer give, Spread thy miracles of grace, And to thy glory live.


1 CHRIST, from whom all blessings flow, Perfecting the saints below, Hear us, who thy nature share, Who thy mystic body are.

2 Join us, in one spirit join, Let us still receive of thine; Still for more on thee we call; Thou who fillest all in all.

3 Closer knit to thee, our Head; Nourish us, O Christ, and feed! Let us daily growth receive, More and more in Jesus live.

4 Jesus, we thy members are, Cherish us with kindest care, Of thy flesh and of thy bone, Love, for ever love thine own!

5 Move, and actuate, and guide: Divers gifts to each divide; Placed according to thy will, Let us all our work fulfil;

6 Never from our office move, Needful to each other prove; Use the grace on each bestowed, Tempered by the art of God.

7 Sweetly may we all agree, Touched with softest sympathy; Kindly for each other care; Every member feel its share.

8 Wounded by the grief of one, Now let all the members groan; Honoured if one member is, All partake the common bliss.

9 Many are we now and one, We who Jesus have put on; There is neither bond nor free, Male nor female, Lord, in thee!

10 Love, like death, hath all destroyed, Rendered all distinctions void; Names, and sects, and parties fall: Thou, O Christ, art all in all!

7 6 7 6 7 7 7 6

1 Christ, our Passover, for us Is offer'd up and slain! Let Him be remember'd thus By ev'ry soul of man. We are bound above the rest His oblation to proclaim; Keep we then the solemn feast, And banquet on the Lamb

2 Purge we all our sin away, That old accursed leav'n; Sin in us no longer stay, In us, through Christ forgiv'n. Let us all with hearts sincere Eat the new unleaven'd bread, To our Lord with faith draw near, And on His promise feed.

3 Jesus, Master of the feast, The Feast itself Thou art; Now receive the meanest guest, And comfort ev'ry heart. Give us living bread to eat, Manna that from heav'n comes down; Fill us with immortal meat, And make Thy nature


4 In this barren wilderness Thou hast a table spread, Furnish'd out with richest grace Whate'er our souls can need. Still sustain us by Thy love, Still Thy servants' strength repair, Till we reach the courts above, And feast forever there.


1 "CHRIST, the Lord, is risen to-day," Sons of men and angels say! Raise your joys and triumphs high: Sing, ye heavens; thou earth, reply.

2 Love's redeeming work is done; Fought the fight, the battle won: Lo! the sun's eclipse is o'er, Lo! he sets in blood no more!

3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ hath burst the gates of hell: Death in vain forbids his rise, Christ hath opened Paradise.

4 Lives again our glorio

us King! Where, O death, is now thy sting Once he died our souls to save; Where's thy victory, boasting grave

5 Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head: Made like him, like him we rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies.

6 King of glory! Soul of bliss! Everlasting life is this, Thee to know, thy power to prove, Thus to sing, and thus to love.

7s & 6s. Ezekiel xxxiv. 29, 30.

1 CHRIST, whose glory fills the skies, That famous Plant thou art: Tree of Life eternal, rise In every longing heart! Bid us find the food in thee For which our deathless spirits pine, Fed with immortality, And filled with love divine.

2 Long we have our burden borne, Our own unfaithfulness, Object of the heathen's scorn, Who mocked our scanty grace; Jesus, our reproach remove; Let sin no more thy people shame! Show us rooted in thy love, In life and death the same.

3 In thy spotless people show Thy power and constancy; Give us thus to feel and know Our fellowship with thee: Give us all thy mind to express, And blameless in our Lord to abide, Transcripts of thy holiness, Thy fair, unspotted bride.


1 Come, all who truly bear The name of Christ, your Lord, His last mysterious supper share, And keep His kindest word. Hereby your faith approve In Jesus crucified. "In mem'ry of My dying love Do this," He said, and died.

2 The badge and token this, The sure, confirming seal That He is ours, and we are His, The servants of His will; His dear, peculiar ones, The purchase of His blood His blood, which once for all atones, And brings us now to God.

3 Then let us still profess Our Master's honor'd name, Stand forth His faithful witnesses, True followers of the Lamb. In proof that such we are His saying we receive, And thus to all mankind declare We do in Christ believe.

4 Part of His Church below, We thus our right maintain; Our living membership we show, And in the fold remain; The sheep of Israel's fold (In these our) pastures fed, And fellowship with all we hold Who hold it with our Head


1 Come, and let us sweetly join Christ to praise in hymns divine; Give we all, with one accord, Glory to our common Lord.

2 Hands and hearts and voices raise; Sing as in the ancient days; Antedate the joys above; Celebrate the feast of love.

3 Strive we, in affection strive; Let the purer flame revive, Such as in the martyrs glowed, Dying champions of their God.

4 We, like them, may live and love; Called we are their joys to prove, Saved with them from future wrath, Partners of like precious faith

C.M. Numbers vi. 24 - 26.

1 COME, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God in Persons Three, Bring back the heavenly blessing, lost By all mankind and me.

2 Thy favour, and thy nature too, To me, to all restore; Forgive, and after God renew, And keep us evermore.

3 Eternal Sun of righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine.

4 Light in thy light O may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove, Revived, and cheered, and blessed by thee, The God of pardoning love!

5 Lift up thy countenance serene, And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The Godhead reconciled.

6 That all-comprising peace bestow On me, through grace forgiven, The joys of holiness below, And then the joys of heaven.

6-8s. 2nd. metre.

1 COME, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire! Come, and my hallowed heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoning blood; Now to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working let me feel, And know that I am born of God.

2 Thy witness with my spirit bear, That God, my God, inhabits there; Thou, with the Father, and the Son, Eternal light's co-eval beam; Be Christ in me, and I in him, Till perfect we are made in one.

3 When wilt thou my whole heart subdue Come, Lord, and form my soul anew, Emptied of pride, and wrath, and hell: Less than the least of all thy store Of mercies, I myself abhor; All, all my vileness may I feel.

4 Humble, and teachable, and mild, O may I, as a little child, My lowly Master's steps pursue! Be anger to my soul unknown, Hate, envy, jealousy, be gone; In love create thou all things new.

5 Let earth no more my heart divide, With Christ may I be crucified, To thee with my whole soul aspire; Dead to the world and all its toys, Its idle pomp, and fading joys, Be thou alone my one desire!

6 Be thou my joy, be thou my dread; In battle cover thou my head, Nor earth nor hell I then shall fear; I then shall turn my steady face, Want, pain defy, enjoy disgrace, Glory in dissolution near.

7 My will be swallowed up in thee; Light in thy light still may I see, Beholding thee with open face; Called the full power of faith to prove, Let all my hallowed heart be love, And all my spotless life be praise.

8 Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire! My consecrated heart inspire, Sprinkled with the atoning blood; Still to my soul thyself reveal, Thy mighty working may I feel, And know that I am one with God.

C.M. Before Reading the Scriptures.

1 COME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, Let us thine influence prove, Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of light and love.

2 Come, Holy Ghost, (for moved by thee The prophets wrote and spoke) Unlock the truth, thyself the key, Unseal the sacred book.

3 Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, Brood o'er our nature's night; On our disordered spirits move, And let there now be light.

4 God, through himself, we then shall know, If thou within us shine, And sound, with all thy saints below, The depths of love divine.


1 Come, Holy Ghost, Thine influence shed, And realize the sign; Thy life infuse into the bread, Thy pow'r into the wine.

2 Effectual let the tokens prove and made, by heav'nly art, Fit channels to convey Thy love To ev'ry faithful heart


1 Come, Holy Spirit, raise our songs To reach the wonders of that day, When, with thy fiery cloven tongues Thou didst such glorious scenes display

2 Lord, we believe to us and ours, The apostolic promise given; We wait the pentecostal powers, The holy Ghost sent down from heaven.

3 Assembled here with one accord, Calmly we wait the promised grace, The purchase of our dying Lord; Come, Holy Ghost, and fill the place.

4 If every one that asks, may find, If still thou dost on sinners fall, Come as a mighty ruching wind; Great grace be now upon us all.

5 O leave us not to mourn below, Or long for thy return to pine;Now, Lord, the Comforter bestow, And fix in us the Guest divine.

5 5 5, 11.

1 COME, let us anew Our journey pursue, Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear.

2 His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve, By the patience of hope, and the labour of love.

3 Our life is a dream; Our time as a stream Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay.

4 The arrow is flown, The moment is gone; The millennial year Rushes on to our view, and eternity's here.

5 O that each in the day Of his coming may say, "I have fought my way through, I have finished the work thou didst give me to do!"

6 O that each from his Lord May receive the glad word, "Well and faithfully done! Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne."

5 5 5 11, 5 5 5 11.

1 COME, let us anew Our journey pursue, With vigour arise, And press to our permanent place in the skies. Of heavenly birth, Though wandering on earth, This is not our place; But strangers and pilgrims ourselves we confess.

2 At Jesus's call, We gave up our all; And still we forego For Jesus's sake our enjoyments below. No longing we find For the country behind; But onward we move, And still we are seeking a country above:

3 A country of joy, Without any alloy, We thither repair: Our hearts and our treasure already are there. We march hand in hand To Immanuel's land: No matter what cheer We meet with on earth; for eternity's near.

4 The rougher our way, The shorter our stay; The tempests that rise Shall gloriously hurry our souls to the skies, The fiercer the blast, The sooner 'tis past; The troubles that come, Shall come to our rescue, and hasten us home.

5 5 9, 5 5 9.

1 COME, let us ascend, My companion and friend, To a taste of the banquet above; If thy heart be as mine, If for Jesus it pine, Come up into the chariot of love.

2 Who in Jesus confide, We are bold to outride The storms of affliction beneath; With the prophet we soar To the heavenly shore, And outfly all the arrows of death.

3 By faith we are come To our permanent home: By hope we the rapture improve: By love we still rise, And look down on the skies, For the heaven of heavens is love.

4 Who on earth can conceive How happy we live, In the palace of God, the great King What a concert of praise, When our Jesus's grace The whole heavenly company sing!

5 What a rapturous song, When the glorified throng In the spirit of harmony join: Join all the glad choirs, Hearts, voices, and lyres, And the burden is, "Mercy divine!"

6 Hallelujah, they cry, To the King of the sky, To the great everlasting I AM; To the Lamb that was slain, And liveth again, Hallelujah to God and the Lamb!

7 The Lamb on the throne, Lo! he dwells with his own, And to rivers of pleasure he leads; With his mercy's full blaze, With the sight of his face, Our beatified spirits he feeds.

8 Our foreheads proclaim His ineffable name; Our bodies his glory display; A day without night We feast in his sight, And eternity seems as a day!

"Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." - Ephesians iii. 15.

1 COME, let us join our friends above That have obtained the prize, And on the eagle wings of love To joys celestial rise: Let all the saints terrestrial sing, With those to glory gone; For all the servants of our King, In earth and heaven, are one.

2 One family we dwell in him, One church, above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death: One army of the living God, To his command we bow; Part of his host have crossed the flood, And part are crossing now.

3 Ten thousand to their endless home This solemn moment fly; And we are to the margin come, And we expect to die: His militant embodied host, With wishful looks we stand, And long to see that happy coast, And reach the heavenly land.

4 Our old companions in distress We haste again to see, And eager long for our release, And full felicity: Even now by faith we join our hands With those that went before; And greet the blood-besprinkled bands On the eternal shore.

5 Our spirits too shall quickly join, Like theirs with glory crowned, And shout to see our Captain's sign, To hear his trumpet sound. O that we now might grasp our guide! O that the word were given! Come, Lord of hosts, the waves divide, And land us all in heaven!

C.M. Jeremiah l. 5.

1 COME, let us use the grace divine, And all, with one accord, In a perpetual covenant join Ourselves to CHRIST the LORD:

2 Give up ourselves, through Jesu's power, His name to glorify; And promise, in this sacred hour, For GOD to live and die.

3 The covenant we this moment make Be ever kept in mind: We will no more our God forsake, Or cast his words behind.

4 We never will throw off his fear Who hears our solemn vow: And if thou art well-pleased to hear, Come down, and meet us now!

5 Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Let all our hearts receive; Present with the Celestial host, The peaceful answer give!

6 To each the covenant blood apply, Which takes our sins away; And register our names on high, And keep us to that day!

6-8s. For the Lord's Day

1 COME, let us with our Lord arise, Our Lord, who made both earth and skies; Who died to save the world he made, And rose triumphant from the dead; He rose, the Prince of life and peace, And stamped the day for ever his.

2 This is the day the Lord hath made, That all may see his love displayed, May feel his resurrection's power, And rise again to fall no more, In perfect righteousness renewed, And filled with all the life of God.

3 Then let us render him his own, With solemn prayer approach the throne, With meekness hear the gospel-word, With thanks his dying love record; Our joyful hearts and voices raise, And fill his courts with songs of praise.

4 Honour and praise to Jesus pay Throughout his consecrated day; Be all in Jesu's praise employed, Nor leave a single moment void; With utmost care the time improve, And only breathe his praise and love.

C.M. Revelation iii. 20.

1 COME, let us, who in Christ believe, Our common Saviour praise, To him with joyful voices give The glory of his grace.

2 He now stands knocking at the door Of every sinner's heart; The worst need keep him out no more, Or force him to depart.

3 Through grace we hearken to thy voice, Yield to be saved from sin; In sure and certain hope rejoice, That thou wilt enter in.

4 Come quickly in, thou heavenly guest, Nor ever hence remove; But sup with us, and let the feast Be everlasting love.


1 COME, O my God, the promise seal, This mountain, sin, remove; Now in my gasping soul reveal The virtue of thy love.

2 I want thy life, thy purity, Thy righteousness, brought in; I ask, desire, and trust in thee, To be redeemed from sin.

3 For this, as taught by thee, I pray, And can no longer doubt; Remove from hence! to sin I say, Be cast this moment out!

4 Anger and sloth, desire and pride, This moment be subdued! Be cast into the crimson tide Of my Redeemer's blood!

5 Saviour, to thee my soul looks up, My present Saviour thou! In all the confidence of hope, I claim the blessing now.

6 'Tis done! thou dost this moment save, With full salvation bless; Redemption through thy blood I have, And spotless love and peace.


1 COME, O thou all-victorious Lord! Thy power to us make known; Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break these hearts of stone.

2 O that we all might now begin Our foolishness to mourn; And turn at once from every sin, And to our Saviour turn!

3 Give us ourselves and thee to know, In this our gracious day; Repentance unto life bestow, And take our sins away.

4 Conclude us first in unbelief, And freely then release; Fill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace.

5 Impoverish, Lord, and then relieve, And then enrich the poor; The knowledge of our sickness give, The knowledge of our cure.

6 That blessed sense of guilt impart, And then remove the load; Trouble, and wash the troubled heart In the atoning blood.

7 Our desperate state through sin declare, And speak our sins forgiven; By perfect holiness prepare, And take us up to heaven.


1 Come, O Thou greater than our heart, And make thy faithful mercies known; The mind which was in thee impart; Thy constant mind in us be shown.

2 O let us by thy cross abide, Thee, only thee, resolved to know, The Lamb for sinner crucified, A world to save from endless woe.

3 Take us into thy people's rest, And we from our own works shall cease; With thy meek Spirit arm our breast, And keep our minds in perfect peace.

4 Jesus, for this we calmly wait; O let our eyes behold thee near! Hasten to make our heaven complete; Appear, our glorious God, appear!

6-8s. Wrestling Jacob. Genesis xxxii. 24-31.

1 COME, O thou Traveller unknown, Whom still I hold, but cannot see! My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee; With thee all night I mean to stay, And wrestle till the break of day.

2 I need not tell thee who I am, My misery and sin declare; Thyself hast called me by my name, Look on thy hands, and read it there; But who, I ask thee, who art Thou Tell me Thy name, and tell me now.

3 In vain thou strugglest to get free, I never will unloose my hold! Art thou the Man that died for me The secret of thy love unfold; Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy name, thy nature know.

4 Wilt thou not yet to me reveal Thy new, unutterable name Tell me, I still beseech thee, tell; To know it now resolved I am; Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy name, thy nature know.

5 What though my shrinking flesh complain, And murmur to contend so long I rise superior to my pain, When I am weak, then I am strong And when my all of strength shall fail, I shall with the God-man prevail.


1 Come, O ye sinners, to the Lord, In Christ to paradise restored: His proffered benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace:

2 A pardon written with his blood; The favor and the peace of God; The seeing eye, the feeling sense, The mystic joys of penitence:

3 The godly fear, the pleasing smart, The meltings of a broken heart; The tears that ell your sins forgiven; The sighs that waft your souls to heaven:

4 The guiltless shame, the sweet distress, The unutterable tenderness The genuine, meek humility; The wonder, "Why such love to me

5 The o'erwhelming power of saving grace, The sight that veils the seraph's face; The speechless awe that dare3s not move, And all the silent heaven of love.

8s & 6s.

1 COME on, my partners in distress, My comrades through the wilderness, Who still your bodies feel; Awhile forget your griefs and fears, And look beyond this vale of tears, To that celestial hill.

2 Beyond the bounds of time and space, Look forward to that heavenly place, The saints' secure abode: On faith's strong eagle-pinions rise, And force your passage to the skies, And scale the mount of God.

3 Who suffer with our Master here, We shall before his face appear, And by his side sit down; To patient faith the prize is sure, And all that to the end endure The cross, shall wear the crown.

4 Thrice blessed, bliss-inspiring hope! It lifts the fainting spirits up, It brings to life the dead; Our conflicts here shall soon be past, And you and I ascend at last, Triumphant with our Head.

5 That great mysterious Deity We soon with open face shall see; The beatific sight Shall fill heaven's sounding courts with praise, And wide diffuse the golden blaze Of everlasting light.

6 The Father shining on his throne, The glorious co-eternal Son, The Spirit, one and seven, Conspire our rapture to complete; And lo! we fall before his feet, And silence heightens heaven.

7 In hope of that ecstatic pause, Jesus, we now sustain the cross, And at thy footstool fall; Till thou our hidden life reveal, Till thou our ravished spirits fill, And God is all in all!

L.M. Luke xiv. 16-24.

1 COME, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesu's guest; Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind.

2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call, The invitation is to ALL: Come, all the world; come, sinner, thou! All things in Christ are ready now.

3 Come, all ye souls by sin opprest, Ye restless wanderers after rest, Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find.

4 Come, and partake the gospel feast; Be saved from sin; in Jesus rest; O taste the goodness of your God, And eat his flesh, and drink his blood!

5 Ye vagrant souls, on you I call; (O that my voice could reach you all!) Ye all may now be justified, Ye all may live, for Christ hath died.

6 My message as from God receive, Ye all may come to Christ, and live; O let his love your hearts constrain, Nor suffer him to die in vain!

7 His love is mighty to compel; His conquering love consent to feel, Yield to his love's resistless power, And fight against your God no more.

8 See him set forth before your eyes, That precious, bleeding sacrifice! His offered benefits embrace, And freely now be saved by grace.

9 This is the time; no more delay! This is the acceptable day, Come in, this moment, at his call, And live for him who died for all.

6s & 7s.

1 COME, thou everlasting Spirit, Bring to every thankful mind All the Saviour's dying merit, All his sufferings for mankind! True Recorder of his passion, Now the living faith impart; Now reveal his great salvation; Preach his gospel to our heart.

2 Come, thou Witness of his dying; Come, Remembrancer Divine! Let us feel thy power, applying Christ to every soul, - and mine! Let us groan thine inward groaning; Look on him we pierced, and grieve; All receive the grace atoning, All the sprinkled blood receive.

688= 8s & 7s. Haggai ii. 7.

1 COME, thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free, From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee. Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth thou art; Dear Desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart.

2 Born thy people to deliver, Born a child and yet a king, Born to reign in us for ever, Now thy gracious kingdom bring: By thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all-sufficient merit Raise us to thy glorious throne.


1 Come to the feast, for Christ invites And promises to feed; 'Tis here His closest love unites The members to their Head.

2 'Tis here He nourshes His own With living bread from heav'n, Or makes himself to mourners known, And shows their sins forgiv'n.

3 Still in His instituted ways He bids us ask the pow'r, The pard'ning or the hallowing grace, And wait th' appointed hour

4 'Tis not for us to set our God A time His grace to give; The benefit whene'er bestow'd We gladly should receive.

8-7s. Matthew xi. 28.

1 COME, ye weary sinners, come, All who groan beneath your load, Jesus calls his wanderers home, Hasten to your pardoning God! Come, ye guilty spirits oppressed, Answer to the Saviour's call, "Come, and I will give you rest, Come, and I will save you all."

2 Jesus, full of truth and love, We thy kindest word obey; Faithful let thy mercies prove, Take our load of guilt away; Fain we would on thee rely, Cast on thee our every care, To thine arms of mercy fly, Find our lasting quiet there.

3 Burdened with a world of grief, Burdened with our sinful load, Burdened with this unbelief, Burdened with the wrath of God; Lo! we come to thee for ease, True and gracious as thou art, Now our groaning souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart.


1 COMFORT, ye ministers of grace, Comfort my people, saith your God! Ye soon shall see his smiling face, His golden sceptre, not his rod, And own, when now the cloud's removed, He only chastened whom he loved.

2 Who sow in tears, in joy shall reap; The Lord shall comfort all that mourn; Who now go on their way and weep, With joy they doubtless shall return, And bring their sheaves with vast increase, And have their fruit to holiness.


1 DEEPEN the wound thy hands have made In this weak, helpless soul, Till mercy, with its balmy aid, Descends to make me whole.

2 The sharpness of thy two-edged sword Enable me to endure; Till bold to say, My hallowing Lord Hath wrought a perfect cure.

3 I see the exceeding broad command, Which all contains in one: Enlarge my heart to understand The mystery unknown.

4 O that with all thy saints I might By sweet experience prove, What is the length, and breadth, and height, And depth, of perfect love!


1 DEPTH of mercy! can there be Mercy still reserved for me Can my God his wrath forbear Me, the chief of sinners, spare I have long withstood his grace, Long provoked him to his face, Would not hearken to his calls, Grieved him by a thousand falls.

2 I have spilt his precious blood, Trampled on the Son of God, Filled with pangs unspeakable, I, who yet am not in hell! Whence to me this waste of love Ask my Advocate above! See the cause in Jesu's face, Now before the throne of grace.

3 Lo! I cumber still the ground: Lo! an Advocate is found: "Hasten not to cut l him down, Let this barren soul alone." Jesus speaks, and pleads his blood! He disarms the wrath of God; Now my Father's bowels move, Justice lingers into love.

4 Kindled his relentings are, Me he now delights to spare, Cries, "How shall I give thee up" Lets the lifted thunder drop. There for me the Saviour stands; Shows his wounds, and spreads his hands! God is love! I know, I feel; Jesus weeps, and loves me still.

5 Jesus, answer from above, Is not all thy nature love Wilt thou not the wrong forget, Suffer me to kiss thy feet If I rightly read thy heart, If thou all compassion art, Bow thine ear, in mercy bow, Pardon and accept me now.

6 Pity from thine eye let fall, By a look my soul recall; Now the stone to flesh convert, Cast a look, and break my heart. Now incline me to repent, Let me now my fall lament, Now my foul revolt deplore, Weep, believe, and sin no more.


1 Draw near, O son of God, draw near: Us with thy flaming eye behold; Still in thy Church do thou appear, And let our candlestick be gold.

2 Still hold the stars in thy right hand, And let them in thy luster glow, The lights of a benighted land, The angels of thy Church below.

3 Make good their apostolic boast: Their high commission let them prove; Be temples of the Holy Ghost, And filled with faith, and hope, and love.

4 Give them an ear to hear thy word; Thou speakest to the churches now: And let all tongues confess their Lord Let every knee to Jesus bow

6-8s. Hebrews ix. 24.

1 ENTERED the holy place above, Covered with meritorious scars, The tokens of his dying love Our great High-priest in glory bears. He pleads his passion on the tree, He shows himself to God for me.

2 Before the throne my Saviour stands, My Friend and Advocate appears; My name is graven on his hands, And him the Father always hears; While low at Jesu's cross I bow, He hears the blood of sprinkling now.

3 This instant now I may receive The answer of his powerful prayer; This instant now by him I live, His prevalence with God declare; And soon my spirit, in his hands, Shall stand where my Forerunner stands.


1 EQUIP me for the war, And teach my hands to fight, My simple, upright heart prepare, And guide my words aright; Control my every thought, My whole of sin remove; Let all my works in thee be wrought, Let all be wrought in love.

2 O arm me with the mind, Meek Lamb! which was in thee, And let my knowing zeal be joined With perfect charity; With calm and tempered zeal Let me enforce thy call, And vindicate thy gracious will Which offers life to all.

3 O do not let me trust In any arm but thine! Humble, O humble to the dust This stubborn soul of mine A feeble thing of nought, With lowly shame I own, The help which upon earth is wrought, Thou dost it all alone.

4 O may I love like thee! In all thy footsteps tread, Thou hatest all iniquity, But nothing thou hast made. O may I learn the art With meekness to reprove; To hate the sin with all my heart, But still the sinner love.


1 ETERNAL Beam of light divine, Fountain of unexhausted love, In whom the Father's glories shine Through earth beneath, and heaven above;

2 Jesu, the weary wanderer's rest, Give me thy easy yoke to bear, With steadfast patience arm my breast, With spotless love, and lowly fear.

3 Thankful I take the cup from thee, Prepared and mingled by thy skill, Though bitter to the taste it be, Powerful the wounded soul to heal.

4 Be thou, O Rock of ages, nigh! So shall each murmuring thought be gone, And grief, and fear, and care, shall fly, As clouds before the mid-day sun.

5 Speak to my warring passions, "Peace!" Say to my trembling heart, "Be still!" Thy power my strength and fortress is, For all things serve thy sovereign will.

6 O death! where is thy sting Where now Thy boasted victory, O grave Who shall contend with God or who Can hurt whom God delights to save

C. M.

1 Eternal Sun or righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine.

2 Light in thy light O may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove; Revived, and cheered, and blest by thee, The God of pardoning love.

3 Lift up the countenance serene, And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The Godhead reconciled.

4 That all-compromising peace bestow On me, through grace forgiven; The joys of holiness below, Ad then the joy of heaven.

7s & 6s.

1 EVER fainting with desire, For thee, O Christ, I call; Thee I restlessly require, I want my God, my all! Jesu, dear redeeming Lord, I wait thy coming from above; Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love.

2 Wilt thou suffer me to go Lamenting all my days Shall I never, never know Thy sanctifying grace Wilt thou not the light afford, The darkness from my soul remove Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love.

3 Lord, if I on thee believe, The second gift impart; With the indwelling Spirit give A new, a contrite heart; If with love thy heart is stored, If now o'er me thy mercies move, Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love.

4 Let me gain my calling's hope, O make the sinner clean! Dry corruption's fountain up, Cut off the entail of sin; Take me into thee, my Lord, And I shall then no longer rove: Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love.

5 Thou, my Life, my treasure be, My Portion here below; Nothing would I seek but thee, Thee only would I know, My exceeding great reward, My heaven on earth, my heaven above! Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love.

6 Grant me now the bliss to feel Of those that are in thee; Son of God, thyself reveal, Engrave thy name on me; As in heaven be here adored, And let me now the promise prove; Help me, Saviour, speak the word, And perfect me in love.

8s & 6s.

1 EXCEPT the Lord conduct the plan, The best concerted schemes are vain, And never can succeed; We spend our wretched strength for nought: But if our works in thee be wrought, They shall be blest indeed.

2 Lord, if thou didst thyself inspire Our souls with this intense desire Thy goodness to proclaim, Thy glory if we now intend, O let our deed begin and end Complete in Jesu's name!

3 In Jesu's name, behold, we meet, Far from an evil world retreat, And all its frantic ways; One only thing resolved to know, And square our useful lives below By reason and by grace.

4 Not in the tombs we pine to dwell, Not in the dark monastic cell, By vows and grates confined; Freely to all ourselves we give, Constrained by Jesu's love to live The servants of mankind.

5 Now, Jesus, now thy love impart, To govern each devoted heart, And fit us for thy will: Deep founded in the truth of grace, Build up thy rising church, and place The city on the hill.

6 O let our faith and love abound! O let our lives to all around With purest lustre shine! That all around our works may see, And give the glory, Lord, to thee, The heavenly light divine.

6-8s. 2nd. metre.

1 FATHER of everlasting, grace, Thy goodness and thy truth we praise, Thy goodness and thy truth we prove; Thou hast, in honour of thy Son, The gift unspeakable sent down, The Spirit of life, and power, and love.

2 Send us the Spirit of thy Son, To make the depths of Godhead known, To make us share the life divine; Send him the sprinkled blood to apply, Send him our souls to sanctify, And show and seal us ever thine.

3 So shall we pray, and never cease, So shall we thankfully confess The wisdom, truth, and power, and love; With joy unspeakable adore, And bless and praise thee evermore, And serve thee as thy hosts above:

4 Till, added to that heavenly choir, We raise our songs of triumph higher, And praise thee in a bolder strain, Out-soar the first-born seraph's flight, And sing, with all our friends in light, Thy everlasting love to man.

C.M. Romans iv. 13, &c.

1 FATHER of Jesus Christ, my Lord, My Saviour, and my Head, I trust in thee, whose powerful word Hath raised him from the dead.

2 Thou know'st for my offence he died, And rose again for me, Fully and freely justified, That I might live to thee.

3 Eternal life to all mankind Thou hast in Jesus given; And all who seek, in him shall find The happiness of heaven.

4 O God! thy record I believe, In Abraham's footsteps tread; And wait, expecting to receive, The Christ, the promised seed.

5 Faith in thy power thou seest I have, For thou this faith hast wrought; Dead souls thou callest from their grave, And speakest worlds from nought.

6 Things that are not, as though they were, Thou callest by their name; Present with thee the future are, With thee, the great I AM.

7 In hope, against all human hope, Self-desperate, I believe; Thy quickening word shall raise me up, Thou shalt thy Spirit give.

8 The thing surpasses all my thought, But faithful is my Lord; Through unbelief I stagger not, For God hath spoke the word.

9 Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to that alone; Laughs at impossibilities, And cries, It shall be done!

10 To thee the glory of thy power And faithfulness I give; I shall in Christ, in that glad hour, And Christ in me shall live.

11 Obedient faith, that waits on thee, Thou never wilt reprove: But thou wilt form thy Son in me, And perfect me in love.

S.M. d

1 Father, hear the blood of Jesus, Speaking in thine ears above: From impending wrath release us; Manifest thy pardoning love.

2 O receive us to thy favor, For his only sake receive; Give us to the bleeding Saviour, Let us by his dying live.

3 "To thy pardoning grace receive them," Once the prayed upon the tree; Still his blood cries out, "Forgive them; All their sins were laid on me."

4 Still our Advocate in heaven, Prays the prayer on earth begun, "Father, show their sins forgiven; Father, glorify the Son!"


1 FATHER, I dare believe Thee merciful and true: Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive, My fallen soul renew. Come then for Jesu's sake, And bid my heart be clean; An end of all my troubles make, An end of all my sin.

2 I will, through grace, I will, I do, return to thee; Take, empty it, O Lord, and fill My heart with purity! For power I feebly pray: Thy kingdom now restore, To-day, while it is called to-day, And I shall sin no more.

3 I cannot wash my heart, But by believing thee, And waiting for thy blood to impart The spotless purity: While at thy cross I lie, Jesus, the grace bestow, Now thy all-cleansing blood apply, And I am white as snow.


1 FATHER, I stretch my hands to thee, No other help I know; If thou withdraw thyself from me, Ah! whither shall I go

2 What did thy only Son endure Before I drew my breath; What pain, what labour, to secure My soul from endless death!

3 O Jesus, could I this believe, I now should feel thy power; Now all my wants thou wouldst relieve In this, the accepted hour.

4 Author of faith, to thee I lift My weary, longing eyes: O let me now receive that gift! My soul without it dies.

5 Surely thou canst not let me die; O speak, and I shall live! For here I will unwearied lie, Till thou thy Spirit give.

6 How would my fainting soul rejoice, Could I but see thy face! Now let me hear thy quickening voice, And taste thy pardoning grace!


1 FATHER, in whom we live, In whom we are, and move, The glory, power, and praise receive Of thy creating love. Let all the angel-throng Give thanks to God on high; While earth repeats the joyful song, And echoes to the sky.

2 Incarnate Deity, Let all the ransomed race Render in thanks their lives to thee, For thy redeeming grace. The grace to sinners showed Ye heavenly choirs proclaim, And cry, "Salvation to our God, Salvation to the Lamb!"

3 Spirit of Holiness, Let all thy saints adore Thy sacred energy, and bless Thine heart-renewing power. Not angel-tongues can tell Thy love's ecstatic height, The glorious joy unspeakable, The beatific sight.

4 Eternal, Triune Lord! Let all the hosts above, Let all the sons of men, record And dwell upon thy love. When heaven and earth are fled Before thy glorious face, Sing all the saints thy love hath made Thine everlasting praise!


1 FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done; Praise by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven!

2 Vilest of the sinful race, Lo! I answer to thy call; Meanest vessel of thy grace, Grace divinely free for all, Lo! I come to do thy will, All thy counsel to fulfil.

3 If so poor a worm as I May to thy great glory live, All my actions sanctify, All my words and thoughts receive; Claim me for thy service, claim All I have, and all I am.

4 Take my soul and body's powers; Take my memory, mind, and will, All my goods, and all my hours, All I know, and all I feel, All I think, or speak, or do; Take my heart; - but make it new!

5 Now, O God, thine own I am, Now I give thee back thine own; Freedom, friends, and health, and fame, Consecrate to thee alone: Thine I live, thrice happy I! Happier still if thine I die.

6 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done; Praise by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven!

7s & 6s. For the same occasion.

1 FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost, In solemn power come down! Present with thy heavenly host, Thine ordinance to crown: See a sinful worm of earth! Bless to him the cleansing flood, Plunge him, by a second birth, Into the depths of God.

2 Let the promised inward grace Accompany the sign; On his new-born soul impress The character divine; Father, all thy name reveal! Jesus, all thy name impart! Holy Ghost, renew, and dwell For ever in his heart!


1 FATHER, to thee my soul I lift, My soul on thee depends, Convinced that every perfect gift From thee alone descends.

2 Mercy and grace are thine alone, And power and wisdom too; Without the Spirit of thy Son We nothing good can do.

3 We cannot speak one useful word, One holy thought conceive, Unless, in answer to our Lord, Thyself the blessing give.

4 His blood demands the purchased grace; His blood's availing plea Obtained the help for all our race, And sends it down to me.

5 Thou all our works in us hast wrought; Our good is all divine; The praise of every virtuous thought, And righteous word, is thine.

6 From thee, through Jesus, we receive The power on thee to call, In whom we are, and move, and live; Our God is all in all!


1 FOR ever here my rest shall be, Close to thy bleeding side; This all my hope, and all my plea, For me the Saviour died!

2 My dying Saviour, and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin, Sprinkle me ever with thy blood, And cleanse, and keep me clean.

3 Wash me, and make me thus thine own, Wash me, and mine thou art, Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my heart.

4 The atonement of thy blood apply, Till faith to sight improve, Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love.


1 FORTH in thy name, O Lord, I go, My daily labour to pursue, Thee, only thee, resolved to know, In all I think, or speak, or do.

2 The task thy wisdom hath assigned O let me cheerfully fulfil, In all my works thy presence find, And prove thy acceptable will!

3 Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes my inmost substance see; And labour on at thy command, And offer all my works to thee.

4 Give me to bear thy easy yoke, And every moment watch and pray, And still to things eternal look, And hasten to thy glorious day.

5 For thee delightfully employ Whate'er thy bounteous grace hath given; And run my course with even joy, And closely walk with thee to heaven.


1 Fountain of life, to all below Let thy salvation roll; Water, replenish, and o'erflow Ever believing soul.

2 Into that happy number, Lord, Us weary sinners take; Jesus, fulfill thy gracious word, For thine own mercy's sake.

3 Turn back our nature's rapid tide, And we shall flow to thee, While down the stream of time we glide To our eternity.

4 The well of life, to us thou art, Of joy the swelling glood; Wafted by thee, with willing heart, We swift return to God.

5 We soon shall reach the boundless sea; Into thy fullness fall; Be lost and swallowed up in thee, Our God, our all in all.

8,7 d

1 Full of trembling expectation, Feeling much, and fearing more, Might God of my salvation, I thy timely aid implore

2 Suffering Son of man, be near me, In my sufferings to sustain; By thy sorer griefs to cheer me, By thy last mysterious passion, Screen me from the adverse power.

4 By thy fainting in the garden, By thy dreadful death, I pray, Write upon my heart the pardon; Take m sins and fears away.


1 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child, Pity my simplicity, Suffer me to come to Thee.

2 Fain I would to Thee be brought; Gracious Lord, forbid it not. In the Kingdom of Thy grace Give a little child a place

3 Fain I would be as Thou art; Give me Thy obedient heart. Thou art pitiful and kend; Let me have Thy loving mind.

4 Let me above all fulfill God, my Heav'nly Father's will; Never His good Spirit grieve, Only to His glory live.


1 GIVE me the faith which can remove And sink the mountain to a plain; Give me the child-like praying love, Which longs to build thy house again; Thy love let it my heart o'erpower, And all my simple soul devour.

2 I want an even strong desire, I want a calmly-fervent zeal, To save poor souls out of the fire, To snatch them from the verge of hell, And turn them to a pardoning God, And quench the brands in Jesu's blood.

3 I would the precious time redeem, And longer live for this alone, To spend, and to be spent, for them Who have not yet my Saviour known; Fully on these my mission prove, And only breathe, to breathe thy love.

4 My talents, gifts, and graces, Lord, Into thy blessed hands receive; And let me live to preach thy word, And let me to thy glory live; My every sacred moment spend In publishing the sinner's friend.

5 Enlarge, inflame, and fill my heart With boundless charity divine! So shall I all my strength exert, And love them with a zeal like thine; And lead them to thy open side, The sheep for whom their Shepherd died.


1 Giver of peace and unity, Send down thy mild, pacific Dove; We all shall then in one agree, And breathe the spirit of thy love.

2 We all shall think and speak the same Delightful lesson of thy grace; One undivided Christ proclaim, And jointly glory in thy praise.

3 O let us take a softer mold, Blended and gathered into thee; Under one shepherd make one fold, Where all is love and harmony.

4 Regard thine own eternal prayer, And send a peaceful answer down; To us thy Father's name declare; Unite and perfect us in one.

5 So shall the world believe and know That God hath sent thee from above, When thou art seen in us below, And every soul displays thy love.


1 GLORY be to God above, God from whom all blessings flow; Make we mention of his love, Publish we his praise below; Called together by his grace, We are met in Jesu's name; See with joy each other's face, Followers of the bleeding Lamb.

2 Let us then sweet counsel take, How to make our calling sure, Our election how to make Past the reach of hell secure; Build we each the other up; Pray we for our faith's increase, Solid comfort, settled hope, Constant joy, and lasting peace.

3 More and more let love abound; Let us never, never rest, Till we are in Jesus found, Of our paradise possest; He removes the flaming sword, Calls us back, from Eden driven; To his image here restored, Soon he takes us up to heaven.

7s. "Glory be to God on high" &c. (Communion Service.)

1 GLORY be to God on high, God whose glory fills the skies; Peace on earth to man forgiven, Man, the well-beloved of heaven.

2 Sovereign Father, heavenly King, Thee we now presume to sing; Glad, thine attributes confess, Glorious all, and numberless.

3 Hail, by all thy works adored! Hail, the everlasting Lord! Thee with thankful hearts we prove God of power, and God of love.

4 Christ our Lord and God we own, Christ, the Father's only Son, Lamb of God for sinners slain, Saviour of offending man.

5 Bow thine ear, in mercy bow, Hear, the world's atonement, thou! Jesus, in thy name we pray, Take, O take our sins away!

6 Powerful advocate with God, Justify us by thy blood; Bow thine ear, in mercy bow, Hear, the world's atonement, thou!

7 Hear, for thou, O Christ, alone Art with God the Father one, One the Holy Ghost with thee, One supreme, eternal THREE.


1 GLORY to God, whose sovereign grace Hath animated senseless stones; Called us to stand before his face, And raised us into Abraham's sons!

2 The people that in darkness lay, In sin and error's deadly shade, Have seen a glorious gospel day, In Jesu's lovely face displayed.

3 Thou only, Lord, the work hast done, And bared thine arm in all our sight; Hast made the reprobates thine own, And claimed the outcasts as thy right.

4 Thy single arm, almighty Lord, To us the great salvation brought, Thy Word, thy all-creating Word, That spake at first the world from nought.

5 For this the saints lift up their voice, And ceaseless praise to thee is given; For this the hosts above rejoice, We raise the happiness of heaven.

6 For this, no longer sons of night, To thee our thankful hearts we give; To thee, who call'dst us into light, To thee we die, to thee we live.

7 Suffice that for the season past Hell's horrid language filled our tongues, We all thy words behind us cast, And lewdly sang the drunkard's songs.

8 But, O the power of grace divine! In hymns we now our voices raise, Loudly in strange hosannas join, And blasphemies are turned to praise!

4-6s & 2-8s.

1 GOD is gone up on high, With a triumphant noise; The clarions of the sky Proclaim the angelic joys! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King.

2 God in the flesh below, For us he reigns above: Let all the nations know Our Jesu's conquering love! Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King.

3 All power to our great Lord Is by the Father given; By angel-hosts adored, He reigns supreme in heaven: Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King.

4 High on his holy seat He bears the righteous sway; His foes beneath his feet Shall sink and die away: Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King.

5 His foes and ours are one, Satan, the world, and sin; But he shall tread them down. And bring his kingdom in: Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King.

6 Till all the earth, renewed In righteousness divine, With all the hosts of God In one great chorus join, Join all on earth, rejoice and sing; Glory ascribe to glory's King.


1 God is in this and every place; But O how dark and void To me! 'tis one great wilderness, This earth without my God.

2 Empty of him who all things fills, Till he his light impart, Till he his glorious self reveals, The veil is on my heart.

3 O thou who seest and know'st my grief, Thyself unseen, unknown! Pity my helpless unbelief, And take away the stone.

4 Regard me with a gracious eye, The long-sought blessing give; And bid me, at the point to die, Behold thy face and live.

5 Now, Jesus, now, the Father's love Shed in my heart abroad; The middle wall of sin remove, And let me into God.

L.M. Ezekiel xxxvi. 25, &c.

1 GOD of all power, and truth, and grace, Which shall from age to age endure, Whose word, when heaven and earth shall pass, Remains and stands for ever sure;

2 That I thy mercy may proclaim, That all mankind thy truth may see, Hallow thy great and glorious name, And perfect holiness in me.

3 Thy sanctifying Spirit pour, To quench my thirst, and make me clean; Now, Father, let the gracious shower Descend, and make me pure from sin.

4 Purge me from every sinful blot; My idols all be cast aside; Cleanse me from every sinful thought, From all the filth of self and pride.

5 Give me a new, a perfect heart, From doubt, and fear, and sorrow free; The mind which was in Christ impart, And let my spirit cleave to thee.

6 O take this heart of stone away! Thy sway it doth not, cannot own; In me no longer let it stay, O take away this heart of stone!

7 O that I now, from sin released, Thy word may to the utmost prove, Enter into the promised rest, The Canaan of thy perfect love!


1 GOD of all-redeeming grace, By thy pardoning love compelled, Up to thee our souls we raise, Up to thee our bodies yield: Thou our sacrifice receive, Acceptable through thy Son, While to thee alone we live, While we die to thee alone.

2 Meet it is, and just, and right, That we should be wholly thine, In thine only will delight, In thy blessed service join: O that every work and word Might proclaim how good thou art! "Holiness unto the Lord" Still be written on our heart.


1 GOD of almighty love, By whose sufficient grace I lift my heart to things above, And humbly seek thy face; Through Jesus Christ the Just, My faint desires receive; And let me in thy goodness trust, And to thy glory live.

2 Whate'er I say or do, Thy glory be my aim; My offerings all be offered through The ever-blessed name! Jesu, my single eye Be fixed on thee alone: Thy name be praised on earth, on high; Thy will by all be done!

3 Spirit of faith, inspire My consecrated heart; Fill me with pure, Celestial fire, With all thou hast, and art; My feeble mind transform, And, perfectly renewed, Into a saint exalt a worm, A worm exalt to God!


1 GOD of eternal truth and grace, Thy faithful promise seal! Thy word, thy oath, to Abraham's race, In us, even us, fulfil.

2 Let us, to perfect love restored, Thy image here retrieve, And in the presence of our Lord The life of angels live.

3 That mighty faith on me bestow Which cannot ask in vain, Which holds, and will not let thee go, Till I my suit obtain;

4 Till thou into my soul inspire The perfect love unknown, And tell my infinite desire, "Whate'er thou wilt, be done."

5 But is it possible that I Should live and sin no more Lord, if on thee I dare rely, The faith shall bring the power.

6 On me that faith divine bestow Which doth the mountain move; And all my spotless life shall show The omnipotence of love.

7s & 6s. Daniel iii.

1 GOD of Israel's faithful three, Who braved a tyrant's ire, Nobly scorned to bow the knee, And walked unhurt in fire; Breathe their faith into my breast, Arm me in this fiery hour; Stand, O Son of man, confest In all thy saving power!

2 Lo! on dangers, deaths, and snares I every moment tread, Hell without a veil appears, And flames around my head; Sin increases more and more, Sin in all its strength returns, Seven times hotter than before The fiery furnace burns.

3 But while thou, my Lord, art nigh, My soul disdains to fear; Sin and Satan I defy, Still impotently near; Earth and hell their wars may wage; Calm I mark their vain design, Smile to see them idly rage Against a child of thine.


1 GOD of love, that hear'st the prayer, Kindly for thy people care, Who on thee alone depend: Love us, save us to the end.

2 Save us, in the prosperous hour, From the flattering tempter's power, From his unsuspected wiles, From the world's pernicious smiles.

3 Cut off our dependence vain On the help of feeble man, Every arm of flesh remove; Stay us on thy only love!

4 Men of worldly, low design, Let not these thy people join, Poison our simplicity, Drag us from our trust in thee.

5 Save us from the great and wise, Till they sink in their own eyes, Tamely to thy yoke submit, Lay their honours at thy feet.

6 Never let the world break in; Fix a mighty gulf between: Keep us little and unknown, Prized and loved by God alone.

7 Let us still to thee look up, Thee, thy Israel's Strength and Hope; Nothing know, or seek, beside Jesus, and him crucified.

8 Far above all earthly things, Look we down on earthly kings; Taste our glorious liberty, Find our happy all in thee!


1 GOD of my life, what just return Can sinful dust and ashes give I only live my sin to mourn; To love my God I only live.

2 To thee, benign and saving Power, I consecrate my lengthened days; While, marked with blessings, every hour Shall speak thy co-extended praise.

3 Be all my added life employed Thine image in my soul to see; Fill with thyself the mighty void, Enlarge my heart to compass thee.

4 O give me, Saviour, give me more! Thy mercies to my soul reveal; Alas! I see their endless store, But O, I cannot, cannot feel!

5 The blessing of thy love bestow, For this my cries shall never fail; Wrestling, I will not let thee go, I will not, till my suit prevail.

6 I'll weary thee with my complaint, Here at thy feet for ever lie, With longing sick, with groaning faint; O give me love or else I die!

7 come then, my Hope, my Life, my Lord, And fix in me thy lasting home, Be mindful of thy gracious word, Thou with thy promised Father come!

8 Prepare, and then possess my heart, O take me, seize me, from above! Thee may I love, for God thou art! Thee may I feel, for God is love!


1 GOD of my salvation, hear, And help me to believe! Simply do I now draw near, Thy blessing to receive: Full of sin, alas! I am, But to thy wounds for refuge flee; Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me.

2 Standing now as newly slain, To thee I lift mine eye! Balm of all my grief and pain, Thy grace is always nigh: Now, as yesterday, the same Thou art, and wilt for ever be; Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me.

3 Nothing have I, Lord, to pay, Nor can thy grace procure, Empty send me not away, For I, thou know'st, am poor: Dust and ashes is my name, My all is sin and misery; Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me.

4 No good word, or work, or thought, Bring I to gain thy grace; Pardon I accept unbought, Thy proffer I embrace, Coming, as at first I came, To take, and not bestow on thee; Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me.

5 Saviour, from thy wounded side I never will depart; Here will I my spirit hide When I am pure in heart: Till my place above I claim, This only shall be all my plea, Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me.

7s & 6s.

1 GOD of unexampled grace, Redeemer of mankind, Matter of eternal praise We in thy passion find: Still our choicest strains we bring, Still the joyful theme pursue, Thee the friend of sinners sing, Whose love is ever new.

2 Endless scenes of wonder rise From that mysterious tree, Crucified before our eyes, Where we our Maker see: Jesus, Lord, what hast thou done Publish we the death divine, Stop, and gaze, and fall, and own Was never love like thine!

3 Never love nor sorrow was Like that my Saviour showed: See him stretched on yonder cross, And crushed beneath our load! Now discern the Deity, Now his heavenly birth declare! Faith cries out, " 'Tis He, 'tis He, My God, that suffers there!"

7s & 6s. The same subject.

1 GOOD thou art, and good thou dost, Thy mercies reach to all, Chiefly those who on thee trust, And for thy mercy call; New they every morning are; As fathers when their children cry, Us thou dost in pity spare, And all our wants supply.

2 Mercy o'er thy works presides; Thy providence displayed Still preserves, and still provide For all thy hands have made; Keeps with most distinguished care The man who on thy love depends; Watches every numbered hair, And all his steps attends.

3 Who can sound the depths unknown Of thy redeeming grace Grace that gave thine only Son To save a ruined race! Millions of transgressors poor Thou hast for Jesu's sake forgiven, Made them of thy favour sure, And snatched from hell to heaven.

4 Millions more thou ready art To save, and to forgive; Every soul and every heart Of man thou wouldst receive: Father, now accept of mine, Which now, through Christ, I offer thee; Tell me now, in love divine, That thou hast pardoned me!


1 GRACIOUS Redeemer, shake This slumber from my soul! Say to me now, "Awake, awake! And Christ shall make thee whole." Lay to thy mighty hand! Alarm me in this hour, And make me fully understand The thunder of thy power.

2 Give me on thee to call, Always to watch and pray, Lest I into temptation fall, And cast my shield away; For each assault prepared And ready may I be, For ever standing on my guard, And looking up to thee.

3 O do thou always warn My soul of evil near! When to the right or left I turn, Thy voice still let me hear; "Come back! this is the way, Come back, and walk herein!" O may I hearken and obey, And shun the paths of sin!

4 Thou seest my feebleness; Jesus, be thou my power, My help and refuge in distress, My fortress and my tower; Give me to trust in thee. Be thou my sure abode, My horn, and rock, and buckler be, My Saviour, and my God.

5 Myself I cannot save, Myself I cannot keep, But strength in thee I surely have, Whose eyelids never sleep; My soul to thee alone Now therefore I commend; Thou, Jesus, love me as thy own, And love me to the end.


1 Gracious soul, to whom are given Holy hungerings after heaven, Restless breathings, earnest moans, Deep, unutterable groans, Agonies of strong desire, Love's suppressed, unconscious fir;

2 Turn again to God, thy rest, Jesus hath pronounced thee blest: Humbly to thy Jesus turn, Comforter of all that mourn: Happy mourner, hear, and see, Claim the promise made to thee.

3 Gently will he lead the weak, Bruised reeds he ne'er will break; Touched with sympathizing care, Thee he in his arms shall bear, Bless with late but lasting peace, Fill with all his righteousness.

4 Lift to him thy weeping eye, Heaven behind the cloud descry: If with Christ thou suffer here, When his glory shall appear, Christ his suffering son shall own; Thine the cross, and thine the crown.


1 GRANTED is the Saviour's prayer, Sent the gracious Comforter; Promise of our parting Lord, Jesus now to heaven restored;

2 Christ, who now gone up on high Captive leads captivity; While his foes from him receive Grace, that God with man may live.

3 God, the everlasting God, Makes with mortals his abode; Whom the heavens cannot contain, He vouchsafes to dwell in man.

4 Never will he thence depart, Inmate of an humble heart; Carrying on his work within, Striving till he casts out sin.

5 There he helps our feeble moans, Deepens our imperfect groans, Intercedes in silence there, Sighs the unutterable prayer.

6 Come, divine and peaceful guest, Enter our devoted breast; Life divine in us renew, Thou the Gift, and Giver too!

7s & 6s. Psalm xlviii.

1 GREAT is our redeeming Lord, In power, and truth, and grace Him, by highest heaven adored, His church on earth doth praise: In the city of our God, In his holy mount below, Publish, spread his name abroad, And all his greatness show.

2 For thy loving-kindness, Lord, We in thy temple stay; Here thy faithful love record, Thy saving power display: With thy name thy praise is known, Glorious thy perfections shine; Earth's remotest bounds shall own Thy works are all divine.

3 See the gospel church secure, And founded on a rock; All her promises are sure; Her bulwarks who can shock Count her every precious shrine; Tell, to after-ages tell, Fortified by power divine, The church can never fail.

4 Zion's God is all our own, Who on his love rely; We his pardoning love have known, And live to Christ, and die: To the new Jerusalem He our faithful guide shall be: Him we claim, and rest in him, Through all eternity.

7s On the Ascension of Christ.

1 HAIL the day that sees him rise, Ravished from our wishful eyes! Christ, awhile to mortals given, Reascends his native heaven.

2 There the pompous triumph waits: "Lift your heads, eternal gates; Wide unfold the radiant scene; Take the King of glory in!"

3 Circled round with angel-powers, Their triumphant Lord, and ours, Conqueror over death and sin; "Take the King of glory in!"

4 Him though highest heaven receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves; Though returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own.

5 See, he lifts his hands above! See, he shows the prints of love! Hark, his gracious lips bestow Blessings on his church below!

6 Still for us his death he pleads; Prevalent he intercedes; Near himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race.

7 Master, (will we ever say) Taken from our head to day; See thy faithful servants, see, Ever gazing up to thee.

8 Grant, though parted from our sight, High above yon azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rise, Following thee beyond the skies.

9 Ever upward let us move, Wafted on the wings of love; Looking when our Lord shall come, Longing, gasping after home.

10 There we shall with thee remain, Partners of thy endless reign; There thy face unclouded see, Find our heaven of heavens in thee.


1 HAIL! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, in Persons Three! Of Thee we make our joyful boast, Our songs we make of Thee.

2 Thou neither canst be felt nor seen; Thou art a Spirit pure; Thou from eternity hast been, And always shalt endure.

3 Present alike in every place, Thy Godhead we adore; Beyond the bounds of time and space, Thou dwell'st for evermore.

4 In wisdom infinite thou art, Thine eye doth all things see; And every thought of every heart Is fully known to thee.

5 Whate'er thou wilt, in earth below Thou dost, in heaven above: But chiefly we rejoice to know The almighty God of love.

6 Thou lov'st whate'er thy hands have made, Thy goodness we rehearse, In shining characters displayed Throughout our universe.

7 Mercy, with love and endless grace, O'er all thy works doth reign; But mostly thou delight'st to bless Thy favourite creature, man.

8 Wherefore, let every creature give To thee the praise designed, But, chiefly, Lord, the thanks receive, The hearts of all mankind.

8s & 7s.

1 HAPPY soul, thy days are ended, All thy mourning days below: Go, by angel guards attended, To the sight of Jesus, go!

2 Waiting to receive thy spirit, Lo! the Saviour stands above; Shows the purchase of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love.

3 Struggle through thy latest passion To thy dear Redeemer's breast, To his uttermost salvation, To his everlasting rest.

4 For the joy he sets before thee, Bear a momentary pain; Die, to live the life of glory, Suffer, with thy Lord to reign.

L.M. Prov. iii. 13-18.

1 HAPPY the man that finds the grace, The blessing of God's chosen race, The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by love.

2 Happy beyond description he Who knows, The Saviour died for me, The gift unspeakable obtains, And heavenly understanding gains.

3 Wisdom divine! Who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandise Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compared to her.

4 Her hands are filled with length of days, True riches, and immortal praise, Riches of Christ, on all bestowed, And honour that descends from God.

5 To purest joys she all invites, Chaste, holy, spiritual delights; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her flowery paths are peace.

6 Happy the man who wisdom gains, Thrice happy who his guest retains! He owns, and shall for ever own, Wisdom, and Christ, and heaven are one.


1 HAPPY the souls to Jesus joined, And saved by grace alone, Walking in all his ways they find Their heaven on earth begun.

2 The church triumphant in thy love, Their mighty joys we know; They sing the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below.

3 Thee in thy glorious realm they praise, And bow before thy throne, We in the kingdom of thy grace: The kingdoms are but one.

4 The holy to the holiest leads, From thence our spirits rise, And he that in thy statutes treads Shall meet thee in the skies.


1 HARK the herald-angels sing "Glory to the new-born King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild; God and sinners reconciled."

2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold him come, Offspring of a virgin's womb!

3 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail the incarnate Deity! Pleased as man with men to appear, Jesus our Immanuel here.

4 Hail the heaven-born Prince of peace! Hail the Sun of righteousness! Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings.

5 Mild he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth.

6 Come, Desire of nations, come, Fix in us thy humble home; Rise, the woman's conquering Seed Bruise in us the serpent's head.

7 Adam's likeness now efface, Stamp thine image in its place: Second Adam from above, Reinstate us in thy love.


1 HARK, how the watchmen cry, Attend the trumpet's sound! Stand to your arms, the foe is nigh, The powers of hell surround: Who bow to Christ's command, Your arms and hearts prepare! The day of battle is at hand! Go forth to glorious war!

2 See on the mountain-top The standard of your God! In Jesu's name I lift it up, All stained with hallowed blood. His standard-bearer, I To all the nations call, Let all to Jesu's cross draw nigh! He bore the cross for all.

3 Go up with Christ your Head, Your Captain's footsteps see; Follow your Captain, and be led To certain victory. All power to him is given, He ever reigns the same; Salvation, happiness, and heaven Are all in Jesu's name.

4 Only have faith in God; In faith your foes assail, Not wrestling against flesh and blood, But all the powers of hell; From thrones of glory driven, By flaming vengeance hurled, They throng the air, and darken heaven, And rule the lower world.


1 HE wills that I should holy be, That holiness I long to feel; That full divine conformity To all my Saviour's righteous will.

2 See, Lord, the travail of thy soul Accomplished in the change of mine, And plunge me, every whit made whole, In all the depths of love divine.

3 On thee, O God, my soul is stayed, And waits to prove thine utmost will; The promise, by thy mercy made, Thou canst, thou wilt, in me fulfil.

4 No more I stagger at thy power, Or doubt thy truth, which cannot move: Hasten the long-expected hour, And bless me with thy perfect love.

5 Jesus, thy loving Spirit alone Can lead me forth, and make me free, Burst every bond through which I groan, And set my heart at liberty:

6 Now let thy Spirit bring me in, And give thy servant to possess The land of rest from inbred sin, The land of perfect holiness.

7 Lord, I believe thy power the same, The same thy truth and grace endure; And in thy blessed hands I am, And trust thee for a perfect cure.

8 Come, Saviour, come, and make me whole! Entirely all my sins remove; To perfect health restore my soul, To perfect holiness and love.

7 7, 4 4 7, 7 7, 4 4 7.

1 HEAD of thy church triumphant, We joyfully adore thee; Till thou appear, Thy members here Shall sing like those in glory. We lift our hearts and voices With blest anticipation, And cry aloud, And give to God The praise of our salvation.

2 While in affliction's furnace, And passing through the fire, Thy love we praise, Which knows our days, And ever brings us nigher. We clap our hands exulting In thine almighty favour; The love divine Which made us thine Shall keep us thine for ever.

3 Thou dost conduct thy people Through torrents of temptation, Nor will we fear, While thou art near, The fire of tribulation. The world with sin and Satan In vain our march opposes, Through thee we shall Break through them all, And sing the song of Moses.

4 By faith we see the glory To which thou shalt restore us, The cross despise For that high prize Which thou hast set before us. And if thou count us worthy, We each, as dying Stephen, Shall see thee stand At God's right hand, To take us up to heaven.

L.M. Revelation xxii. 17.

1 HEAD of thy church, whose Spirit fills And flows through every faithful soul, Unites in mystic love, and seals Them one, and sanctifies the whole;

2 "Come, Lord," thy glorious Spirit cries, And souls beneath the altar groan; "Come, Lord," the bride on earth replies, "And perfect all our souls in one."

3 Pour out the promised gift on all, Answer the universal "Come!" The fulness of the Gentiles call, And take thine ancient people home.

4 To thee let all the nations flow, Let all obey the gospel word; Let all their bleeding Saviour know, Filled with the glory of the Lord.

5 O for thy truth and mercy's sake The purchase of thy passion claim! Thine heritage the Gentiles take, And cause the world to know thy name.

8s & 6s.

1 HELP, Lord, to whom for help I fly, And still my tempted soul stand by, Throughout the evil day; The sacred watchfulness impart, And keep the issues of my heart, And stir me up to pray.

2 My soul with thy whole armour arm; In each approach of sin alarm, And show the danger near; Surround, sustain, and strengthen me, And fill with godly jealousy, And sanctifying fear.

3 Whene'er my careless hands hang down, O let me see thy gathering frown, And feel thy warning eye; And starting cry from ruin's brink Save, Jesus, or I yield, I sink, O save me, or I die!

4 If near the pit I rashly stray, Before I wholly fall away, The keen conviction dart! Recall me by that pitying look, That kind, upbraiding glance, which broke Unfaithful Peter's heart.

5 In me thine utmost mercy show, And make me like thyself below, Unblamable in grace; Ready prepared, and fitted here, By perfect holiness, to appear Before thy glorious face.


1 HOLY, and true, and righteous Lord, I wait to prove thy perfect will, Be mindful of thy gracious word, And stamp me with thy Spirit's seal.

2 Open my faith's interior eye, Display thy glory from above; And all I am shall sink and die, Lost in astonishment and love

3 Confound, o'erpower me by thy grace, I would be by myself abhorred; All might, all majesty, all praise, All glory, be to Christ my Lord

4 Now let me gain perfection's height, Now let me into nothing fall; Be less than nothing in thy sight, And feel that Christ is all in all!

L.M. 1 Samuel ii. 2.

1 HOLY as thou, O Lord, is none! Thy holiness is all thy own; A drop of that unbounded sea Is ours, a drop derived from thee.

2 And when thy purity we share, Thy only glory we declare; And humbled into nothing own, Holy and pure is God alone.

3 Sole, self-existing God and Lord, By all thy heavenly hosts adored, Let all on earth bow down to thee, And own thy peerless majesty;

4 Thy power unparalleled confess, Established on the rock of peace; The rock that never shall remove, The rock of pure, almighty love.


1 HOLY Lamb, who thee confess, Followers of thy holiness, Thee they ever keep in view, Ever ask, "What shall we do" Governed by thy only will, All thy words we would fulfil, Would in all thy footsteps go, Walk as Jesus walked below.

2 While thou didst on earth appear, Servant to thy servants here, Mindful of thy place above, All thy life was prayer and love. Such our whole employment be, Works of faith and charity; Works of love on man bestowed, Secret intercourse with God.

3 Early in the temple met, Let us still our Saviour greet; Nightly to the mount repair, Join our praying pattern there. There by wrestling faith obtain Power to work for God again, Power his image to retrieve, Power, like thee, our Lord, to live.

4 Vessels, instruments of grace, Pass we thus our happy days 'Twixt the mount and multitude, Doing or receiving good; Glad to pray and labour on, Till our earthly course is run, Till we, on the sacred tree, Bow the head and die like thee.


1 HOW can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven What we have felt and seen, With confidence we tell; And publish to the sons of men The signs infallible.

2 We who in Christ believe That he for us hath died, We all his unknown peace receive, And feel his blood applied; Exults our rising soul, Disburdened of her load, And swells unutterably full Of glory and of God.

3 His love, surpassing far The love of all beneath, We find within our hearts, and dare The pointless darts of death: Stronger than death and hell The mystic power we prove; And conquerors of the world, we dwell In heaven, who dwell in love.

4 We by his Spirit prove And know the things of God, The things which freely of his love He hath on us bestowed; His Spirit to us he gave, And dwells in us, we know; The witness in ourselves we have, And all its fruits we show.

5 The meek and lowly heart That in our Saviour was, To us his Spirit doth impart, And signs us with his cross: Our nature's turned, our mind Transformed in all its powers; And both the witnesses are joined, The Spirit of God with ours.

6 Whate'er our pardoning Lord Commands, we gladly do; And guided by his sacred word, We all his steps pursue: His glory our design, We live our God to please; And rise with filial fear divine, To perfect holiness.


1 HOW do thy mercies close me round! For ever be thy name adored! I blush in all things to abound; The servant is above his Lord!

2 Inured to poverty and pain, A suffering life my Master led; The Son of God, the Son of man, He had not where to lay his head.

3 But lo! a place he hath prepared For me, whom watchful angels keep; Yea, he himself becomes my guard, He smooths my bed, and gives me sleep.

4 Jesus protects; my fears, be gone! What can the Rock of ages move Safe in thy arms I lay me down, Thy everlasting arms of love.

5 While thou art intimately nigh, Who, who shall violate my rest Sin, earth, and hell I now defy; I lean upon my Saviour's breast.

6 I rest beneath the Almighty's shade, My griefs expire, my troubles cease: Thou, Lord, on whom my soul is stayed, Wilt keep me still in perfect peace.

7 Me for thine own thou lov'st to take, In time and in eternity; Thou never, never wilt forsake A helpless worm that trusts in thee.

C.M. The Hope of Heaven

1 HOW happy every child of grace, Who knows his sins forgiven! This earth, he cries, is not my place, I seek my place in heaven! A country far from mortal sight; Yet O! by faith I see The land of rest, the saints' delight, The heaven prepared for me.

2 A stranger in the world below, I calmly sojourn here; Nor can its happiness or woe Provoke my hope or fear: Its evils in a moment end, Its joys as soon are past; But O! the bliss to which I tend Eternally shall last.

3 To that Jerusalem above With singing I repair; While in the flesh, my hope and love, My heart and soul; are there: There my exalted Saviour stands, My merciful High-priest, And still extends his wounded hands To take me to his breast.

4 What is there here to court my stay, Or hold me back from home, While angels beckon me away, And Jesus bids me come Shall I regret my parted friends, Still in the vale confined Nay, but whene'er my soul ascends, They will not stay behind.

5 The race we all are running now; And if I first attain, They too their willing head shall bow, They too the prize shall gain. Now on the brink of death we stand; And if I pass before, They all shall soon escape to land, And hail me on the shore.

6 Then let me suddenly remove, That hidden life to share; I shall not lose my friends above, But more enjoy them there. There we in Jesu's praise shall join, His boundless love proclaim, And solemnize in songs divine The marriage of the Lamb.

7 O what a blessed hope is ours! While here on earth we stay, We more than taste the heavenly powers, And antedate that day: We feel the resurrection near, Our life in Christ concealed, And with his glorious presence here Our earthen vessels filled.

8 O would he more of heaven bestow, And let the vessel break, And let our ransomed spirits go To grasp the God we seek; In rapturous awe on him to gaze Who bought the sight for me; And shout, and wonder at his grace, Through all eternity!

8s & 6s.

1 HOW happy, gracious Lord! are we Divinely drawn to follow thee, Whose hours divided are Betwixt the mount and multitude; Our day is spent in doing good, Our night in praise and prayer.

2 With us no melancholy void, No period lingers unemployed, Or unimproved, below; Our weariness of life is gone, Who live to serve our God alone, And only thee to know.

3 The winter's night and summer's day Glide imperceptibly away, Too short to sing thy praise; Too few we find the happy hours, And haste to join those heavenly powers, In everlasting lays.

4 With all who chant thy name on high And, "Holy, Holy, Holy," cry, A bright harmonious throng, We long thy praises to repeat, And, restless, sing around thy seat The new, eternal song.

8s & 6s. For the same.

1 I AND my house will serve the Lord: But first obedient to his word I must myself appear; By actions, words, and tempers show, That I my heavenly Master know, And serve with heart sincere.

2 I must the fair example set; From those that on my pleasure wait The stumbling-block remove; Their duty by my life explain; And still in all my works maintain The dignity of love.

3 Easy to be entreated, mild, Quickly appeased and reconciled, A follower of my God, A saint indeed, I long to be, And lead my faithful family In the celestial road.

4 Lord, if thou didst the wish infuse, A vessel fitted for thy use Into thy hands receive! Work in me both to will and do; And show them how believers true And real Christians live.

5 With all-sufficient grace supply; And, lo! I come to testify The wonders of thy name, Which saves from sin, the world, and hell; Whose virtue every heart may feel, And every tongue proclaim.

6 A sinner, saved myself from sin, I come my family to win, To preach their sins forgiven; Children, and wife, and servants seize, And through the paths of pleasantness Conduct them all to heaven.


1 I ASK the gift of righteousness, The sin-subduing power, Power to believe, and go in peace, And never grieve thee more.

2 I ask the blood-bought pardon sealed, The liberty from sin, The grace infused, the love revealed, The kingdom fixed within.

3 Thou hear'st me for salvation pray, Thou seest my heart's desire; Made ready in thy powerful day, Thy fulness I require.

4 My vehement soul cries out opprest, Impatient to be freed; Nor can I, Lord, nor will I rest, Till I am saved indeed.

5 Art thou not able to convert Art thou not willing too To change this old rebellious heart, To conquer and renew

6 Thou canst, thou wilt, I dare believe, So arm me with thy power, That I to sin shall never cleave, Shall never feel it more.

L.M. "Whom I shall see for myself." Job xix. 27.

1 I KNOW that my Redeemer lives, He lives, and on the earth shall stand; And though to worms my flesh he gives, My dust lies numbered in his hand.

2 In this re-animated clay I surely shall behold him near; Shall see him in the latter day In all his majesty appear.

3 I feel what then shall raise me up, The eternal Spirit lives in me; This is my confidence of hope, That God I face to face shall see.

4 Mine own and not another's eyes The King shall in his beauty view; I shall from him receive the prize, The starry crown to victors due.


1 I LONG to behold Him arrayed With glory and light from above, The King in his beauty displayed, His beauty of holiest love: I languish and sigh to be there, Where Jesus hath fixed his abode; O when shall we meet in the air, And fly to the mountain of God!

2 With him I on Zion shall stand, (For Jesus hath spoken the word) The breadth of Immanuel's land Survey by the light of my Lord; But when, on thy bosom reclined, Thy face I am strengthened to see, My fulness of rapture I find, My heaven of heavens, in thee.

3 How happy the people that dwell Secure in the city above! No pain the inhabitants feel, No sickness or sorrow shall prove! Physician of souls, unto me Forgiveness and holiness give; And then from the body set free, And then to the city receive.

S.M. 2 Timothy iv. 7.

1 "I THE good fight have fought," O when shall I declare! The victory by my Saviour got I long with Paul to share. O may I triumph so, When all my warfare's past! And, dying, find my latest foe Under my feet at last.

2 This blessed word be mine, Just as the port is gained "Kept by the power of grace divine, I have the faith maintained." The apostles of my Lord, To whom it first was given, They could not speak a greater word, Nor all the saints in heaven.


1 I too forewarned by Jesus' love, Must shortly lay my body down; But ere my soul from earth remove, O let me put thine image on!

2 Saviour! thy meek and lowly mind Be to thine aged servant given; And glad I'll drop this tent, to find My everlasting house in heaven

S.M. d

1 I want a heart to pray, To pray, and never cease; Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less. This blessing, above all, Always to pray, I want; Out of the deep on thee to call, And never, never faint.

2 I want a true regard, A single, steady aim, Unmoved by threatening or reward, To thee and thy great name; A jealous, just concern For thine immortal praise; A pure desire that all may learn And glorify thy grace.

3 I rest upon thy word; The promise is for me; My succor and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from thee: But let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide Into thy perfect love.


1 I WANT a principle within Of jealous, godly fear, A sensibility of sin, A pain to feel it near; I want the first approach to feel Of pride, or fond desire, To catch the wandering of my will, And quench the kindling fire.

2 That I from thee no more may part, No more thy goodness grieve, The filial awe, the fleshly heart, The tender conscience, give. Quick as the apple of an eye, O God, my conscience make! Awake my soul, when sin is nigh, And keep it still awake.

3 If to the right or left I stray, That moment, Lord, reprove; And let me weep my life away, For having grieved thy love: O may the least omission pain My well-instructed soul, And drive me to the blood again Which makes the wounded whole!

6-8s. A Last Wish.

IN age and feebleness extreme, Who shall a helpless worm redeem Jesus! my only hope thou art, Strength of my failing flesh and heart; O could I catch one smile from thee, And drop into eternity!


1 In that sad, memorable night, When Jesus was for us betrayed, He left his death-recording rite: He took, and blest, and brake the bread; And gave his own their last bequest, And thus his love's intent expressed:

2 "Take, eat, this is my body, given To purchase life and peace for you, Pardon, and holiness, and heaven: Do this, my dying love to show: Accept you precious legacy, And thus, my friends, remember me."

3 He took into his hands the cup, To crown the sacramental feast, And, full of drink concern, looked up, And gave to them what he had blest; And, "Drink ye all of this," he said, "In solemn memory of the dead.

4 "This is my blood, which seals the new Eternal covenant of my grace; My blood, so freely shed for you, For you and all the sinful race; My blood, that speaks your sins forgiven, And justifies you claim to heaven."

6-8s. "Te Deum laudamus."

1 INFINITE God, to thee we raise Our hearts in solemn songs of praise, By all thy works on earth adored, We worship thee, the common Lord; The everlasting Father own, And bow our souls before thy throne.

2 Thee all the choir of angels sings, The Lord of hosts, the King of kings; Cherubs proclaim thy praise aloud, And seraphs shout the Triune God; And, "Holy, holy, holy," cry, "Thy glory fills both earth and sky!"

3 God of the patriarchal race, The ancient seers record thy praise, The goodly apostolic band In highest joy and glory stand; And all the saints and prophets join To extol thy majesty divine.

4 Head of the martyrs' noble host, Of thee they justly make their boast; The church, to earth's remotest bounds, Her heavenly Founder's praise resounds; And strives, with those around the throne, To hymn the mystic Three in One.

5 Father of endless majesty, All might and love they render thee; Thy true and only Son adore, The same in dignity and power; And God the Holy Ghost declare, The saints' eternal Comforter.

6-8s. 2 Timothy iii. 16, 17.

1 INSPIRER of the ancient seers, Who wrote from thee the sacred page, The same through all succeeding years, To us, in our degenerate age, The spirit of thy word impart, And breathe the life into our heart.

2 While now thine oracles we read, With earliest prayer and strong desire, O let thy Spirit from thee proceed, Our souls to awaken and inspire, Our weakness help, our darkness chase, And guide us by the light of grace!

3 Whene'er in error's paths we rove, The living God through sin forsake, Our conscience by thy word reprove, Convince and bring the wanderers back, Deep wounded by thy Spirit's sword, And then by Gilead's balm restored.

4 The sacred lessons of thy grace, Transmitted through thy word, repeat, And train us up in all thy ways, To make us in thy will complete; Fulfil thy love's redeeming plan, And bring us to a perfect man.

5 Furnished out of thy treasury, O may we always ready stand To help the souls redeemed by thee, In what their various states demand; To teach, convince, correct, reprove, And build them up in holiest love!


1 Jesus, a word, a look from thee, Can turn my heart and make it clean; Purge out the inbred leprosy, And save me from my bosom sin.

2 Lord, if thou wilt, I do believe Thou canst the saving grace impart; Thou canst this instant now forgive, And stamp thine image on my heart.

3 My heart, which now to thee I raise. I know thou canst this moment cleanse; The deepest stains of sin efface, And drive the evil spirit hence.

4 Be it according to thy word; Accomplish now thy work in me, And let my soul, to health restored, Devote its deathless powers to thee.


1 Jesus, all-redeeming Lord, Magnify thy dying work; In thine ordinance appear; Come, and meet thy followers here.

2 In the rite thou hast enjoined, Let us now our Saviour find; Drink thy blood for sinners shed, Taste thee in the broken bread

3 Thou our faithful hearts prepare; Thou thy pardoning grace delcare; Thou that hast for sinners died, Show thyself the crucified!

4 All the power of sin remove; Fill us with thy perfect love; Stamp us with the stamp divine; Seal our souls forever thine.


1 JESU, at whose supreme command We now approach to God, Before us in thy vesture stand, Thy vesture dipped in blood! Obedient to thy gracious word, We break the hallowed bread, Commemorate thee, our dying Lord, And trust on thee to feed.

2 Now, Saviour, now thyself reveal, And make thy nature known; Apply thy blessed Spirit's seal, And stamp us for thine own: The tokens of thy dying love O let us all receive; And feel the quickening Spirit move And sensibly believe!

3 The cup of blessing, blessed by thee, Let it thy blood impart; The bread thy mystic body be, And cheer each languid heart. The grace which sure salvation brings Let us herewith receive; Satiate the hungry with good things, The hidden manna give.

4 The living bread, sent down from heaven, In us vouchsafe to be: Thy flesh for all the world is given, And all may live by thee. Now, Lord, on us thy flesh bestow, And let us drink thy blood, Till all our souls are filled below With all the life of God.


1 JESUS comes with all his grace, Comes to save a fallen race, Object of our glorious hope, Jesus comes to lift us up!

2 Let the living stones cry out! Let the sons of Abraham shout! Praise we all our lowly King, Give him thanks, rejoice, and sing!

3 He hath our salvation wrought, He our captive souls hath bought, He hath reconciled to God, He hath washed us in his blood.

4 We are now his lawful right, Walk as children of the light; We shall soon obtain the grace, Pure in heart, to see his face.

5 We shall gain our calling's prize; After God we all shall rise, Filled with joy, and love, and peace, Perfected in holiness.

6 Let us then rejoice in hope, Steadily to Christ look up; Trust to be redeemed from sin, Wait, till he appear within.

7 Fools and madmen let us be, Yet is our sure trust in thee; Faithful is the promised word, We shall all be as our Lord.

8 Hasten, Lord, the perfect day! Let thy every servant say, I have now obtained the power, Born of God, to sin no more.


1 Jesu, dear, redeeming Lord, Magnify Thy dying word; In Thy ordinance appear, Come, and meet Thy followers here.

2 In the rite Thou hast enjoin'd Let us now our Saviour find, Drink Thy blood for sinner shed, Taste Thee in the broken bread.

3 Thou our faithful hearts prepare; Thou Thy pard'ning grace declare; Thou that hast for sinners died, Show thyself the Crucified.

4 All the pow'r of sin remove; Fill us with Thy perfect love. Stamp us with the stamp divine; Seal our souls forever Thine. Amen


1 JESU, friend of sinners, hear, Yet once again I pray; From my debt of sin set clear, For I have nought to pay; Speak, O speak, the kind release, A poor backsliding soul restore! Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more.

2 For my selfishness and pride Thou hast withdrawn thy grace, Left me long to wander wide, An outcast from thy face; But I now my sins confess, And mercy, mercy, I implore; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more.

3 Though my sins as mountains rise, And swell and reach to heaven, Mercy is above the skies, I may be still forgiven; Infinite my sin's increase, But greater is thy mercy's store; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more.

4 Sin's deceitfulness hath spread A hardness o'er my heart; But if thou thy Spirit shed, This hardness shall depart; Shed thy love, thy tenderness, And let me feel thy softening power; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more.

5 From the oppressive power of sin My struggling spirit free; Perfect righteousness bring in, Unspotted purity; Speak, and all this war shall cease, And sin shall give its raging o'er; Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more.

6 For this only thing I pray, And this will I require, Take the power of sin away, Fill me with pure desire; Perfect me in holiness, Thine image to my soul restore, Love me freely, seal my peace, And bid me sin no more.


1 JESUS, from whom all blessings flow, Great builder of thy church below, If now thy Spirit moves my breast, Hear, and fulfil thine own request!

2 The few that truly call thee Lord, And wait thy sanctifying word, And thee their utmost Saviour own, Unite, and perfect them in one.

3 O let them all thy mind express, Stand forth thy chosen witnesses, Thy power unto salvation show, And perfect holiness below!

4 In them let all mankind behold How Christians lived in days of old, Mighty their envious foes to move, A proverb of reproach-and love.

5 From every sinful wrinkle free, Redeemed from all iniquity, The fellowship of saints make known; And, O my God, might I be one!

6 O might my lot be cast with these, The least of Jesu's witnesses! O that my Lord would count me meet To wash his dear disciples' feet!

7 This only thing do I require: Thou knowest 'tis all my heart's desire Freely what I receive to give, The servant of thy church to live;

8 After my lowly Lord to go, And wait upon thy saints below; Enjoy the grace to angels given, And serve the royal heirs of heaven.

9 Lord, if I now thy drawings feel, And ask according to thy will, Confirm the prayer, the seal impart, And speak the answer to my heart.


1 JESUS, great Shepherd of the sheep, To thee for help we fly: Thy little flock in safety keep; For O! the wolf is nigh.

2 He comes, of hellish malice full, To scatter, tear, and slay; He seizes every straggling soul, As his own lawful prey.

3 Us into thy protection take, And gather with thy arm; Unless the fold we first forsake, The wolf can never harm.

4 We laugh to scorn his cruel power, While by our Shepherd's side; The sheep he never can devour, Unless he first divide.

5 O do not suffer him to part The souls that here agree; But make us of one mind and heart, And keep us one in thee!

6 Together let us sweetly live, Together let us die; And each a starry crown receive, And reign above the sky.


1 JESUS hath died that I might live, Might live to God alone; In him eternal life receive, And be in spirit one.

2 Saviour, I thank thee for the grace, The gift unspeakable! And wait with arms of faith to embrace, And all thy love to feel.

3 My soul breaks out in strong desire The perfect bliss to prove; My longing heart is all on fire To be dissolved in love.

4 Give me thyself; from every boast, From every wish set free; Let all I am in thee be lost; But give thyself to me.

5 Thy gifts, alas, cannot suffice Unless thyself be given; Thy presence makes my paradise, And where thou art is heaven!


1 JESU, if still the same thou art, If all thy promises are sure, Set up thy kingdom in my heart, And make me rich, for I am poor: To me be all thy treasures given, The kingdom of an inward heaven.

2 Thou hast pronounced the mourners blest, And lo! for thee I ever mourn: I cannot, no, I will not rest, Till thou, my only rest, return, Till thou, the Prince of peace, appear, And I receive the Comforter.

3 Where is the blessedness bestowed On all that hunger after thee I hunger now, I thirst for God; See the poor fainting sinner, see, And satisfy with endless peace, And fill me with thy righteousness.

4 Ah, Lord! if thou art in that sigh, Then hear thyself within me pray Hear in my heart thy Spirit's cry, Mark what my labouring soul would say: Answer the deep unuttered groan, And show that thou and I are one.

5 Shine on thy work, disperse the gloom, Light in thy light I then shall see, Say to my soul, "Thy light is come, Glory divine is risen on thee, Thy warfare's past, thy mourning's o'er; Look up, for thou shalt weep no more."

6 Lord, I believe the promise sure, And trust thou wilt not long delay: Hungry, and sorrowful, and poor, Upon thy word myself I stay; Into thine hands my all resign, And wait till all thou art is mine.


1 Jesus, in whom the Godhead's rays Beam forth with mildest majesty; I see thee full of truth and grace. And come for all I want to thee.

2 Save me from pride-the plague expert Jesus, thine humble self impart: O let thy ind within me dwell; O give me lowliness of heart.

3 Enter thyself, and cast out sin; Thy spotless purity bestow: Touch me, and make the leper clean; Wash me, and I am white as snow.

4 Sprinkle me, Saviour, with thy blood, And all thy gentleness is mine; And plunge me I the purple flood, Till all I am is lost in thine.


1 JESUS is our common Lord, He our loving Saviour is; By his death to life restored, Misery we exchange for bliss; Bliss to carnal minds unknown, O 'tis more than tongue can tell! Only to believers shown, Glorious and unspeakable.

2 Christ, our Brother and our Friend, Shows us his eternal love; Never shall our triumphs end, Till we take our seats above. Let us walk with him in white, For our bridal day prepare, For our partnership in light, For our glorious meeting there.


1 JESU, let thy pitying eye Call back a wandering sheep False to thee, like Peter, I Would fain, like Peter, weep: Let me be by grace restored, On me be all long-suffering shown; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.

2 Saviour, Prince, enthroned above, Repentance to impart, Give me, through thy dying love, The humble, contrite heart: Give what I have long implored, A portion of thy grief unknown; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.

3 See me, Saviour, from above, Nor suffer me to die; Life, and happiness, and love Drop from thy gracious eye: Speak the reconciling word, And let thy mercy melt me down; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.

4 Look, as when thine eye pursued Thy first apostate man, Saw him weltering in his blood, And bade him rise again: Speak my paradise restored, Redeem me by thy grace alone; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.

5 Look, as when thy pity saw Thine own in a strange land, Forced to obey the tyrant's law, And feel his heavy hand: Speak the soul-redeeming word, And out of Egypt call thy son; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.

6 Look, as when thy grace beheld The harlot in distress, Dried her tears, her pardon sealed, And bade her go in peace: Vile, like her, and self-abhorred, I at thy feet for mercy groan; Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.

7 Look, as when thy languid eye Was closed, that we might live; "Father," (at the point to die My Saviour gasped) "forgive!" Surely, with that dying word, He turns, and looks, and cries, "'Tis done!" O my bleeding, loving Lord, Thou break'st my heart of stone!


1 JESUS, Lord, we look to thee, Let us in thy name agree; Show thyself the Prince of peace; Bid our jars for ever cease.

2 By thy reconciling love Every stumbling-block remove; Each to each unite, endear, Come, and spread thy banner here!

3 Make us of one heart and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind, Lowly, meek, in thought and word Together like our Lord.

4 Let us for each other care, Each the other's burden bear, To thy church the pattern give, Show how true believers live.

5 Free from anger and from pride, Let us thus in God abide; All the depths of love express, All the heights of holiness!

6 Let us then with joy remove To the family above; On the wings of angels fly, Show how true believers die.


1 JESU, Lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high: Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life be past! Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last!

2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me: All my trust on thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing.

3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in thee I find! Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind; Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace.

4 Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin, Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within: Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee, Spring thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity.


1 JESU, my Advocate above, My friend before the throne of love, If now for me prevails thy prayer, If now I find thee pleading there, If thou the secret wish convey, And sweetly prompt my heart to pray; Hear, and my weak petitions join, Almighty Advocate, to thine.

2 Fain would I know my utmost ill, And groan my nature's weight to feel, To feel the clouds that round me roll, The night that hangs upon my soul, The darkness of my carnal mind, My will perverse, my passions blind, Scattered o'er all the earth abroad, Immeasurably far from God.

3 Jesu, my heart's desire obtain! My earnest suit present, and gain; My fulness of corruption show, The knowledge of myself bestow; A deeper displacence at sin, A sharper sense of hell within, A stronger struggling to get free, A keener appetite for thee.

4 O sovereign Love, to thee I cry, Give me thyself, or else I die! Save me from death, from hell set free, Death, hell, are but the want of thee. Quickened by thy imparted flame, Saved, when possessed of thee, I am; My life, my only heaven thou art, O might I feel thee in my heart!


1 JESUS, my Life! thyself apply, Thy Holy Spirit breathe; My vile affections crucify, Conform me to thy death.

2 Conqueror of hell, and earth, and sin, Still with thy rebel strive; Enter my soul, and work within, And kill, and make alive!

3 More of thy life, and more, I have, As the old Adam dies: Bury me, Saviour, in thy grave, That I with thee may rise.

4 Reign in me, Lord, thy foes control, Who would not own thy sway; Diffuse thine image through my soul, Shine to the perfect day.

5 Scatter the last remains of sin, And seal me thine abode; O make me glorious all within, A temple built by God!


1 JESU, my Saviour, Brother, Friend, On whom I cast my every care, On whom for all things I depend, Inspire, and then accept, my prayer.

2 If I have tasted of thy grace, The grace that sure salvation brings, If with me now thy Spirit stays, And hovering hides me in his wings.

3 Still let him with my weakness stay, Nor for a moment's space depart, Evil and danger turn away, And keep till he renews my heart.

4 When to the right or left I stray, His voice behind me may I hear, "Return, and walk in Christ thy way, Fly back to Christ, for sin is near."

5 His sacred unction from above Be still my comforter and guide; Till all the hardness he remove, And in my loving heart reside.

6 Jesus, I fain would walk in thee, From nature's every path retreat; Thou art my Way, my leader be, And set upon the rock my feet.

7 Uphold me, Saviour, or I fall, O reach me out thy gracious hand Only on thee for help I call, Only by faith in thee I stand.


1 JESUS, my strength, my hope, On thee I cast my care, With humble confidence look up, And know thou hear'st my prayer. Give me on thee to wait, Till I can all things do, On thee, almighty to create, Almighty to renew.

2 I want a sober mind, A self-renouncing will, That tramples down and casts behind The baits of pleasing ill; A soul inured to pain, To hardship, grief, and loss, Bold to take up, firm to sustain The consecrated cross.

3 I want a godly fear, A quick-discerning eye, That looks to thee when sin is near, And sees the Tempter fly; A spirit still prepared, And armed with jealous care, For ever standing on its guard, And watching unto prayer.

4 I want a heart to pray, To pray and never cease, Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less. This blessing, above all, Always to pray, I want, Out of the deep on thee to call, And never, never faint.

5 I want a true regard, A single, steady aim, (Unmoved by threatening or reward) To thee and thy great name; A jealous, just concern For thine immortal praise; A pure desire that all may learn, And glorify thy grace.

6 I rest upon thy word; The promise is for me; My succour and salvation, Lord, Shall surely come from thee; But let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide Into thy perfect love.


1 JESU, my Truth, my Way, My sure, unerring light, On thee my feeble steps I stay, Which thou wilt guide aright.

2 My Wisdom and my guide, My Counsellor thou art; O never let me leave thy side, Or from thy paths depart!

3 I lift my eyes to thee, Thou gracious, bleeding Lamb, That I may now enlightened be, And never put to shame.

4 Never will I remove Out of thy hands my cause; But rest in thy redeeming love, And hang upon thy cross.

5 Teach me the happy art In all things to depend On thee; O never, Lord, depart, But love me to the end!

6 Still stir me up to strive With thee in strength divine; And every moment, Lord, revive This fainting soul of mine.

7 Persist to save my soul Throughout the fiery hour, Till I am every whit made whole, And show forth all thy power.

8 Through fire and water bring Into the wealthy place; And teach me the new song to sing, When perfected in grace.

9 O make me all like thee, Before I hence remove! Settle, confirm, and stablish me, And build me up in love.

10 Let me thy witness live, When sin is all destroyed; And then my spotless soul receive, And take me home to God.


1 Jesus, Redeemer of mankind, Display thy saving power; Thy mercy let the sinner find, And know his gracious hour.

2 Who thee beneath their feet have trod, And crucified afresh, Touch with thine all-victorious blood, And turn the stone to flesh

3 Open their eyes thy cross to see, Their ears, to hear thy cries: Sinner, thy Saviour weeps for thee; For thee he weeps and dies.

4 All the day long he meekly stands, His rebels to receive; And shows his wounds and spreads is hands, And bids you turn and live.

5 Turn, and your sins of deepest dye He will with blood efface; E'en now he waits the blood to apply; Be saved, be saved by grace.


1 JESUS, the conqueror, reigns, In glorious strength arrayed, His kingdom over all maintains, And bids the earth be glad. Ye sons of men, rejoice In Jesu's mighty love, Lift up your heart, lift up your voice To him who rules above.

2 Extol his kingly power, Kiss the exalted Son, Who died, and lives, to die no more, High on his Father's throne; Our Advocate with God, He undertakes our cause, And spreads through all the earth abroad The victory of his cross.

3 That bloody banner see, And in your Captain's sight, Fight the good fight of faith with me, My fellow-soldiers, fight! In mighty phalanx joined, To battle all proceed; Armed with the unconquerable mind Which was in Christ your Head.

4 Urge on your rapid course, Ye blood-besprinkled bands; The heavenly kingdom suffers force, 'Tis seized by violent hands; See there the starry crown That glitters through the skies! Satan, the world, and sin, tread down, And take the glorious prize.

5 Through much distress and pain, Through many a conflict here, Through blood, ye must the entrance gain; Yet, O disdain to fear! Courage! your Captain cries, Who all your toil foreknew Toil ye shall have; yet all despise, I have o'ercome for you.

6 The world cannot withstand Its ancient conqueror, The world must sink beneath the hand Which arms us for the war; This is the victory! Before our faith they fall; Jesus hath died for you and me; Believe, and conquer all!

6-7s. Psalm xxiii.

1 JESUS the good Shepherd is; Jesus died the sheep to save; He is mine, and I am his; All I want in him I have, Life, and health, and rest, and food, All the plenitude of God.

2 Jesus loves and guards his own; Me in verdant pastures feeds; Makes me quietly lie down, By the streams of comfort leads: Following him where'er he goes, Silent joy my heart o'erflows.

3 He in sickness makes me whole, Guides into the paths of peace; He revives my fainting soul, Stablishes in righteousness; Who for me vouchsafed to die, Loves me still, - I know not why!

4 Unappalled by guilty fear, Through the mortal vale I go; My eternal Life is near; Thee my Life in death I know; Bless thy chastening, cheering rod, Die into the arms of God!

5 Till that welcome hour I see, Thou before my foes dost feed; Bidd'st me sit and feast with thee, Pour'st thy oil upon my head; Giv'st me all I ask, and more, Mak'st my cup of joy run o'er.

6 Love divine shall still embrace, Love shall keep me to the end; Surely all my happy days I shall in thy temple spend, Till I to thy house remove, Thy eternal house above!

C.M. Matthew vi. 10

1 JESU, the Life, the Truth, the Way, In whom I now believe, As taught by thee, in faith I pray, Expecting to receive.

2 Thy will by me on earth be done, As by the choirs above, Who always see thee on thy throne, And glory in thy love.

3 I ask in confidence the grace, That I may do thy will, As angels, who behold thy face, And all thy words fulfil.

4 Surely I shall, the sinner I Shall serve thee without fear; My heart no longer gives the lie To my deceitful prayer.

5 When thou the work of faith hast wrought, I shall be pure within, Nor sin in deed, or word, or thought; For angels never sin.

6 From thee no more shall I depart, No more unfaithful prove, But love thee with a constant heart; For angels always love.

7 I all thy holy will shall prove: I, a weak, sinful worm, When thee with all my heart I love, Shall all thy law perform.

8 The graces of my second birth To me shall all be given; And I shall do thy will on earth, As angels do in heaven.


1 JESUS! the name high over In hell, or earth, or sky, Angels and men before it fall, And devils fear and fly.

2 Jesus! the name to sinners dear, The name to sinners given; It scatters all their guilty fear, It turns their hell to heaven.

3 Jesus! the prisoner's fetters breaks, And bruises Satan's head; Power into strengthless souls it speaks, And life into the dead.

4 O that the world might taste and see The riches of his grace! The arms of love that compass me Would all mankind embrace.

5 His only righteousness I show, His saving truth proclaim, 'Tis all my business here below To cry, "Behold the Lamb!"

6 Happy, if with my latest breath I may but gasp his name; Preach him to all, and cry in death, "Behold, behold the Lamb!"


1 JESU, the sinner's friend, to thee, Lost and undone, for aid I flee, Weary of earth, myself, and sin, Open thine arms and take me in.

2 Pity, and heal my sin-sick soul; 'Tis thou alone canst make me whole; Fallen, till in me thine image shine, And cursed I am, till thou art mine.

3 Awake, the woman's conquering Seed, Awake and bruise the serpent's head; Tread down thy foes, with power control The beast and devil in my soul.

4 The mansion for thyself prepare, Dispose my heart by entering there; 'Tis this alone can make me clean, 'Tis this alone can cast out sin.

5 At last I own it cannot be That I should fit myself for thee; Here then to thee I all resign, Thine is the work, and only thine.

6 What shall I say thy grace to move Lord, I am sin, but thou art love: I give up every plea beside, "Lord, I am damned, but thou hast died."

C.M. Acts xix. 20.

1 JESUS, the word bestow, The true immortal seed; Thy gospel then shall greatly grow, And all our land o'erspread; Through earth extended wide Shall mightily prevail, Destroy the works of self and pride, And shake the gates of hell.

2 Its energy exert In the believing soul; Diffuse thy grace through every part, And sanctify the whole; Its utmost virtue show In pure consummate love, And fill with all thy life below, And give us thrones above.


1 JESU, the word of mercy give, And let it swiftly run; And let the priests themselves believe, And put salvation on.

2 Clothed with the spirit of holiness, May all thy people prove The plenitude of gospel grace, The joy of perfect love.

3 Jesus, let all thy lovers shine Illustrious as the sun; And, bright with borrowed rays divine, Their glorious circuit run:

4 Beyond the reach of mortals, spread Their light where'er they go; And heavenly influences shed On all the world below.

5 As giants may they run their race, Exulting in their might; As burning luminaries, chase The gloom of hellish night:

6 As the bright Sun of righteousness, Their healing wings display; And let their lustre still increase Unto the perfect day.


1 Jesus, thine all-victorious love Shed in my heart abroad: Then shall my feet no longer rove, Rooted and fixed in God.

2 O that in me the sacred fire Might now begin to glow, Burn up the dross of base desire And make the mountains flow!

3 O that it now from heaven might fall, And all my sins consume! Come, Holy Ghost, for thee I call; Spirit of burning, come!

4 Refining fire, go through my heart; Illuminate my soul; Scatter thy life through every part, And sanctify the whole.

5 My steadfast soul, from falling free, Shall then no longer move, While Christ is all the world to me, And all my heart is love.

8s & 6s. "I will sing with the Spirit" &c. 1 Corinthians xiv.15.

1 JESUS, thou soul of all our joys, For whom we now lift up our voice, And all our strength exert; Vouchsafe the grace we humbly claim, Compose into a thankful frame, And tune thy people's heart.

2 While in the heavenly work we join, Thy glory be our whole design, Thy glory, not our own: Still let us keep our end in view, And still the pleasing task pursue, To please our God alone.

3 The secret pride, the subtle sin, O let it never more steal in, To offend thy glorious eyes, To desecrate our hallowed strain, And make our solemn service vain, And mar our sacrifice!

4 To magnify thy awful name, To spread the honours of the Lamb, Let us our voices raise; Our souls' and bodies' powers unite, Regardless of our own delight, And dead to human praise.

5 Still let us on our guard be found, And watch against the power of sound With sacred jealousy; Lest haply sense should damp our zeal, And music's charms bewitch and steal Our hearts away from thee.

6 That hurrying strife far oft remove, That noisy burst of selfish love, Which swells the formal song; The joy from out our hearts arise, And speak and sparkle in our eyes, And vibrate on our tongue.

7 Thee let us praise, our common Lord, And sweetly join with one accord Thy goodness to proclaim: Jesus, thyself in us reveal, And all our faculties shall feel Thy harmonizing name.

8 With calmly-reverential joy, O let us all our lives employ In setting forth thy love; And raise in death our triumph higher, And sing with all the heavenly choir, That endless song above!


1 JESU, thy far-extended fame My drooping soul exults to hear; Thy name, thy all-restoring name, Is music in a sinner's ear.

2 Sinners of old thou didst receive, With comfortable words and kind, Their sorrows cheer, their wants relieve, Heal the diseased, and cure the blind.

3 And art thou not the Saviour still, In every place and age the same Hast thou forgot thy gracious skill, Or lost the virtue of thy name

4 Faith in thy changeless name I have; The good, the kind physician, thou Art able now our souls to save, Art willing to restore them now.

5 Though eighteen hundred years are past Since thou didst in the flesh appear, Thy tender mercies ever last; And still thy healing power is here!

6 Wouldst thou the body's health restore, And not regard the sin-sick soul The sin-sick soul thou lov'st much more, And surely thou shalt make it whole.

7 All my disease, my every sin, To thee, O Jesus, I confess; In pardon, Lord, my cure begin, And perfect it in holiness.

8 That token of thine utmost good Now, Saviour, now on me bestow; And purge my conscience with thy blood, And wash my nature white as snow.

L.M. Matthew ix. 36.

1 JESU, thy wandering sheep behold! See, Lord, with tenderest pity see The sheep that cannot find the fold, Till sought and gathered in by thee.

2 Lost are they now, and scattered wide, In pain, and weariness, and want; With no kind shepherd near to guide The sick, and spiritless, and faint.

3 Thou, only thou, the kind and good And sheep-redeeming Shepherd art: Collect thy flock, and give them food, And pastors after thine own heart.

4 Give the pure word of general grace, And great shall be the preachers' crowd; Preachers, who all the sinful race Point to the all-atoning blood.

5 Open their mouth, and utterance give; Give them a trumpet-voice, to call On all mankind to turn and live, Through faith in him who died for all.

6 Thy only glory let them seek; O let their hearts with love o'erflow! Let them believe, and therefore speak, And spread thy mercy's praise below.


1 JESUS, to thee I now can fly, On whom my help is laid: Oppressed by sins, I lift my eye, And see the shadows fade.

2 Believing on my Lord, I find A sure and present aid: On thee alone my constant mind Is every moment stayed.

3 Whate'er in me seems wise, or good, Or strong, I here disclaim: I wash my garments in the blood Of the atoning Lamb.

4 Jesus, my Strength, my Life, my Rest, On thee will I depend, Till summoned to the marriage-feast, When faith in sight shall end.


1 JESU, to thee our hearts we lift, (May all our hearts with love o'erflow!) With thanks for thy continued gift, That still thy precious name we know, Retain our sense of sin forgiven, And wait for all our inward heaven.

2 What mighty troubles hast thou shown Thy feeble, tempted followers here! We have through fire and water gone, But saw thee on the floods appear, But felt thee present in the flame, And shouted our Deliverer's name.

3 When stronger souls their faith forsook, And, lulled in worldly, hellish peace, Leaped desperate from their guardian Rock, And headlong plunged in sin's abyss, Thy strength was in our weakness shown; And still it guards and keeps thine own.

4 All are not lost or wandered back; All have not left thy church and thee; There are who suffer for thy sake, Enjoy thy glorious infamy, Esteem the scandal of the cross, And only seek divine applause.

5 Thou who hast kept us to this hour, O keep us faithful to the end! When, robed with majesty and power, Our Jesus shall from heaven descend, His friends and confessors to own, And seat us on his glorious throne.


1 JESUS, united by thy grace, And each to each endeared, With confidence we seek thy face, And know our prayer is heard.

2 Still let us own our common Lord, And bear thine easy yoke, A band of love, a threefold cord, Which never can be broke.

3 Make us into one spirit drink; Baptize into thy name; And let us always kindly think, And sweetly speak, the same.

4 Touched by the loadstone of thy love, Let all our hearts agree, And ever towards each other move, And ever move towards thee.

5 To thee, inseparably joined, Let all our spirits cleave; O may we all the loving mind That was in thee receive!

6 This is the bond of perfectness, Thy spotless charity; O let us (still we pray) possess The mind that was in thee!

7 Grant this, and then from all below Insensibly remove: Our souls their change shall scarcely know, Made perfect first in love!

8 With ease our souls through death shall glide Into their paradise, And thence, on wings of angels, ride Triumphant through the skies.

9 Yet, when the fullest joy is given, The same delight we prove, In earth, in paradise, in heaven, Our all in all is love.


1 JESU, we look to thee, Thy promised presence claim! Thou in the midst of us shalt be, Assembled in thy name: Thy name salvation is, Which here we come to prove; Thy name is life, and health, and peace, And everlasting love.

2 Not in the name of pride Or selfishness we meet; From nature's paths we turn aside, And worldly thoughts forget. We meet, the grace to take Which thou hast freely given; We meet on earth for thy dear sake, That we may meet in heaven.

3 Present we know thou art, But O thyself reveal! Now, Lord, let every bounding heart The mighty comfort feel. O may thy quickening voice The death of sin remove; And bid our inmost souls rejoice In hope of perfect love!


1 Jesus, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word; Here, in Thine own appointed way, We come to meet Thee, Lord.

2 Our hearts we open wide, To make the Saviour room; And lo! The Lamb, the Crucified, The sinner's Friend, is come.

3 Thy presence makes the feast; Now let our spirits feel The glory not to be expressed, The joy unspeakable.

4 With high and heav'nly bliss Thou dost our spirits cheer; Thy house of banqueting is this, And Thou hast brought us here. Amen.

C.M. The Watch Night.

1 JOIN, all ye ransomed sons of grace, The holy joy prolong, And shout to the Redeemer's praise A solemn midnight song.

2 Blessing, and thanks, and love, and might, Be to our Jesus given, Who turns our darkness into light Who turns our hell to heaven.

3 Thither our faithful souls he leads, Thither he bids us rise, With crowns of joy upon our heads, To meet him in the skies.


1 O GOD, thy righteousness we own, Judgment is at thy house begun With humble awe thy rod we hear, And guilty in thy sight appear, We cannot in thy judgement stand, But sink beneath thy mighty hand.

2 Our mouth as in the dust we lay, And still for mercy, mercy, pray; Unworthy to behold thy face, Unfaithful stewards of thy grace, Our sin and wickedness we own, And deeply for acceptance groan.

3 We have not, Lord, thy gifts improved, But basely from thy statutes roved, And done thy loving Spirit despite, And sinned against the clearest light Brought back thy agonizing pain, And nailed thee to thy cross again.

4 Yet do not drive us from thy face, A stiff-necked and hard-hearted race; But O! in tender mercy break The iron sinew in our neck; The softening power of love impart, And melt the marble of our heart.

Hymn Lyrics: I - Z

Indices and Hyperlinks Created by Robert Kizer (Senior Religion Major) With Corrections by George Lyons (Professor of Biblical Literature) for the Wesley Center for Applied Theology at Northwest Nazarene University The Wesley Hymn Collection may not be used for other than personal or scholarly purposes. Any use of this material for commercial purposes of any kind is strictly forbidden without the express, written permission of the Wesley Center at Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID 83686.

The Wesley Center Online: Charles Wesley's Hymn Lyrics: A (2024)
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