The Salina Evening Journal from Salina, Kansas (2024)

scalp me GOOD CONDITIONS ID BURNED SAYS MISS BEESETTE OF SALINA FACTORIES Scarcely ny Hair on Head. Ter-' rible Itching. Also Bothered With Pimples and Blackheads on Face. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Both Troubles. Greenwood.

Ind. First my hair began to fall, then my -tp Itched and burnud wlwn I bvamfi warm. I had pimples on my FAVORS AN EIGHT HOUR LAW a'njrles and more than ahyof the re-i cent' published solutions. The new problem that this man would have the students and teachers worry over is as follows: A farm is 40 rods square. A strip ten rods -wide is plowed entirely around the field.

How many acres or what per cent of the field is plowej an what is the length of the last round the farmer made in plowing? TO AID IN BOYS WORK Bruce Shawhan and Fred JojGiTe Time Bruce Shawhan and Fred Joy, men who have become interested in boys work, have been added to tie local force and will help in the M. A. 'boys' department in Saliitd. Arrangements hare been made for Mr. Shawhan to be at the building this evening and to help in the supervision of the boys and he will 'be there all Friday evenings thereafter.

Mr. Joy will help' in the work each Tues- i tt kt'tn ino 1 rkf I Tiiun li ntn i 1 it CrpT I7j7o fT Few Places in Salina Require Longer Hours of Female She Says. roy hair wa falling out gradually until I had msirwJy any lialr on my head. couldn't keep the dandruff off at all. My hair was lry and lifeless and I lit rest at night from Ujo tn-riMQ Itrliing sensation.

I wmld pull my -hair a ifT tknl ui i -V I. I "I dy not want my work confused with eliild labor," said Miss l.regelte, deputy state factory Come better acquainted and more fa-fire inspector, today. "In some of imliar with boys' work as a result of the towns that I have visited employ-j their actual contact with the boy pro-ers think that I am connected with! 'Mem. the child labor question and while I d. not sanction child labor, that is not my motive fur visiting factories, department stores, laundries, poultry companies and other places where female workers are employed.

I am investigating the industrial eondi- any iiaii I hapix to ho. Kor several years 1 was Imihcrod with piri.rtiw on my faro. Knmn of them were hard red kmiJ, mmo wero full of matter, and many kluadn. I was always plck-Inn at thetn and fauwxl them to ho sore. They mrtdn my faco look so badly 1 was ashamed to le wH-n.

"I tflnl warthlnK my head with Cuticura Kai, dried without tlwn pub tho Cutluura Ointment on and ruhhod it into thi walp. I appllud tho Cuticura Soap and Ointment Out camo carli wk until cured. Thn months' iw of Cuticura Soap anI Ointment hai made my faco as smooth and clean afan (SignoJ) C. M. Hamilton.

Kept, ai, lull. Outlcura Soap and Cuticura Oint-' in ni (OCe.) aiv Mold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Liberal isamplo of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address postcard "Cuticura.

Dept. T. Hoston." Meu who shave and HhamiMjo with Cuticura Hocn v. lil rind itbutforbkinandscaio Gospel Team to McCrackcn. A gospel team from the Salina Y.

M. C. A. left this afternoon for Mccracken where the members will hold services at the -Methodist ehureh tomorrow, a call having been extended from that place. The men, who will make the trip are, William Muir.

Fred Joy, George W. McQueen, Marion Smith -and Zenas Gunckel. Kipp News.N Kipp, Mar. 7. Roy Stephens returned Sunday from Missouri where tionj of the female workers and boys under 18 years of age.

I "Tn my visits to the various places of business where female workers are employed, I ascertain the rates of wages, earnings, hours of labor, he condition upon which the wages are earned whether by piece or straight wages, the conditions in the workers homes and ventilating fac- ilities in workrooms and fire protec-I tion. I record all my data secured I from the employers and workers. "I find labor conditions in Salina much better than in some places but This is what the "NobfeyTread" Tire practically is Two wear-resisting Tires in v0ne he has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Charles Martin. The Ladies Aid will hold its regu BARR'S lar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.

Chas. Woerner Thursday after noon. The ladies paid off the indebt edness on the manse Tuesday. Mr. and Baldwin were called 1 a ai not at liberty to make any state ments ia regard to any specific to Salina, Monday bv the death of Mr.

Baldwin 's sister. Saturday Candy A Large Fresh Shipment Rectived This Week When On Display Dewey Daily spent Saturday be tween trains in Kipp with his grand- The big, thick, tough rubber "Nobs" that prevent skidding, are made on a big, extra strong additional strip. Then this heavy strip is welded liy hand and vulcanized on to an extra heavy, extra strong tire. You have got to wear out the big, thick, lough "Nobs" of rubber before you even start to wear out the extra strong tire underneath. a Then comes 'the great big difference in the quantity and the quality-of the rubber and of the places of employment.

The hours of employment in Salina are very satisfactory. I beliere that the average number of hours for employed girls in Salina, would be 'about eight per day but in some- cases girls are required to exceed this amqunt. I am in favor of the establishment of an eight hour labor law for female work- An unusually large amount 01 rubber and fabric is used in te Nobby Treads," and only the very" toughest and the best rubber, and only, the strongest, especially selected fabric. Then don't forget this fact, rubber quality can differ and fabric quality can differ just as much as the quality of leather can differ. Another Remarkable Skin Cure In Kansas 29c To all to whom this mav concern, A POUND BOX Sale Saturday and Sunday Only During the week 40c.

ers in Kansas and hope that it will not be long until legislation is se-i cured which will not permit the working of female labor over eight hours per day." HARRY HUNTER DEAD greetings: This is to certify that our little fabric that' is used in Nobby Treads. child became a sufferer from Eczema at an early age, was treated by phy AGENCY Kimballa, Guths. Fenway and Liggctts High Grade Candies. Tlfese are the reasons for the history making mileage records of 3bby Tread" anti-skid Tires during the past four years, and based sicians and grew no better, rather worse. Upon the advice cf Dr.

I. T. Gabbert of Caldwell, Kansas, placed s-iid child, at the age of six months, upon the D. D. I), treatment, and after having used some five to Brother of the Late Gilbert Hunfer Died as Result of Hunting Accindent upon these mileage records we recently announced that (7p3o six bottles thereof, our child was cured; therefore, at our request had this testimonial written up, we both sign willingly, fcr some otljer diseased child might profit thereby.

Furthermore do we testify that D. D. D. is Palmer Pharmacy The REXALL Store MOTORCYCLE DELIVERY HKA3itMmm)m tuYTWHZxaeawa The Only Guaranteed Exterminator www the 'best medicine ever used for ec zema, judging from happy effects up Mrs. J.

(J. Hunter, flOQ State street tin's morning received a message telling of the death of Harry Hunter, youngest brother of her late husband J. Gilbert Hunter. Harry Hunter's death occurred last evening at the family home at I-ione Elm, Kansas, in the east part of the was directly due to an accident which oc-! curred four years ago in which the deceased was shot. He was well known amonir the friends of Gilbert Hunter in Salina, having visited his 'brother here a number of times several years ao.

Mrs. Hunter stated this morning that she would not be able to go to Lone Elm to attend the funeral of her brother-Jn law. nERE'SFARM PROBLEM on, or with our little one, and would assert, furthermore, that cured our child during the hot, droughty spell when it was a burden for a healthv 4 ID i are now sold under our regular warranty perfect workmanship and material BUT any adjustments are on a basis of Stoarns' Electric Roach Pasio sc. Better than traps. Ready for ii-fletl" In 15 Wnenagps In package.

I Does Not Involve as Many Angles as Two ulr.en: and JlKi. f-old bj retailor everywhere. I Plank. Win (m A Salina official today when speak child to exist. (Signed) Mrs.

Will Reynolds. (Signed Will Reynolds. Route Caldwell, Kans. If you have not yet read of the wonders effected by D. D.

D. for Mayor Chapman, of Ellis; for T. V. Solomon, of Wichita, "cr if you have not heard of the success Dr. Ira, T.

Gabbert has had by using D. D. D. exclusively in more than a dozen severe cases; if you have liot heard of the eure of the Ilearlson family in Caldwell, we would suggest that you secure this and ther valuable information from the D. Laboratories of Chicago.

So confident are we that the D. D. I), prescription will reach your case too, that if the very first full size bottle fails to do exactly as is claimed, it will not cost you a cent. Drop in and let us tell you more about this Rreat remedy. D.

D. D. T. W. Carlin, Drutrsist Adv.

-7-13-20-27 HULL UMBRELLAS ing ot the plank problem, winch has been troubling ltianv Kansas people ert during the last few weeks, countered Suit vuov oitiVs. utiaviiuu; i i i i. i. it Ct TT "'hi iiin'iurr luim-jii, uifii lit suya nauuics fi.uu up is easier ot solution, but still capable of causing some good, hard mental WI-l-l-lv HfK thought in the process. This same man 1 lie Uiiubuai cai -i cdiduii vjudjuwjr Jrmrf nv a' wn'-rs having seen bWbLKY 1 Professor Payne at the state normal at r.mpona many years ago solve the Watch Repairing a Specialty.

plank problem, but he does not remember the work entirely as it em braced tne consideration ot many jWIS SELL i9ISM the quantity of rabber the method of construction, all have been rigidly maintained in "Nobby Tread" anti- and maintained regardless of cost, and maintained regardless of price competition. "Nobby eac' Tires are REAL anti-skid tires, and riule lWnle far the most mcai econoi U. S. for US We have sold United States Tires for several years. They give good service and long mileage.

The Nobby Tread is the Cheapest and Safest in the long run. GENERAL AGENTS-Overland, Jefferey, Rambler, Mitchell Gad- iliac and Packard Automobiles give you more Value, Comfort, Simplicity, Accessibility, Dependability and Economy, backed by the best automobile factories in the world, and an agency that gives you service. LLINGELIl AUT GO. 1 7 siitelititf a it mis NOTE THIS wKocIl UNITED STATES TIRES scH the hezt of cverythinj. condition of the roads since the snow.

Mr McDowell, -who purchased the Frank Robbins farm, shipped hi3 ear here Thursday. Mrs. Damoud and daughter," Minnie, were guests of Mrs. John Daily Thursday" afternoon. Mrs.

McFarlan was a guest of John Speacer Thursday; Several members of the A. 0. TJ. W. lcge met at the home' of C.

C. Phillips and ehopped np a nice pile of wood him. Mr. Phillips has been under the doctor's rare for some time and his ny friends hope Jie will receive help ia Salina, There are not many farmer in town these days -owing to the bad motlier and sisfer. Miss Hazel, who is attending scliool.

"'Gale Ives spent Friday' evening in Salina returning Home Saturday noon. Mr. Ahearn speat Sunday in Kansas City returning home Monday. Mrs. Julia Miller returned home Sunday.

C. Phillips 'weat to Salina Mon- day to take treatment from Dr. Arm-strong. Mrs. A.

Spangler came in Wednesday afternoon to see? her btother, C. Phillips. Elmer Herr is moving his family on the llary Robbins farm vrhieb he rented for sprisr crop. Phoue 683 AGErtTS WANTED 204-206 NortfrSanta Fe.

The Salina Evening Journal from Salina, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.