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SE A cloot) Bo NORWK 'ThTh' MADEAY I -N COMA-PHONE WHAT YOU CAN'T WORK AT THE MINT WITHOUT Page D12 THE SACRAMENTO BEE 99 For Sale STEAM cleaners $175 Steel cutting band saw US 916-273-2629 shop equig Stitcher sanders anilishers 5350 n5-5214 726-1316 ilINER 1 ca comm pieces 4444485 or 929-2954 SA0E reliable antique exc cond like hew 2000 lbs $500 or best offer 421-9786 eves "SILVER BULLION 999 fine certified Ingots Excellent price 927-6031 STORAGE SHEDS ALL alum 929-8171 dlr TABLE Indooroutdoor 4 chairs white leather seats Recliner white leather Cash only Before 6 110 CO tome Wy Sacto TRUNDLE bed steel like new $85 St desk $25 mono clothing sz 40-R 5246 ladles Sz 7-8 4817757 TABLE formal Gold Leaf rod din inn w-6 hi back velvet chrs Suzuki mini bike 488-1251 TABLE SAW homemade S15 Tarp 1042 $750 Reel type lawn mower S20 443-4498 TELESCOPE Jason 313 454 power Equatorial mount 5225 1-662-7524 TRINKETS TREASURES Ca for sled scuba bed sofa records1 area books household A Nothing over Mselt4 USED REBUILT UPRIGHT MODELS S9 95449 95 others CANISTER MODELS $75043950 FOOTHILL SEWING CENTER OPEN EVES 'TIL 8 5132 Auburn Blvd 3321496 VACUUM cleaner 1974 Kirby Ome ga with shag king ciemr model huge discount 3321496 dir Wallpaper In Stock 1700 patterns 20000 rolls It today SHE1 uON'S Paint Mart 2951 ARDEN WAY 4811491 00 Mlni bike 5175 362-5997 WASHERS coin operated Harvest Gold Frioidalres' used clean guar 5 Yr guar mattress liner algicide reoair kit carved frame $49 944- 2138 or 3313083 WHE-EL chair metal collapsible Foam lass suoolies rafts 3618 Broaciwaw 452-4814 CALIFORNIA WATERBEDS Sacramento's Finest Showroom 10 Off with this Ad 2812 Marconi Ave 08-8570 GET HARD TO FIND ITEMS AT NEWBERTS HARDWARE 17th A HGHLAND SALES 10-speed bed frame tUrnitUr househoid items To 650 4300 Attdwa Ave of 74th St tath Ave Sat Sun 10 AM to 6 PM CARRIER i4alttype '79? 0773' T'Tf is urn Blvd 372-3144 IANSU1 1050C turntable secartridge KF-8011 KENWOOD audio de roiser S135 178871887-- GARAGE SALE: Loads of new used Pestureoedic box winos frame girls bike books Never used elec can opener knife sharooner fondue set 5020 Pe freshments tool Sat Sun 4430 So Ave WENS FLOOR WALL FIXTURES Giass plate shelvino A mirrors chairs manneovins Monsrch marking machine adding machines Matthews Clothes $0912 St 99 For Sale SURPLUS GI JOE SURPLUS 5030 Pacific St Rocklin CA Phone 624-2871 No California's Largest Best OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK units 44121319 DOZIER CABLE 12" 49c ft I Alum Windows 2040-31129 ea AMMO CANS 50 cal $144 Sheetrock 4x13814" S169 Slit STAINLESS STEEL TANKS 600 gal Cal Era Lir 6438 Folsom BI S95 ANGLE Channel Plate Iron 15c 4 lb PARTICLE BOARD FENCE POSTS steel heavy dutv 10 6150 ea Its 3i Shoo grade 62 panel 15 JEEP CANS metal new S1299 Otto Cir 422-3347 JEEP WINCHES elec new 416950 JEEP CAN SPOUTS BURNING BARRELS L1'99191103 Machi nery HYDRAULIC PUMPS 2000SI 20 Tractors gal Der min new 56750 MOTOR OIL 20-40 Wt detergent ''''''7 35c at PCILP Trailer wilsrAkes 11710-07S Mi34SE tapered drill bits S3 lb PIANO HINGES from 30" to 72" SI25 i PLEXIGLASS CLEANER POLISH 39c bottle 100 Wanted3liseellaneons WANT 2 room tent porch 8 sleeping OCKtKS nousenoid Noth --IWEST STATES CO Sales mgmt S100 6782 May Middlecoft VW So area NO FEE SCRAP WOOD DUMP i Mach EGO Sales auctions 1-743- 4 5 10:00 am to 7 DIM Kelbro Coro 3560 Ramona 452-5841 2118 TOTE-GOTE hvy duty Brigos HOSPITAL BED want good used 1949 UNIV Truck Crane Ex for I Stratton 4 hp like new Orig $300 I adiustable 927-6018 scrap yd $2950 1-743-2959 Now $150 Call 489-7289 COLLECTIONS wanted De- CONVEYORS SCREENS scribe to Bee TV portable color Jacuzzi whir Box Mil 1pool '531641: Parts Components 489-4187 442-5308 WANTED: gas powered port air bath pump adding machine 8-clay' INTERNATIONAL TD 15B AG order reas mantle clock Hoover vacuum with compressor priced Gary 635-8873 must be good working Crawler late model Orton's EQUIP attachments Byrd Mk VII respira- 209-947-3301 tor lawn sweeper a lot of misc WANTED: Small utility trailer 411- Co to $100 4909 62nd St der $50 488-7216 1025C AG Craw-TV ZENITH port New picture WAJL4201t Af6' chain link fence ler late model Orton's Equip Co 209-947-3301 tube $35 8 mm movie protector $25 hearing aid $25 metal chairs $2 ea BIBLE -ay Church needs piano or CRANE OR DRAG LINE 12 457-6143 organ If you have one to donate' yard clam shell bucket $3000 707- call Reverend Lockwood at 1- 422-8728 TV Motorola Quasar 16" portable 7254200 color TV Excel cond 1150 925- FORD TRACTOR A EQUIPMENT 0427 OLD CLOCKS Sacramento Ford Tractor Inc IMMEDIATE CASH 929-1515 TREATMENTS 184 Gloria Marshall 16200 Folsom Blvd 452-1408 4- oos i vac woo qA 11-A --iti littAlMeNTS 1184 uloria figure weight reduction $300i sho ASS-ORTEu tools wanted a box to al USED tractar parts 2U 13A-3R cae-aso after 5 pm pful 456-4609 or 457-2276 D6 134 TD24 TOM ID9 IA AIR Compressor pumps or completel HD6-9 IA Best Mach Co 406 Au Tools shop mum pew used BAR I 3 vii I burn Blvd 332-4156 Tools 7725 Auburn 131 CH )255714 Iwo I I FORD 440 Weeder John Deere 50 UNUSUAL 4 diamond wedding band Any Size Any Cond-455-6We MF25 Diesel Dull disc best hole dig- aoor at $200 Sacrif $95 1-725-2411 ger Ford mower rake Mt PVT Dtv wants used S' chain kohl 927-7109 Dir TV Zenith BW 18" Zenith stereo fence oioe brick 363-5453 eves wood headboard coffee tbi desk ---'-i- iamb other misc S5475 441-1024 USED TOOLS WANTED FUEL STORAGE TANKS after 7 pm Large or small lots Dir 451-4121 Diesel oil or gasoline storage tanks 1000 to 1500 gal coo Aer VENDING machines moving Mug SILVER COINS Pay 300 of face Ind Pia tics 1-782-4300 tnican sell sacrit 925-2385 5-10 pm 1 Sterling silver $275 oz 988-2988 ONE 40 ton Der hr hot Want Porta VENDING Machines I candy I ciga-IPRINTERS Wood type Write BIII Sacra- I retie 1 soft drink good cond 1-1 415 First St Benicia 94510 ble See at 9353 Jack5on Rd 1 mento Ca: or call 3o3-3777 Dlr 7561912 Davis I------ bles etc 1119 St Mon-Fri rect from mill 1-273-8932 only 8-5 TEMPORARY POWER POLE WATER BED $55 Cushman scooter $75 682-2896 lic for 74 $75 (41 8 lug WheeiSINATURAL REDWOOD for Chevy $20 Good cond Dial 1 Stones 50c uo 4887116 489-4987 922-78174 EDEN BUILDING MATERIALS WOOD PANELING 24 sheets 4 811 2 4k8 sheetrock $159 ea lt color 539s Der sheet 457-26801WertPVntlfZ 1 95C1 7 PO Saturday' liay '4197( 192 Building Materials 444 Plvwood 8595 std Fiberglass Panels 8 Ft iSS ea 44 Ft Redwood Posts $289 ea Part Bd Sheit 124-46" S180 ea Alum Windows 2040-61129 ea Sheetrock 44)0A" V69 Ott Cal Era Lbr 6438 Folsom Bl 34 Shoo rade $2 panel- 157 Otto Cir 422-3347 For Salo POLE Trailers wibrakes $200-S225 Best Machinery 332-4156 WATER TRUCKS pull tYPO 2 Wabco nulls 4000 gai Wabco 6000 gal 2 Euc 12000 pal Goetz Co 363-7395 FADIE Almond hauler good condition S3500 Call 916-662-6195 AIR COMPRESSOR 20 hp used 50 hrs a steal at S1500 961-0239 QUALITY used parts for Cat AC IHC Ford Case John Deere tractors Florin Tractor Parts 8345 Florin Rd 303-0317 FROELIGER MAcIIINE TOOL CO Stockton 209948-2888 FORKLIFTS Boupht Sold On Interstate 80 371-9494 'WOOD LATHE Wanted Good cond fifsifIdKrDA---111- YM-EN Need med to lg one for Bov's Vocational School 1-265-6042 Ford Green Chooyet 41r Fpnrp Silage VACUUM CLEANERS Necd med to Id one for-13oies cational School 1-265-6042 i INSTANT CASH for furniture or what have you 1 OC Or a houseful 4138- 0464 dir SILVER GOLD COINS BUY AND SELL Allen roln Comoany 1448 FM Blvd alit 6448 or WILL PAY S20 CASH For non-working air conditioners 18000 BTU or higher 483-9254 Dlr WINDOW COOLER retrig Coldspot I 02 Building Materials 8500 BTU S100 Wedgewood range DANIEL'S PLUMBING SUPPLY 15? Sto kfmn Blvd (28 41m XII -in good cond ion DRY CRTEK IBR SALES 925-8290 Creek xo Rio Linea 991 2004 WIRE REELS all sizes qreat for fa-it EDAR EStPI7CKETS Di Ales etc 1119 Mon-Frii mill rRoort from 2" CO sneeroc LV ea casn 1U5-t131 9498 Demi fir 59c ea 095 Greenk Lane nade gd cond 1456-1115 HUISMAN AUCTION SERVICE 916-4222797 269-745-1210 IM RELIANCE Semi bottom dump used loss than 5000 mi One Hough 100 loader 4 vard One case 1000 track loader and rimer POP one Cat 14 blade ROP 1-473-7176 or 1-673-6467 ONE 3 Ot hook-up mower Also 3 pt post hole diggers 8 ft towner disc 371-6314 DRAGLINE 1 yd CRAWLER with 60' boom 1 yd perforated drag bucket 12 yd clam bucket Wt 34 ton good condition S8000 Allen 1012 Elm St San Carlos Calif 94070 415-593-4239 GANNON SCRAPER 2ve yrs old 6' 5" high back hydraulic ripper teeth Needs some welding $300 20'4 Doug fir 59c 12105 St Sactfk Calif HI 64575 8095 Green'yl-1( CH go77 161 DO ZE wage w-cutting 30" I new 1 -81351886 edge 265 Sunrise Blvd 635-6970 Panelling ti17c 1 Rancho Cordova eet PKEFINISHLO raneihng FORKLIFT 6000 lb 10' Mt 6127S sh -1- 1 171-040A sneer 6' Fence $199 ft I LIFT ALL INC 3719494 2x4 Redwood 12c MI SHEET Metal 0' 14 patttr 1 CO I-in exc cond i-34-019 or 1-343-6985 5180 Frankirri Blvd 452-7391 WA TER COOLER Ig capacity $25 0-9 18A Cali 331-2 653 GAL roofing 5156 wheel (Mit) exc cond $3250 (2' 28 ga gal roofing-cut 75c mit 0-9 IBA swing frames complete witt WELDING SET Victor cutting torch 3' alum skiing 35c so it life lime rollers $900 ea (916) 534 575 Power lawnmower good cond 1 x4 7c Lft 7965 or (916) 534-0833 eves ITp-rr- --lx4 fir-std btr ower gwomower goo COo 7c Lft1 7965 or (916) 534-0833 eves redwood vts to 12 16c Pump vomixe Cd CALI LUFIL atAJ115 Z1V 1 Blue Velvet chair Ottoman $130i PARTITION STUDS 89c CAT generator O343 200 KW Com066-3810 olete with Stand tank less Dower Itydgrade Surfaced to 114" unit g1250 Chico 342-2667 art 6 WATERBED I 71 I St8- thick raw: dom width length MO per thou-ACTOR D-14 Alli Chalmers wheel tractor wimowing mach Cal sand sq ft 1-7429S9 APc-Occ7 lk nrovP 4" fIBEptASinspl sq 66'5-9557 Elk Grove MOBILE LOBE MLR Ali air oper Med Grease oil pumps w-air comp are Inc 3714845 Like new $ICO Dir 487-0770 mil 2c set ft Med Grease pa pumps w-ar 1 EASTMAN BUILDING PRODUCTS comp are inc 371-7845 TERREL'S PLASTtC 8191 Elder Creek tu Rd ROT LL OTIERS 2 LAWNMOW- plastic sheet rod be pp 091-117 922:1247 bet Cali 9619884 LOADER 2v2 yd ALUMINUM window 6x6 ft SSO 481 bucket $16000 1725-6585 GOETZ CO 363-739 USED Redwood Lathe 6 ft Iona 6C MODEL 282 Hancock 10 Yd Eleyat each 1-743-2959 ng Scraper In operating cond 59 FOUR curved wooden trusses 60 MI 500 Liberal terms Or disc for cash No3690385 eves Span optri all hardware 916-645-2269 I taetat 1 La 00000 asoa Det 1UF 1114 WI FOUR curved wooden trusses Oe "41 g3N4138eves Span with all hardware 916-645-2269 CASE 1210-333 HP tractor for sale DOORS Cab air duals 332-8703 aft 6 ol 11(7r1LANL ALL3t I LAJUKS I Cab air duals 332-8703 I 6 or 2510 Elkhorn Blvd Rio Linda 2000 18" to 36' wknds (y1 LANDING MATS Se EA woos BRos S50 lath generator 485 ante 220 chain link fence: 2x48 GOOD 10c FT1 stKAr7TOO Orices paid we also buY volt 400 cycles 3 otiose 28 volts Master Charge BankAmericard cars Oben Sat 8 :0 2 Metal 110 volts 9cIS engine excel cond S200 Call 927180) or 332-8201 PHONE 331-1228 I 6354750 model 91 CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETS factory MO AMP cervices Wan main szsso1 Hesston havswather model 24 2nos Save up to SOi TAP Plastics I c4rplumbino 72:11 Stockton Blvd Newholland havbaier 2 wire mod J311C13 OWATONNA havswatner model 91 CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETS futonIlea AMP services with main $2550 I Hesston havswetner model 240 CLEU STONE INC DEL PASO PIPE MACHINERY Liquidators Auctioneers 4553953 11113 r)el Paso Blvd No Sacto FREE BATHROOM SCALE for 3 ma sub SF Chronicle 489-3649 REDWOOD fencing very good guall- hi 30000 ft to be sold Units cover ROCKWELL 7" sandergrinder 200 of fence In 4 5 6' lengths Reg $104 50 Sale price $8450 28c bd ft by units 7341 32nd St Tools 202LBroadway'451-7782 High Ask for Marlon Cottle 73 ySE-O SKIDS 4'6" lino 3' wide 10' high with V-iron legs angle Surplus Iron sides hardwood tons heavy 927-1875 duty good cond $70 each or Si 050 Win lot of 100) ea for entire stock of 73 skids Cell Steel Sinks I 95 he Sacramento Bee 442-5011 extension Cast Iron sinks 5225 ea 340 6' Redwood Tristake Fencing IKTASOUND movie camera and Posts rails 5209 per lin ft Prolectors Demo 15 oft list INDIAN VALLEY LBR CO Cordova Camera 163-3764 933-1103 Carmichael 481-9167 Gov't Landing Mats SEMI-GLASS ENAMEL PAINT 5 Gal for 517110 SURPLUS STEEL A PIPE CO Railroad Salvage 221 16th St CHICO 2200 Park Aye ORLAND Rd 2i at Hwy 99INO 1 heavy nhakes 838 SO No 1 SACRAmENTO 1834 Auburn Blvd med shakes $33 so MOORE STOCKTON 153-3 Waterloo Rd BUILDING MATERIALS 488-0520 KAL KAN 24 on cans only 49c 5-0 lb dry only S810 Western Ranch- -IBERGLAS lob ShOVitt stalls ers Supply 5935 Don Way CarMi- all sizes Placer t-abrication 633 ti Lincoln 1-645-8221 chael: 1600 34th St DEL NORTE SWIM TENNIS MOORE'S FENCING CLUB membership $80 422-9088 iiree est KO Grand Ave 9271071 SOONERS FLEA MARKET SPRINKLER PIPE 312c ft Every Sat Sun 8-5 70 Inside Reds Plumbing 4520 Franklin spaces 6218 No Golden State Blvd (Old 991 Turlock Call 209 526-4060 HUGHES PLYWOOD CO or 209 634-9786 Folsom Blvd nr Sunrise COMPLETE 1 chair barber shoti Rancho Cordova 635-4865 unit Make offer 927-4774 DECKING 2x5 APPROX SIS OFF Sale May lg Have your old 84 TIMBERS 6' LONG Photos copied by experts Sirlin's ALL USED 1309 Si 444-8464 Larkin Equipment Co PATIO COVER ALUMINUM 12818 7650 14t11 Ave 452-8151 Si00 Good cond 428-7663 OLD LAND Park 12 family Garage Exterior Siding Sale House A patio turn leadedlPremfum At" Sidle On Clear glass doors dryer rugs mowers Face Reverse Illifes 10 In uo Books tosA 4x8 chts 1 to25 ocs $1199 or S373M mimic I 3814 Lard Park 2s Plus stigo ea or smom hurs Fri Sat 9 to 5 lc to SI00 4)(0 Sheets $1495 ea or 5415M 4 tm SUN SCOPE John Beam it aligner Plus s' a Aftros A "IP Thurs Fri Sat 9 to 5 lc to $100 49 Sheets $1495 ea or $415M SUN SCOPE John Beam pit alioner ''U3' wa we tm Bear wheel alioner rack Amco LUMBERJACK brake shop 991-1319 Arden Way 0721417 YARD SALE many good Items ap 8380 Florin Road 3613050 pilances color TV Wed thru Sun 6611 Carnation Ayete 5cS100 CORRUGATED GALVANIZED 'OCIFING YARD SALE furniture Garai) door HItenshe 1JS made 56c IT misc To $100 3279 Briggetord Dr Heavy Cedar shakes 5-1995 so 9-5 Thursday Med Cedar shakes $3695 so YARO SALE: c-----74-Twe Cedar shingles NO 1 S3950 Sq new I Cedar shingles No 7 washing machine '52 Packard Bell $32 '5u so TV both work 1 725 1109 235 lb asphalt comb shinoles $1695 90 lb roll roofing min surf $625 ri YARD SALE Wed thru Fri 10c-S50 Cal Era Ur 6438 Folsom Blvd 1717 Virginia Ave $ac YARD SALE: May 3 4 5 corner of Cut Rate Plumbing Eairtield Belasco Aye nr Las ralmas Jr High 3 familieS clothes 553 12th st GI 33987 color TV 8 turn home decorations a) lYARD SALE appliances tools big PAY LESS SAVE materials baby items much misc Water Heaters S3150 1c460 Saturday Sunday Steel Bath Tubs as is S15 noon to 4 4544 Amberley Wy Ell- Toilets Porcelain Tank S719 50 sonPasadena area 4827205 3' Drainage Sewer Piga 2212c 'YARN' SHOP Fixturel Wartime PVC Pi AS11 WATER 5FWER ouins 4881420 PIPE FITTINGS Comp stock WHOL ESALE DEALER FOR SALE: VW parts mags boYS NAME BRAND APPLIANCES YARD SALE: oio turn -el wringer' cedar shingles No 8 13750 so washing machine '82 Packard Bell in a I lb it COMO h'n les $1695 TV both work 1-1251109 90 lb roll roofing min Surf 5425 rl YARD SALE Wed thru Fri 10c-150 Cal Era Lbr 6438 Folsom Blvd 1111 Virginia Ave $ac YARD SALE: May 3 4 5 corner of Cut Rate Plumbing color TV turn home decorations 333 12th St GI 3-3987 i'ARD SALE appliances tools big PAY LESS SAVE materials baby items much misc Water Heaters 83130 1c460 Saturday SUnday Steel Bath Tubs as is $IS noon to 4 4544 Amberley Wy Ell- Toilets Porcelain Tank 839 50 SonPasadena area 4821208 3" Drainage sewer Pipe 2212c 'YARN SHOP Fixturei PVC Pi AS1 I WATER SEWER A1m PIPE FITTINGS Como stock Como stock Bldg matertals BankAmertrard Master Charge Mort-Sat PM toed Sun Anderson Lumber APPROX 70II adobe brIrJul 1511 xi SPECIALS 538 311 S100 944-1852 No 1 hvV Ceder shakes per Sti 515 11" SYLVANIA color television plc No 1 med cedar shakos per sel S34 lure tube S19 95 Rebuilt with rare 235 lb asphalt comp shingles $1579 earth phosohor new electron gun 90 lb roil rooting per roil $619 labor extra Freeway TV 5126 Au- Asonaltolvas Sale 100 $250 '6 'crowy'n" 103 2x6 sta btr $ltly per 24 all lengths $169 per 7x4 std btr Studs 3189 per v2x4x8 CDX plywood $608 per pc 331-2332 6840-30th St NH 331-3144 PLYWOOD MAN SAYS 1x6R1 lumber S4S OTC 144 516x4x8 plywood ext glue x4701plywood ext glue 19 plywood seconds $569 Sitx4x8 plywood seconds $67 9 30(08 OiYWOOd A glue S9179 36 front doors $1650 up redwood ext glue 49 4)(44 T1-11 redwood ext olue 5998 3044 Fir 18-S ext glue 5598 Newholland havbaier 2 wire mode 481-7584 421-4770 i727 925-6574 CLEU STONE INC DEL PASO PIPE MACHINERY FORKLIFTS used all makes Town Liquidators Auctioneers 455-3953 1113 r)el Paso Blvd No Sacto motot Dir 444-76ii 1-6S6-341 FREE BATHROOM SCALE for 3 ma sub SF Chronicle 489-3649 blade 59 Ford fiat bed lo hau REDWOOD fencing gory good quail- 4D CAT with 11 Yd a hi 30000 ft to be sold Units cover ROCKWELL sandergrinder 200' of fence In 4' 5 6' lengths Sarre '112 vd dump i2ox Who's! Reg $104 50 Sale trice $8450 28c bd ft by units 7341 32nd St Tools 7020 Broadway451-7782 Hgri Ask for Marion Cottle TMearkre offer yaieto 'air 4(ti 73 ySED SKIDS 4'6" lone 3 wide 248-7762 10' high with Viron legs angle Surplus AUCTION: Steel fabrication plant t( Iron sides hardwood heavy (i duty good cond S)O ea or Si Mn lots 0 100) 50 927-187 be sold at South Lake Tahoe fol ch 5 wahl Berg Sat May 18 10 AM 4tsr sntlro One-k t4 71 tit trig rAil ThO -tee) Sinks 51 95 ha Auction Villa 455-2616 103 Machinery Tractora Etc For Sale 0 ANNOUNCING THE NEW UTILITY DIESEL TRACTORS They're here Pugged vrsofile world famous Kubota diesels at down-toearifi prices Perfect for mowing till ing hauling snow removing harrowing cultivating etc Proven for years all over the world Three models (11 21 26 hp) regular turf end wide tread tires ow prices Iow upkeep 3-point hoch two or four speed PIOs hydraulic lift 8 or 10 gear transmissions uses Category No 1 implements (we have them all!) Plenty of parts available and expert service by our speciolly Homed men Com In And Gin A free DtMONSTRATION SACRAMENTO FogdThl FORD 11 TRACTOR 452-1408 6200 Folsom Blvd Sacramento Col 103 31aellt1ttery" Tractor roC Saitt PHONE 332-5300" DITCH-WITCH model elec start $400 Phone 985-3233 040 CAT It SIM tiff bed Mir for rent 0 444-6533 wknd 9271688 NEW Holland Swather mod SOS Top shape soil or trade 3716314 NO 3 turret lathe w-prod cross slide $995 1-622-1958 14' 2 AXLE flatbed equipment trailer brakes new $1395 1-652-5346 663-2994 3 PT mower 020 John Deere side del rake $125 988-4103 MODEL AC with an angle dozer $16001-795-4426 after 8 pm 10 HP MOTOR Booster pump MO mdi $250 1-79S-2689 TRENCHER on track like new blade on back Davis model 600 take over pymnts 1-885-6285 AUCTION Modern Woodworking Plant Long Cabinets Inc 2500 Citrus Road RANCHO CORDOVA CALIF For Benefit of Creditors James Cussen Assignee SEE large ad Sunday thru Wed DELL SHLIFFIELD AUCTION CO WEST SATES CO Yuba City call 1-673-5189 1442-4276 or 1443-2118 FOR SALE: 1-IttC 503 combine 16 ft grainheader 4 row 30 inch Cornheader diesel too cab factory air cond Excl cond Call Fred Rehrman Son Dixon: 678- 2585 or 678-2361 Baling Wire $5500 per box contract thru the season Sisal baling twine 83200 per bale available in May Galyinized orchard and vineyard wire )2 guage 26c Per Pound 10 guage and 9 goade 40c per pOund 13 guage hi tensile 39c per pound GMC 371 Sta Power Unit w-HYD FORD 2000 GaS tractor w-loaaer Pumolank S1800 209-245-6657 pt lift Very clean $3150 DAVID Brown Model 880 loader 3 JOHN DEERE 70 HI-CROP eves pt lift PTO Runs good $3350 707-448-2117 FORD 3500 loader 3 pt lift Real Sharp S3950 D3H 36-A-973 CAT farm tractors dl CASE 430 gas tractor loader rect drive Call 381-1444 scraper Sharp $3850 JOHN Deere beet digger model 231 MASSEY-FERGUSON 3165 diesel MO) 787-3712 loaderbackhoe Runs good 33650 An AtcovcmorMtIM TO lc 1 nt (916) 787-3112 MASEV-FERGUSON TO 3s 1NE 3 hook-up mower Also 3 litt Sharp! $2350 Po St hoie diggers 8 it towner disc Trade-ins Accepted 371-6314 THRONE FARMS EQUIPT 2612 Hiway 16 (Woodland River Rd) tgAOLINE 1 id CRAVitpt with West Sacramento 3714647 CHAIN SAWS COMPLETE LINE See the Chain Saw Man (McCulloch Distributors) LEAVITT nrli'a7Zr': 2 'Z'e7'mt1 3 bottom plow $9900 1674 25 Allis Chalmers hydraulic )0 ft 6 In disk $45000 used all makes Town 26 Graham chisel- 11 it with $107500 exten- 4447611 1-655-3)31 sions with 11 Yd back hoe 27 Case tractor's with loader back9 Ford fiat bed lo haul to and front blade Gas Diesel r2 941 dump box wlhoist 28 Gem camper to cab high excel-tier to: 1201-103 Sycamore lent $29500 vale Ca 94087 Call 408- WESTSIDE TRACTOR 1 Willows (916) 934-3231 I Steel fabrication plant to 1 IH wheel tractor with Edwards at South Lake Tanoe for forklift and canopy DemonstratBerg Sat May 18 10 AM ed Only Villa 455-2616 2 Towner ditcher 4 tool bar new $13500 3 Miskin 3 pt hitch No 12 land lachinery plane new S230000 rractora Etc- 4 International 12 ft swather PTO drive new Sato 5 Murry 10 yd hydrolic scraper new 6 Murray 12-9 drag scraper (new) kNNOUNCING 7 international No 440 2 wire PTO bailer-new good savings THE NEW International 400 planter 6 row with fertilizer attachments-new good savings UTILITY DIESEL 9 Rotory mower new 3 pt hitch 5 it S45500 TRACTORS l' New Sidewinder 1312 ft rotorv Cutter 1000 RPM 11 New 12 ft Cultipacker 12 New 6 ft 3pt hitch rear blade lila 13 FIT 111 13 International model 2000 hydrolic loader with bucket 1 14 New 3 pt hitch post hole digger IrIX i with 9'' or 12" ewer '15 New 14 ft Cook hydrolic cult! roi7oi plow 16 New Ridoer on tool bar $231000 1 willowtESTSIDE TRACTOR i 104 Machinery GET your price Consign any items i ResaleAuction (209) 369-1006 Lodi i SET Of rice tracks for John Deere i 105 ham (209) 748-2400 110 Farm Prodacts FOR RENT large LOT for garden Water DPH area 9214334 FRESH FRUIT I VEGETABLES Everyday low prices 10 off with ad Jack's Produce 3732 Auburn Blvd FRESH CARROTS in large Poly bags aOPrx 15 lb $4 Exel for Nice or feeding livestock Special price by the ton Free delivery 2231845 111 Hay Grain and Sale and Wanted GOOD OAT KAY 7425729 Wheatland after 5 PiPER Sudan seed for sale US owl 439-2341 Princeton FOR OLOALITY HAY HAULING bail 1 3838631 aft Mk for Wilber OA a STOCK HAY Nevada Alfalfa Straw 9912628 9914398 SUNRISE RANCH SUPPLY HAY-FEEDACK WE HAVE BABY CHICKS 7640 Sunrise Blvd 7364551 I rt HAVE BABY CHICKS 7649 Sunrise Blvd 7261 1103 Machinery Tractors i For Salo GROWERS Short Term Wheel Tractor Rentals flow Available Available in the Sacramento area NEW JOHN DEERE 4230's 4430's Fully Maintained your fuel oil 10-I 111sehinerye 1112 Livestock and 1 Supplies 4'-' 1 Supplies FINE auatity atm als it I NORSETRAILER grain hay VW -amt Clarksburg aftne36A4 A horses love and good tun Have a area nr Freeport 19161 666-1100 or PALOMINO beautiful Apricot mare safe clean attractive trailer Free l9161 66 snow white mane tail gentle 51085 ests on reconstruction of floors flashy S300 682-3197 paint to match your car or truck NEW LOW feed prices Le Omelene POnchers NY CART $10950 Don Way Western body work etc we will pickup and deliver fast satiatactiOn guar 4119- 100 $830 Broodmare 80 $030 manv Ra SuPPIY 5935 0610 other reductions large SelectiOn Carmichael stop compare Western Ranchers 10114 ANNUAL English Horse Show Supply 5935 Don WV Carmichael PERUVIAN PASO sponsored by Boosters at ALBERS ROUNDUP Beautiful registered yearling Idly for Barbara Worth Stables Hwy 16 at Rancho Murieta May 11 Classes Sale Rare opportunity SLoOLI 1 begin El LIM Wrkg Hunters Hunt 662-0176 Complete hay grain horse food Woodland Seat Eq Eng Pls Hunter Ms ConveniefT to teed You add nott QTR GELDING 6 yrs Bay Breen Cross Country Jumpers Rec by Incl broke gentle 5250 481-7630 PCHJSHA CHSA Jr Nor ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY US Equestrian Team Rider Into QTR NORSE S500 Palomino mare cal Judge' Meson "ell's mrmer 4524156 S500 Colts filly 6100 ea Ph 332- 6300 Folsom Blvd 1-725-9276 or 1-791-1525 1111 Lii net ith MAP PiAlt enntrIte0 OA I angle diti81 Baling Wire' S55" Ur s'''' thru the season Sisal baling twine QTR HORSE 6 yr Mare il I yr RI- $16001-795-4426 after 8 pm 10 HP MOTOR Booster pump MO $3200 per bale available in May iv colt can be rem both $375 Galvinlzed orchard and vineyard Mare 363-5742 mdl $250 1795-2689 wire 12 gauge 36C Per pound 10 QUARTER Thorouphbred foal mare gauge and 9 mum 40c Der pound fees price See at Natoma Bluffs TRENCHER on track like new 13 gauge hi tensile 39c Per pound a ues 966-3351 blade on back Davis model 600 Disc Blades Fencing Fence Posts QTR mare 2 fillies geld steer take over pymnts 1-885-6285 etc Farm Supplies and more at Big wrestlinghorse 381-3064 3065 West Capitol Aye West SacD-4 LOADER Ripper very good ramento Also in Modesto 371-8800 -Dittit Storie 11 yrs old For be- shape Ready to 901 $5500 Phone ginner or child All tack Saddle 209-532-9328 incl $500 45-6620 112 Livestock an pies lie 9 yrs Perfect for adult or child LOADER Hough 4-WD very Rood' supl QTR Horse Palomino sound gen- $4950 Item 5'29 Goetz Co 363-7395 ANGUS BULLS black 2 w-papert Trail or pleasure $375 w-saddle TWO auto bale compactorbalers 5500-S575 Aft 5 1-645-2203 tack 488-2791 complete with bale tenders These reg 4800 units are nearly new having been in ALBINO Feats Rea filly colt Year- QUARTER horse mare Call atter 428-5681 use approx 4 mos They are espe- linos Top ADHA breeding Matched cially adaptable for restaurants or Pair not twins $700 tor pair $450 QTR HORSE MARE 3 yrs also light industries developing quantl- ea 967'5498- shetland pony Eves 1-726-1932 ties of loose waste Compaction ra-ABHA GELDING always in the rib- QTR HORSES FOR SALE Shenam tin up to 15 to 1 dependent on ma- bons in pleasure and dry stock doah Farms (2091 835-0642 ferial New cost now approx 53600 Call 481-8650 I RABBITS pure-bred New Zealand per nit Will sell for $2250 each APPALOOSA Id 8 Id SP ge ing yr whit Does This includes InstMlation on your 7454 or bucks 332- 331-2661 site in the Sacramento area bv au- '''er "14'1'5'5' thorized dealer Cali (702)-786-4868 reg mare gentle but spirited SHAVINGS Bulk loa798ds 2-1 Delivered Reno Nevada S250 48--8461 PHONE 45 it-IFIVC Elm ts eiL en need sticOnt it learrinchira sheen our 7000 ORCHARD LUGS APPY geld 4 or old lls Am Vs (7071 475-3874 Ortr filly mile $300 each or both $500 1-783-0212 TRACTORS 1ARAB l'2 reg gelding Beat offer All Good Condltion 1-487-64" yrs MASSEY-FERGUSON 2135 tractor 31 ARAB 34 req Palomino Gelding 7 Pt litt PTO real sharp $3450 i started on Dresage 988-3598 CASE 530 diesel loader backhoe ARAB purebred colt 2 ors flash Runs good 54450 chest show ouaiity Come See A FORD 641 tractor 3 of lift Runs make offer 682-2557 good 2000 Gas tractor ARAB colts by Pentagon-Fadlur FOR 3 Natis Rees Terms 1-195-2177 pt lift Very clean 53150i DAViD Brown Model 880 loader 3 ARAB purebred colt 2 ors flashy pt lift PTO Runs good $3850 chest show quality come see A FORD 3500 loader 3 pt lift make offer 682-2557 sharp 430 S3 tractor loader 9513 3 blue see- AUSTRALIAN Cattle lers) reg ready May 1 933-1070 or CASE ga dogs scraper Sharp "tt 53850 1-67 71122 MASSEY-FERGus6N 316s diesel loader-backhoe Runs good 85650 ARABIAN Mares Stallions A GeldMASSEY-FERGUSON TO 35 3 nt1 Inds Registered 8350 A up Terms 0 fl 11art1 stlco 707-448-2732 APPY reg mare gentle but spirited $250 487-8461 APPYS (10) 1-3 yrs old well bred marked 933-6590 APPY Gelding 8 yrs grey blk-white 9 conform 1-885-1725 ARABAppy mare ells yrs white w-brown markings 15 hands exc endurance horse $400 1-663-2730 APPY Gelding 6 yrs very gentle $175 1 Sorrel mare fast walker gentle spin on a dime 5275 1 bay gelding can be ridden w-halter 8275 966-3351 ANGUS-Hereford Cross Heifer 645 lbs $248 voting Charalois Sii89 white-face steer calf 300 lbs $159 Bred Holstein Heifer 800 lbs 8325: Charalois calf $90: Piggy Gilt 280 lbs $125 991-4044 APPALOOSA 8 yr gelding hands west pleasure Show pros SHAVINGS Bulk loads Delivered PHONE 4574121 SUFFOLK Hampshire sheep purebred Ewes rams lambs Also cross-breds $35495 332-7454 or 331-2661 SADDLE western 14" Almost new Show quality $300 1-756-6139 SHADOW GLEN RIDING STABLES Under new management scenic trail rides grout rates of or more riders good horses tack Horses bought sold traded 4080 Hazel Ave FO 967-9866 for reservations A TACK SUPPLIES Low Discount Prices JUNGLELAND PETS I-725-3960 6099 San Juan FO Lie A Inspected by USDA SHETLAND ponies (2) very gentle $50 160 991-1351 991-1540 hands west pleasure Show Pres! SHETLAND ponies (2) both $75 or Wing Wire $5500 per box contract oect Reg T91567 Sired by too sell separate 991-1530 thru the season Sisal baling twine Dutch Bik TB JC560548 Owner $320() per bale available in Me ng 933-1286 SHORTHORN Bull 2 pair reg Galvinized orchard and vineyard movi call early AM or PM (916) 991-3339 wire )2 guage 26c Per Pound 101APP Spanish Jack good THOROUGHBRED Hunter gelding puede and 9 guaoe 40c per pound build good color Horses boarded sl cr 363-4913 456-5563 13 guane hi tensile 39c per pound bouoht sold Circle-R Stables etc Farm Supplies and more at Big Disc Blades Fencing Pence posts Roseville 1-791-1374 TENN Walkers blk brood pleas- APPY 8 Yr17 hands gentle S200 or broke S650 1 Yr filly $500 991 ure mare $600 2 vr nelding well 3065 West Capitol Ave West Sac-I ramento Also in Modesto 371-8800 1 trade for auto or Pickup 3312600 5792 eves ARAB Otr ARM 3 Yrs trained well perfect conformation sire by Graze Eagle Warrior $385 1- 663-2364 ARABIAN STALLION SERVICE 2 sons of Fersevn Sonevn 8551 Grand Prix 21262 These 2 great stallions will stand to outside mares the 1974 season 1-655-3945 1-655-3395 ARABS pure Dart bred Shiny stock CATECROFT ARABIANS 1-885-4740 ARABIAN mare 152 hands Many biues in Western Pleasure Exc tor vound girl 6854659 ARAB WELSH mare 7 WS flashy 135 excel tor 411 Reas 1- 637-4838 r4 THE PIS KING young girl 6854659 ALL GRAIN HORSE FEED 34" dia ae wall 250 ft 637-4838 0' 14 gauge 42' dia 516 wall 250 ft ARAB WELSH mare 7 vrs flashy' Add hay tor complete feeding or 1-343-6985 lOs'4 dia i2 gauge 4000 ft 135 excel tor 4H Rees 1- ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY 6300 Folsom Blvd 452-8156 dieter to fly 36" dia concrete steel clvt St ft $3250 (2) 24" die concrete steel clvt S3 ft ARABIAN HORSES 30 reg Pure- -Cattlemen's Livestock Market complete with Many sizes 371-5368 372-2195 breds Terms (916) 687-6540 Sale Wednesday 1-209745-2731 Galt ea (916) 534- 621 Harbor Blvd West Secte- i AQHA Palomino chestnut saddles "CATTLE PALACE Livestock Auctlea res Priced To Sell Consider trms 922-2765 Tues II AM Elk Grove 685-9503 ty ixer 1 Woolridne rear cable unit S295 00 ANGUS cows cross bulls Aft 4 am HITCHING RAIL rtl CO ul608 2: Wooiridge 15 yd cable 600:00 1-885-928L Folsom Calif I 085-3606 3 Buckeye cable rear unit $20000 appY GELDING 7 yrs ad for' TENDER LOVING CARE 00 KW Com- 4 John Deere elevator 30 ftS5500 00 trails anybody can ride 5300 991- For your horse your pocketbook 4 less power 7 Allis Chalmers side delivery rake 62to Board at Doultie Tree 991-3871 I2-2667 aft 6 S275 8 Allis Chalmers twin round bailer ARAB endurance prospect also ART(FiCIAL BREEDING Service tor S30000 quarter horses anoy All well cattle Call 916-9016851 timers 1)-14 broke $300 up also saddle trailer -ifAILElieillieltrAfitE I CAT- s97 5Votpee Ditcher 3 'pt hitch off Set 383-8765 or 391-2770 FACTORY DIRECT PRICES no mach Call 1(1 Cable ripper 3 curved standard on ARABIAN STALLION at stud IS- 4231 West Capitol Sacramento Alt air oper- robber $65000 SON 67232 014 bay hands ex- (916) 371-0913 PurriPS w-air 11 Adams grader diesel model 512 treme refinement sons and dation- HORSE trallerS cattle trailers enc Mii ty 1160000 tern at ranch S300 P13 S100 Others LAwNmow 12 Johnson dual chain bail loader BAR-B-ARAB1ANS 961-6686 and Hale Saddles and tack fence posts barb wire western I47 S37500 Inc uso 00 AISPY large 9 yr old Gelding mu ter clothing western boots portable 402 212 Gra IC ham 8 ftchisel rider $300 391-8250 331-1713 corals and portable arenas farm ilf hl I s3900 John Deere er se Bio i 15 Case 1000 harvester on tracks li BABY FEEDER CALVES CapItol West suopiles and more R3065 West Sacramento 371-8800 363-7395 runs 990(10 988-2010 10 Yd Eleyat- 16 Kosch belly mower used some BULL reg Hereford proven siii Calif Livestock Mete Assoc ring cond 59- $27500 calves I-687-6313 687-6813 TULARE YARD disc for cash 17 6 ft 3 pt eraser blade 43 4013 So St 19000 iBULL-Charlois 5 vrs gentle 11300 It Grain feed mixer with electric TULARE CALIF iclor for 6 or sal motor like new som Can be reg 9913191 Phone (709) 684-3836 aft na montertional 1 bottom rear plow BABY calves S25465 Feeder $100 8703 up call 1-725-4676 111 SPECIAL MillEMED 20 Ford 3 pt 1 bottom rear Mower 485 amp 2201 $22500 BEEF CALVES started a feeders se 28 volts 213 pt hitch spring tooth harrow 985 up Can de- HOLSTEIN excel concl1 7 oo liver 9 16-73-1S4S 22-8201 22 Bankout wagon 140 sacks 5169500 CALVES FEEDERS FOR SALE er model 91 23 Letourneau LS scraper wduais 15 421-9904 model 240120- $900 00 HFIFFR SAI BEEF CALVES started feeders Ready for grass $35 op Can de- liver 916-273-7845 CALVES FEEDERS FOR SALE 421-99te CALVES white faced I days a mos old 362-2159 CALVES Baby started feasters Beef Or Hoistein 16454389 COWS I fresh Swiss cross heavy producer 2nd calf 1 BW face Holstein crosS lot calf heavy Drogue-or both very gentle Sell with or w-out calves Call 1-725-2378 COWS CALVES FOR SALE Call Auourn 885-6747 DAIRY cows beef cows WM 1-725-4473 1-791-4531 ENGLISH JUMPER I yr ofirril hands S800 Firm 944-3879 EWES 1200 choice Montana yrings 916-371-5060 or 371-5368 Rt 1 Box 1739 West Sac 95691 ELEVEN fancy firstcalf heifers starting to calf now Call aft 1:00 752-4129 FEEDER calves 300 to $00 some cow fed from $I50 1-791-4333 I Filly 9 me father reg Am $100 eves 422-7514 GOATS French Alpine dry yearling $100 ea 687-6783 eves GOATS Mother baby Both for S75 1-273-8507 GUERNSEY family cow calf Call 991-2509 GELD Welch yrs Some gymkana $225 9884437 GYMKHANA ride all day Sat lirt gles 95 families SIO 991-3871 GELDING 5 yrs chestnut thoroughbred with bailers 161 hand Neck reins and English Reins A beginner lumoer presently lumping 3' 6" S650 925-3385 HEIFERS 3 Angus 3 Chariolail cross 11 mos 22 mos Lincoln 1-M5-3406 HAMPS registerable excel 4-H FFA prolects boars gills $35 3-- HORSE AUCTION Every Saturday night 730 sharp Soecial this week: 1 AOHA Stallion 10 registered quarter mares ELK GROVE HORSE AUCTION HORSES boarding 'Walk Also 41 sell Big Oaks Ranch 99168111 HEREFORD Hollers $195 Angus Cow A calf SIX steer 43c lb 1-6458027 1-991-3530 HORSES BOARDED t224761 and eveningS 922-M75 HORSE SHOEING show a ohmsure can jim 5trunk J87-9119 HORSES registered grade S150 and up Boarding Box stalls Indoor outdoor ring S55mo 363-3496 ask for Marv HORSES STALLS dasture tack rm lighted arena Cordova THOROUGHBRED 17 hands 6 Yrs old Rshbl Aft 6 9884193 TENNESSEE Wa 'Wu Horses Show pleasure brood mares Quality stock Member of Breeder's Assoc Days 1-673-9991 eve 1474-0306 PONY $80 Welsh $75 Welsh Stud 150 Gentle Ph 481-3239 aft 12 WELSH Pony Yrs wnew bareback pad stirrups bridle best offer Dial 1-346-8266 WANTED Cream Separator 4H Project Leader needs separator to buy or rent Eves 362-12e4 --SPECIAL-HOLSTEIN HEIFER SALE Hemet! rur pleasure frau oetr ue HOL STE IN yearling heifer Alsol Shetland stud sent 687-2716 luxe BarA 2-horse Inn Call I916 743-3193 HOLSTEIN bred heifer $400 Angus 1 wISPERSAL Show quality Arabs 2 steer $300 or will trade for 2 horse trailer 967-7698 Mares Fillys Colts 9914029 JOHN WILKES Auctioneer Steal FRed---Appi tWares--Si50-allice Estate 1-783-3131 Anytime $650 both 363-6319 LAMBS ter sale good ewe lambs EG AQHA 4 yr geld Got breaking Into yearlings any sheep ENLWestern Stock lumoer 1 should look at these white nn(IS Silver Maple Stables 4874744 tt face ewe lambs 350 cross red ewe SHETLAND Stud colt 1012 mos elf lambs Ph Kerman (209) 046-7631 White Arabian pinto mare 101 LOOKING FORA HORSE? T9S 01cl Reg Black Mare quiet STAII tor rent Race-track areni Gymhkana Mare Quick and fast Fed bedded Pasture 991-6928 Sorrel mare exp riders only Also 7 tigli-sh' Tali oentio thildren'e horses 966-3351 Saddlery 2920 Aubur soli Blvd 489-6678 rUMBER new Douala Fir structural oracle Ideal for livestock tyoe fence $160 ea 244 St Rio Linda Phone 991-5580 Dir BEE CLASSIFIED MORGAN QTR 5 yr old sainted professionally trained lock Incl DIAL 4443113 988-214 dreaa MARE hooch gentle" well brake will AllidlY ILAN pp brood freoy50 93176590 MARE 6-yreTild- Boot offer 709-245-6920 MARE 11 QTR Red mane 15H 7 yrs Personality S225 961-0282 -MORGAN GELDING Reg Eng i West 53015 363-4524 oFF MORGAN mare smelt 6 yrs sound health good rider $250 7534401 Davis 113 Poultry Rabbits BUNNIES net Dutch $34350 each 967-3867 I 14 Pasturage and EAAWuiiEPHERbPups AK 7 Feed Lets wks 130 lb parents Bat tan VS-Sinn 967-4972 OPEN Si-hooting Gymkhana Show May Rusty's Stables 988-0403 -GERMAN Shea pup Beautiful in body temperment 16 wk tem IRRIG pasture for horses facill- Blk tan $60 446-1085 ties O'Vale 988-5654 IRRIG PASTURE 100 acres clover GREAT orchard grass Avail May 10 thru Harlequin Boston White 743-4509 DANE pups AKC 6 wks Oct 15 707-255-7907 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS HORSE pasture SO area Er Jr Coll $20 a hea 685-3132 stock parents OFA hips reliable AKC reg from top working show HORSES BOARDED VS me 8 acres discriminating protectors wormed Irrigated pasture 988-5891 aft 5 perament health S100-terms cAsoist ned Guar for good hips tern' LUSH pasture teed Carmichael 457-8050 085-3364 050 mo Box stall 015 extra 944-0123 IRISH Setter Lab 7 wits Free PRIVATE STABLES 2 $talls avail to pd home 487-7086 able 944-1952 RISH SETTER tem 15 mos MCC STALL Lig hted indoutd arenas $100 483-9953 I Rusty's Stables O'y 988-0402 IRISH SETTER FINEST PASTURE big stalls lighted NO papers $40 925-5633 arena Breaking pen 100 mile trails Very close in 922-7235 IRISH Setter mix pups wksBeau- titul SIO 1-726-1389 RENT aermanent pasture tack room parade grounds 2 MilesIRISH SETTER-Malamute MO( PUPS from Roseville 1-782-4145 8 wks SS to good home 967-3073 or stall on 489-9676 HORSE needed for empty Auburn Blvd bridle trail Indlv IRISH SETTERS 8 wks Good tempaddock 481-4152 per See siredame $45 944-3290 115 Poultry Rabbits and Supplies-- For Salo HENS young brown ego-laying type S730 ea 988-4437 WHITE Japanese Silky chicks 2 wks old ea 991-5381 RABBITS for sale Show breeding net NZ reds tans Silver Marten Call 9882156 RABBITS FOR SALE $250 to sly 17824531 pleas-I RABBITS yowl! $2 and up bred TENN Walkers Wk brood does $730 487-J4 ure mare MOO 2 vr deldino well 19 broke S650 1 Yr fitly $500 991 RABBIT 1 white New Zealand buck 5792 eyes 1 so Call 351-0305 envtime TB gelding reg dark bay II yrs! 608 WHITE QUAIL chicks egos prospective hunter started iUMPi 927-4300 exp rider only SI250 Phone 7l 963-7670 116 Fur Bearing Animals CHINCHILLAS equip $2 to $20 428 4495 117 Dogs Birds For Sale and iVanted ART 'Fla AL Insemination Dairy DALMATIAN Rare Ilver-colored beef exotics uaranteed ser- soots S15 421-0942 vices 933-100 or 1-611-1122 u0G Obedience Class endorsed by REG Quarter horse 5 yr old mare Calif Kegnel Club 3313292 Sired by Sage Skipper Solk 2 yr old Filly I norse not req but tan DOBERMANS I WM AKC fe- be S250 452-49n Call 9 to 5pm males $100 451-0912 aft 6 bOBERMAN puppies I red ml a FOR SALE: Reg Ils Arab colt 1 yr tan Exc health part Shots S2SS410 1458-5489 V5 1-885-2625 YOUNG blk wf heft calf or DOBERMANTma 3 yrS trod $69 WF Hereford pair $249 Elk $150 call 3315b97 VA site lairts1291ted21Z1 IV 1 DOXIE male female AKC I me v4C10 3117r I DOX1E male female AKC I ma shots 37 champS in ped $50 ea Galt S365 81k helt calf $100 9914844 AOHA GELDING 4 yrs dun Wel: N9-1451811 conformation $900 707448-0366 at DANE-Lab male free to good counter 7 PM try home 3 Yrs gd watchdog 929 4131 EXPERT Riding Instruction eur horse or yours S4 hr Also Baard DOG GwOOMING JUNGLELAND mg In new barn Box stall arena PETS 6099 San Juan CH 7253W) $55 Feed incl You clean Fair ENGLISH SETTER PUPS 3 MOS Oaks 988-2440 OLD REGIS EXL HUNTERS $50 HORSES BOARDED Alfalfa hay fed to $75 428-2936 twice a day 560 month 5401 ENG SETTER gums AKC ma Levee Rd 922-6761 Or eves week- hunt 8 show stock must Sell $65 ends 72-685 or offer422-4246 24x28 DUTCH Barn W-24x21 star BULLDOG OUPaitS AKC area above On slab Free plan serv registered 1-673680 est 52750 Lic No 279085 685 9006 685-2559 FREE German Shep-Lab bik Mtg last76100d hunting Good Pets 111 reg oeld yrs EnglishWestern 2 oentie Tennesee walking horse mares 991-3871 GREAT DANE male black reg AKC 1 mos old 9150 Also female REG glr horse mare gelding well vrs old $100 927-1404 trained for pleasure trail 1972 deluxe Bar-A 2-horse Mt Call (916) REAT DANE Must sell female I wyr old Blue w-papers $295 Call 743-319- 3 (916) 365-8679 aft 3 pm DISPERSAL Show quality Arabs 20' Mares Pi flys Colts 9912029 6 it 6- t' Ye 88-lail-Rx7d excel nunting stock $15430 4ei 2 REG Aim mares 43S0 apiece Or 2135 $659 12911' 363 SHEP pups AKC reliable REG -AGHA 4 gr geld Goes discriminating protection shots grks79Vestern Stock lumPer 16 guar Slag-terms 685-3364 brags Silver Mai Stables 4874246 GOLDEN ftetriever4ortier-alli SHETLAND stud colt 1012 mos old mix pups 6 Yaks To good homes White Arabian pinto mare 101e only 85 442-5227 mos old 4557l743 GERM Shop puppies Beaut 1 vita "ItAlCik rent Race4rack arena old 525 9252441 Fed bedded Pasture 9916928 GERMAN SH HAIR Male 3 WI caddies Western I English Bank Ocl with kids 825 3314149 terms Sack Saddlery 2920 Auburn GERMAN Shepherd pupplart-rtritiT Blvd 489-6678 Aid VA CIA7168 GERM SHEP pups AKE reliable discriminating protertIon shots SIDO-terms 685-3364 GOLDEN Retrieverborier-Wili mix pup 6 Wks TO good homes Only $5 442-5221 GERM Shep pupplea Shout 1 whit old S25 9252441 GERMAN SM HAIR male 3 ere (d with kids S25 3314149 GERMAN Shepherd pupplartrake old S20 961165 GREAT DANE pups beau await WASP 9611-2162 or 363-8659 GERMAN SHORTHA1R Keep tree to good home 4664947 at ter 6 117 Bogs Birds For Sale and Wanted GERM SHEP purebred PuPtsies 1' mo old females $25 males SA Can be seen 1245 32nd St 455-5186 GOLDEN Retriever pure bred puppy 6 wks $50 1-624-2586 GERMAN Shorthair pups 6 Wks Purebred see parents $25 Winters 795-4932 795-4701 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puppies no papers S50 966-1147 GERMAN SHORTHAIR puppies 6 wks good for hunting $10 Att 12:00 noon 1-652-5422 GERM SHEP female 4 ma old w-papers $100 terms 482-1690 GREAT DANE PUPS blacks A Harlequins Before 8:30 AM or after 7 PM 1-662-2214 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups 7 wkS AKC reg $125 Ph 363-4790 GERMAN Shepherd beautiful female shots AKC reg 5 mos Old $100 or best offer 331-2498 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups 'AKC 7 wks 130 lb parents Bat a tan 967-4972 GERMAN Mo pup Beautiful in body temperment 16 wk fem Blk tan $80 446-1085 GREAT DANE pups AKC 6 wks Harlequin Boston White 743-4509 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC reg from top working show stock parents OFA hips reliable discriminating protectors wormed shots ped Guar for good hips temperament health $100-terms 457-8050 685-3364 IRISH Setter Lab 7 wits Free to gd home 487-7086 IRISH SETTER fem mos AXC $100 483-9953 IRISH SETTER PUPS No papers $40 925-5633 IRISH Setter mix pups 6 wks Beautiful $10 1-726-1389 KITTENS FREE I2 Siamese 1 Orar orav striped 967-3257 KITTENS free 7 wks old Long hair box trained 456-0214 KITTENS FREE 481-7149 KITTENS free to gd home 6 wits A14AIRED Siamese kittens $IM 7 Wk 84 wht mix 9227939 2425 St No 2 Bet 1 KITTENS sand box trained free 1--- to good homes 925-1251 Cairn Terriers AKC $100 LABRADOR shots loves kids MOS 820 451-321 Gldn Retrievers AKC $125 PUPPY MATCH CAL EXPO MAY 12th Cocker Spaniels AKC $85 Lhaso Apsos AKC $135 635-6550 489-5258 At crt LAB PUPS yellow reasonable Ex hunters guards family dogs Easy to train for guide dogs 1-223-3048 LAB black 5 mo wsnots Dial 929-4840 LHASA black white adorable fluttles $50 Ph Corning eves 9168244897 LAB PUPS mother thoroughbred $25 $30 925-6404 LAB GERM Shorthair pups FREE 371-5924 LAB mixed yellow needs adults teenagers Gd pet watchdog FREE 488-2674 MUFFIN needs home 6 mos old bik tan very loving All shots 6875 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies AKC outstanding pedigree $250- $300 Terms Cali 4220877 OE Sheepdog Darrens Blue Miguel dr bt 7ess helAtiKes iVi iie11 es qua 1 WEL511 POrty 5 Yrs wnew eare-i AFGHAN Irish Setter mix free eack pad stirrups ridle eS I ahailers Pet watch 001 good 8457 Florin Rd make offer 682-2557 Dial FREE 488-2674 A-USTRALIAN-Cattle dogs (blue see- offer 1-346-8266 Ala 815O Malmutes 185 MUFFIN needs home 6 mos old bikI lera) reg ready May 1 933-1070 or WANTED Cream Separator 4f1 Prof- 1-6711122 ect Leader needs separator to buy Lhasa Apse ta very loving Ad shots 131- RABIAN I ru AQ 7 or rent Eyss Welsh Terrier AKC S135 A- Mares Stallions Geld Keeshonds S145 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies Ines Registered $350 up Terms TROJAN AUTOMATIC Basset Hounds AKC 1)35 AKC outstanding pedigree $250- 707448-2732 CATTLE HORSE WATERER Schnauzers ears crop $125 8300 Terms Call 4220877 ARAB atr ADM 3 Yrs trained Double unit Serves 2 tails $1495 Poodles Teacup Toy $115 OE Sheepdog Darrens Blue Miguel well perfect conformation sire by Eesy instal Be Cairns Put05 57998 at stud AKC champ lines 9614054 Graze Eagle Warrior $385 1- ALBSh Rc FEED FARM SUPPLY Siamese Burmese Persian kittens 663-2364 6100 Folsom Blvd 4524156 PERSIAN Mix kittens 8 wks Ideal ARABIAN WANT TO BUY SADDLE HORSES BOB'S PET LAND comp to adults or older children Box trod Prefer both to same ANY KIND ALS)) HIGHEST Carmichael 9443219 STALLION SERVICE PRICES PAID FOR SLAUGHTER- home SIO 331-5183 AFGHAN OTHER 0-0-G-iiiiiiiii purebred black or sit- 2 sons of Fersevn Sonevn 8551 Grand RANCH GELDINGS GENTLE vet- $45 $55 363-3042 Prix 21262 These 2 great stallions HORSES GOOD SELECTION OF HORSES ON HAND WILL TRADE 1 POODLE TERRIER Pups 7 wks 2 111 stand to outside mares the 1974' black 1 white $15 991-2139 season 1-655-3945 1-655-3395 CALL JIM CLAPP 332-2512 (12) 14 mo mare chestnut POODLES sm tow STUD SERV ARABS pure part bred show stock color gold mane can be reg $200 Writ Sliv Occ DUPS 3311104 CATECROFT ARABIANS 1-885-4740 or best offer 991-6915 POODLE Tiny Toy stud sem ARABIAN mare 152 hands Many IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A Pups Wht $il 254329 Cit Huta blues in Western Pleasure Exc tor ALBERS-TROPHY GREAT LITTLE AKC REGISTER puPPIES 4 wks old Malamute V9Y99Flirl 05-1459 ALL GRAIN HORSE FEED ABLE PUP STOP BY SEE 25 TO Lab tree 1-26-2672 ARAB wEI-eH mare 7 Yrs flashy Add hay tor complete feeding 50 DIFFERENT BREEDS excel tor 4H Reas 1- ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY THE PET CENTER POMS AKC liveable 4 me eid S50 637-4838 6300 Folsom Blvd 452-8156 Sall 455-0619 451-0845 ARABIAN HORSES 30 req Pure --Cattiemen's Livestock Mark POODLE-Terrier pups et Country Club Plots 988-4991 breds Trms (916) 687-6540 Sale Wocinefidav 1-209745-2731 Balt watt 8 El carine 4111213297 iii-PODLE-PuneV iliver talt Ira v)1110IlertIVEFi4011JI Ig Watt 8 El CaMiiiii- 0114297 CATTL E- PALACE estock Buenos) POODLE PueoW silver toe iiii Tues II AM Elk Liv Grove AQUARIUMS 2 1-S ital com th fish $25 IS gel comp withDaccels wAKC papers 462-6427 HITCHING RAIL S20 927-7417 POODLE 3 yr black Royal Std -2- Folsom Calif "S3Ls06 AMERICAN -Pit Bull Terrier pupp KC A 36 5S51 ies TENDER LOVING CARE UKC 6 wks While tan brindle POODLE -stud 'rota) Also teacup I For your horse I your pocketbook 9911954 tiny toy ouPa 232-12S Board at Doube Tree AIREDALE for Stud pick of litter -00-1310LE PUP toy 8 WkS male ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service ter 4561913 while S75 reo 944-2744 cattle CaIl 916-9016851 ay -ALASKAN MALAMUTE AKC all i'0661--E TOY -HALE HORSE I CATTLE MRS shots worminp1-788-7247 wwhite 2 682-2787 FACTORY DIRECT PRICES -AusTRA-LtAN-theo-heritiTot-brit-ifil -POODLE TOY puppies Please help 4231 West Capitol Sacramento Beautiful S10 362-5397 rne find homes before "set in (916) 3714)973 vies's" S100 36'3-6964 AtiSTRAIIA-r-N-Blue Healers Ranch HORSE trallerS cifile trailers miles PuPP1Es WANTED: We Purchase and Hale Saddles and tack Fenc dW dflt kCom retaich "d'og0 psuoc to arra AKC realsterable 4fil-1561 1c7gihtigice ressttsirrareoloTsre NaerraetIZ does $15S35 1645-2SPIrs POODLE silver min male I mot corals and portable arenas farm BASENJI puppy female I wks old HoLisebroken shots Loves chil- dren S35 311-2136 sorspiles and more Big 3065 West AKC 707-446-0265 Capitol West Sacramento 371-8800 BOSTON Terrier male AKC 2 me POODLE AKC I wks Tiny toy male Calif Livestock Mktg AsseC S100 call I-725-5648 Light Apricot Ex Mother'S Day gift 3319516 TULARE YARD BOSTON Toy eyes el Pug Tay Mali 4013 So St AKC Ch stud service 383-9390 POODLE mix Spayed tem Alii TULARE CALIF z- Doxie mix male FREE 4870990 asikett pups 4 WKS aid AKC 1 POODLE -7- Phone (7091 686-3836 -07 448 5332 or 707 448 6531 poOLL min male apricot 12 A 2 mkt tic rail ICA-k1R11 ASENJI PUPPY female I wits old HoLtsebroken shots Loves chit-AK 707-446-0265 BOSTON Terrier male AKC 2 me dren 535 311-2136 POODLE AKC 5 wks Tiny toy male $100 call 17255648 Light Apricot Ex Mother's Day BOSTON ToY oyes ei PIM Toy um gift 3319516 AKC Ch stud $ervico 383-9390 POODLE mix Spayed tem Also I puoI7 I wks old AKC 1 101448-5332 or 707-448-6531 0Doxie mix male FREE 4819990 00DLE min male apricot 12 BRITTANY Spaniel-English mix 9 wks S15 Call 456-6380 mos good hunter $15 Must sell POODLE DUDS tOY 9 wits AKC 2 4814743 eves fern silver cream S83-595 362- BEEHIVES 2821-32nd Ave 3847 4226565 or 391216 POODLE GROOMING all sizes Si tree oickup del 3)13305 BLACK LAB PUPS excellent breed' ing 7074373865 PARROTS tem male SIS eit 3701 1st Ave 4559880 flOISItIN sizes $7 EEHP1ES 2821-32nd Ave 13 4226565or 3912776 1 POODLE GROOMING all free oickup del 3J1-33o5 BLACK LAB PUPS excellent breed HEIFER SAIE ing--70743-86 ist Aye 4559880 -PAREOTS Wm Cm- ile-S7----17S ea bi BRITIAN Spaniel PUPPY AKC Sw --i---i PUGS 3 fem ma 10 wks fawn Peel provided 3K-6047 with black mask AKC reg no shots call 635-6554 dren $30 985-4330 BLUE HEELER BASENJI Red pup excel diso Monday May oth I PM BRITTANY 3 yr SPayed Loves chil One Consignment Of Pups Dial 1-652-6238 1320 Head Show opal SI001 -213-408 'SPRINGER Spanielmale 14 moo BASSETT Mound pups I wks old pa OUEENSLAN ail shots has hunting eXPer $50 556 Head of Holstein heifers bred 2 pers $50 each or make Offer 489- Ask for Sharon 4552507 to 4 mos 900 to 1050 lbs 1028 eves These heifers are all bred to too SHIH TiO puppies AKC reg 6 wks BURMESE Kittens 5 mos $25 ea --9 1707446-0690 atter orade Holstein Bulls Heifers are of very good quality They will sell t756566 Eves IAMOYED pure-bred pup 2 fem 10 guaranteed to be bred 'BURMESE kittenS show quality wks old w-shots 150 1-645-8710 300 open hfrs 825 to 850 lbs reg Cf-AISACFA $75 to S100 362- 300 open Mrs 775 to 800 lbs 5627 att 6 164 open Mrs 650 to 700 lbs SAMOYEDS purebred-5- wks precious darlings loveable itst1251161138111A297P8UPS AKC I MIL $25 or best offer 927-2519 These heifers will sell guaranteed open and breedable All heifers will SCOTTY Pups 2 females AKC $50 be graded to Quality and Size prior LOCKER OLIA AKC champ lines ea 371-3743 to sale beaut blisShots $100 4464438 SCHNAUZERS miniature AKC 4 ch Cattle may be Inspected at the sale COCKERS AKC Parti First shot tine shots 125 925-3136 alter yard after Fridav Mav 3rd wormed $85 1-534-1071 weekdays 6 If you desire Motel reservations- 4ANARIES guar singer' S391S 'SCOTTIES Ad 0 wks old OK Call the vard office 1-209-686-3836 Land Park Pet Center 456-4537 Chester 916-258-2038 DEE IBSON gr 383-0638 free 392-3519 966-2889 IL -SIAMESE Szalpoint female 10 me PaPerS $75 1-865-341 I davs1 WI 991-139 atter six Phone COLLIE PUPS AKC recce strJshots A SIAMESE aura bred 63S ea beauti- WANTED: Covered single or dbl horse till to lease for 2 moo of i SIAMESE mix kittens Free to good KM Vcti ta Ln Chester 416-258-2038 DEE GIBSON gr -Land Park Pot Center 456-4537 01n-Calialhini: 1's rs free 392-3579 966-2889 SIAMESE Smipoint female 10 me Phone 1-209-733-3768 COLLIE PUPS AKC ref Wshots liAMIESE pure bred S3S ea beauti WANTED: Covered single or dbl OaDerS $75 1-885-341 avS WI 991-1391 after six horse trir to lease for 2 mos Of 8553eves SIAMESE mix kittens Free to good this summer 455-1544 I COUNCIL OF DOG CLUBS 4833602 home 988-1147 WANTED: 11-323ent9 346 Yorkshire Terrier Duos 3-7-1n flnfo? '71- -3-1-AMESE 3 mos yrscratching post Gle orss ponies tack 4 6flehrnooe COLLIE PUPS ARC champ lines oor to ceiling style SW Moro ots S65 DIM 927-6505 I 482-0416 WEANER Pips from champion stock rep pup aMEPHERDCOLLIE mix female tor 41-1 or FFA or market $35 ea 1-652-5170 pes S75 blond red mole I le- Free 11 Ph 9296918 aft 4 COCKER SPANIEL AKC le 966-1705 WEANER 23 P16igs reg Hama 254 -ln----: ivait-Airt I gALmatfurl so mos maie BIB champ line puppy shots SIM 481- lbs 1-677- 1 whiteAXc SSCJ-793-Pe4 5842 crossed male 4 mos Ssis 3812916 Bee Wont Ads 4443113 OUNE312 Unscramble these fouriumbles one letter to each square to form four ordinary words itil9 I ONE OF THESE DAYS DIYEA THINK YOU COULD MINK 0y SOMEN N1 FREW TO 117 Dogs Birds For Sale and Wanted SHEPHERD ELKHOUND mixed fern 7 mos old SOOotter Must sell by the weekend 489-6063 SHELTIES AKC exc breeding shots pedigree 966-3285 SHELTIE PUPPIES AKC "Personality Kids" Too CH lines! PetShow shots $754100 1-652-6419 ST BERNARDS AKC Sel lino out stock Reasonably priced Box 2174 Ridge Rd Newcastle 1663-3718 ST BERNARD akc 17 mos Male Long hair Show quality 195 lbs $75 to gd home 363-0587 SHOW BRIDLES Silver Lee selection of Western types $106 to $214 Sado Saddlery 2020 Auburn Blvd 4896678 WESTIE male AKC Shots 4 mos 1-707-429-0149 WE'RE NEW! Come get acquainted Sunrise Pet Center 8141 Oreenback Ln Cor FO Blvd 966-3833 VIZSLA 19 weeks 2 male 2 fem AKC 5100 1-415-653-8413 puppies AKC ready 28th Also stud M5-1416 FREE fluffy kittens 8 whs 3 ft males Assorted colors 991-2218 2 SPOILED MALE KITTENS 6 wk bik gray to good horse only Free! 4474441 after 6 WALKER Hound cross Duos $25 652-5170 CAPITOL AQUARIUM 452-5SS6 28th Ste WEIMARANER ownerSt loin Weimaraner Club Meeting Si! Call 9677041 or 1-791-0148 WANTED: Covered sinole or dbl horse Mr to lease for 2 mos of this summer 455-1544 ADOPTION CENTER list your wants don't wants FREE 967-6811 Ala Malmutes $185 Lhasa APSO $15998 Irish Setter 5110 Keeshonds $145 Labrador Ref $65 Min Schnauzers ears crop SUS Poodles Teacup Toy $115 Chow Chow $225 Siamese Burmese Persian Kittens Shelties Cairns Pugs BOB'S PET LAND Carmichael 9443219 LONG HAIRED Siamese kittens $IO 2425 St No 2 Bet 7 Si MOOS Gidn Retrievers AKC $125 Cocker Spaniels AKC $85 Lhaso Apsos AKC $135 ALSO VAAWEIr011ATSraN: ATEILS LOVE BIRDS FNCHES REPTILES SMALL ANIMALS NEW DOG TRAINING CLASSES MAY 14 7 PM OPEN 1 DAYS Land Park Pet Center Land Park Dr SuttervIlle Rd 4564537 Mastercharoe BankAmericard 118 Nursery Stock Seed Bulbs Fertilizer etre For Sale RICE HULLS 5 Cu ft bao $t95 Western Ranchers 583S Don WV Carmichael v't zneePuvu' a ua IFOR 98S-3125 SALE: strawberry plants 20c at stud AKC chmp lines 961-8054 ea PERSIAN Mix kittens 8 wks Ideal comp to adults or Box tritt Prefer older children 112 ACRES southwest Sac for ear- both 10 same home $10 331-518i den use 442-8667 821 per load delivered Fuller PvLieGr usouPplessasp36urnr4e2d black or sil REDWOOD IIIIVINIS Dv truckload ---o Ulm- ---1- 11er 1R1329 I BEE CLASSIFIED'S 24 HOUR AD CANCELLATION SERVICE CANCELLATION DEADLINES TO CANCEL YOUR AD YOU MUST CALL BEFORE: 9 PM FRI FOR SUN PAPER 9 PM SUN FOR MON PAPER 9 PM MON FOR TUES PAPER 9 PM TUES FOR WED PAPtR 9 PM WED FOR NU RS PAPER 9 PM THURS FOR Eki PAPER 9 PM FRI FOR SAT PAPER DIAL 444-6000 IN SACRAMENTO OUT OF TCWN AFSIDENIS FROM THE lOttOwING ExCHANGES To CANCEL 'WOE AD DIAL TOLLFREE ENTERPRISE 14971 AMIN SEALE AS Cu TOWS HEIGHTS COLOmA DAVIS DIAMOND SPI7NGS EL DORADO ELK GsOvE KELSEY LINCOLN I 10OssIS KIARTSviLLE NEwCASTLE OROvILLE PENRYN PLACERvatE PLEASANT VALLEY POLLOCK PINES RSODING ROSIvILIE SUTTER WOODLAND I YUBA CITY JUST DIAL OPFRATO AND ASV FOR ENTERPRISE 109 ANT-TIME CIIDE-PHONE DIAL 4446000 The Sacramento Bee 1141 sadists0i wad tame HENRI ARNOL nod 80 Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer at suggested by the above cartoon 11111160 Mama Menden liumbitot QUAIL CAPON URKE FINALE Vesierday'e Ammers Tap trsoutormed into fuel--pEom elm KNOW INNAT 'Els ON ASOuT 'NAT SIT OF ADVICE IS AS FRESH AS A CAN'T REMEAMSER AlOW41nop -c 1 1 I 1 A 'f ANNUAL English Horse Show purebred see parents $5 Winters 99 Miscellaneous- 99 Miscellaneou Page D12 THE SACRAMENTO BEE Baturday- liay 41:974: 103 31aeltinery: 10-1 Itiachinery 111111' ILivestocklusd 1112 Livestock and 117 Dogs Birds Pets- 117 Doe Birds Pete- Tractors Eic-- Tramors--Wanted Supplies I Supplies For Sale and For Sale and s- I a2 Building Ntaterials Iv az 1 inev-717iirs ere1 ITOISETRAILIR REFURBISHING- Wanted Wanted For Sal i wille -07avyr PINE sratity alfalfa For Sale evrwono'---' tv----2--esi 'a POA 43fterse'36913'456 en S00best 3 A horse ood tun Have a 's love and -e-Ert-7-e---- STEAM cleanars $175 Steel cuttin extra" Plywood s595 sm ----fee Bee a grain ay arn7 earner Ciar store -e--eese area nr Freeport 1916) 666-11teg or PALOMINO beautiful Apricot mare safe clean attractive trailer Free Cuts on reconstruction of floors me old females $25 males 530 Can btem 7 mos old $50otter Must se lee seen 1245 32nd St 455586 band saw $65 916-273-2629 CI SURPLUS Fiberglass Panels 8 Ft $3 65 ea PHONE 332-5300 Cele) 665108e snow white mane tail gentle res arse purebred euenies 1 SilEtPhHe ken EwReeledEL4960 K8N43 0 UND el 4x8 Ft Redwood Posts $289 ea DITCH-WITCH model elec start flashy $300 682-3197 11413E shots oriole Stitcher sanders paint to match your car or truck body work etc we will oickup and GOLDEN Retriever pure bred puppy HELTIES AK reeding -C exi Part Bd Shelf ea S400 Phone 985-3233 ealesherS S350 725-5214 726-1316 DOZIER CABLE lip 49c ft Alum Windows ea NEW LOW feed prices Le Omolene po 100 $830 Broodmare 80 $030 many NY CART $10950 Western deliver Fast satiSlactiOn guar 4119- 6 wks $50 1-624-2586 shots pedigree 966-3285 ILVER 1 oe comm pieces 444-0485 AMMO CANS Su cal 600 gal Cal Era Lbr 6438 Fols $144 Sheetrock 4x8x12" S169 Ott D40 CAT Itien tiff bed trite for Ranchers Supply 593e Don Way 0610 GERMAN Shorthair Duos 6 wks SHELTIE -PUPPIES KC om el rent 44A-6533 wknie 927-1684 other redudions large selection 10T or 929-2954 STAINLESS STEEL TANK 14 2 CH lines! SAFE reliable antique elcc cond S495 stop compare Western Ranchers -Carnsidlgel -PERUVIAN PASO soonsored by Boosters at 795-4932 795-4701 PetShow shots S7541001-652-6419 Personality Kids" Top like new 2000 lbs $500 or best of A NGLECIS'an'nel Plate Iron RTICLE BOARD Top shape sell or trade 3716314 15c lb PA NEW Holland Swather mod 905 i Supply 5935 Don Wye Carmichael '1 Beautiful registered yearlIng fitly for Rancho mWuorritehtaStamblaeys itilw -GOLDEN RETRIEVER Puee leS' na SsItiockBE 2167'14! 4 7 i for 4219786 eves FENCE POSTS steel heavy duty $130 ea ele ee" Shop grade $2 Panel 151: NO 3 turret lathe w-pred cross ALBERS ROUNDUP papers sale Rare opportunity $1600 begin 11 axe Wrkg Hunters Hunt er $50 966-1147 Ridge Rd Newcastle 1663-3718 -MUER BULLION JEEP CANS metal new $1299 Otto Cir 422-3347 slide $995 1-622-1958 662-0176 Woodland Seat Eq Eng Pls Hunter Hks Hwy -G-ERMAN SHORTHAIR Puinsies 6 ee e-- Reasonably Apriced eBI toile r- JEEP INCHES eec Wl Complete hay grain horse feed 999 fine certified Ingots Excel JEEP CAN SPOUTS new $16950 19 14' 2 AXLE flatbed equipment trail: Conveniere to teed You add riette QTR GELDING yrs Bay green Cross Country Jumpers Rec by SL hair Show qualitY 195 lbs $75 lent price 927-6031 BURNING BARRELS S3991 103 Machiner er brakes new $1395 1652-5346 ince 663-2994 broke gentle $259 481-7410 PCHJSHA CHSA Jr Nor 12:00 noon 16525422 to nod home 363-0587 wks good for hunting $10 Aft --teelAisu akc 17 mos Maia ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY li-Seeilt HORSE $500 Palehilno mare cal Judge Mason Pnelies former GERM SHEP female 4 mO old It RA--- SHEDS HYDRAULIC PUMPS PSI 20 Tractors Etc- 3 RT- -'-ower $120 John Deere side 6300 Folsom Blvd US Equestrian Team Rider Into w-papers $100 terms 4821690 SHOW BRIDLES Silver Lae selec- pal per min new $6750 es ssee 452-8156 $500 Coits filly SIO0 ea Ph 332- ALL alum 9298M din MOTOR OIL 20-40 wie detergent eel's- del rake 5125 988-4103 1 6935 IGREAr DANE PUPS biaks He cr- 1725-9216 or 1791-1525 -e ton of Western types $106 to $21e Sado Saddlery 2020 Auburn Blvd Baling Wire $5500 ger box contract TABLE indooroutdoor 4 chairi s'''c a MORSE tapered drill bits $3 lb POLE Trailers viibrakes $2004275 MODEL AC with an angle dozer thru the season Sisal baling twine QTR HORSE 6 yr Mare 44 1 yr Fil I I iie wanted Livestock plemqukils66B2e22foirt 8:30 AM or after 7 489408 white leather seats Recliner white $1600 1-79S-44e6 atter 8 pm PIANO HINGES from 30" to 72" reee -e Best Machinery 332-4156 $3200 per bale available in May Iv colt CO ca be rep S475 both S375 leather Cash only Before 6 110 Co- Gaivintzed orchard and vineyard Mare 363-5742i Poultry Rabbits GOLDEN RETRIEVER DUDS 7 wkS Sa25 ib wAi ER le-uCKS pull 2 Wabco 10 HP MOTOR Booster pump MO 1-707-429-0149 me 'ri Wy Sado PLEXIGLASS CLEANER POLISH pulls 4000 gal I Wabco pulls mdi $250 1-7952689 A I 5 Ph 363-4790 wire 12 gauge 36C Per pound 10 QUARTER Therouohbred foal mare stre-c-IN-lEst KC 2 Eine male AKC Shots 4 mos -TRUNDLE bed steel like new $85 39c bottle 6000 gal 2 Eue 12000 gal Goetz pauce and 9 pause Mc per pound reas price See at Natoma Bluffs 967-3867 Sunrise Pet Center 8141 Greenback 87-- St desk $25 mens clothing Sc Co 363-7395 TRENCHER on track like new 13 gauge hi tensile 39c per pound Eques 9003351 -5E-14-MAN Shaitherd "litMu! fe- male shots AKC reg 5 moS Old Ln Cor FO Blvd 966 -3833 blade on back Davis model 600 Disc Blades Fencing Fence Posts 11 Tit ma le- 2 fillies geld steer Ila me ERMA00 or best offer 3312498 40-R ladies sz 7-8 GI JOE SURPLUS FAME Almond hauler good condi- WE'RE NEW) Come get acquainted 4817757 etc Farm Supplies and more at Big -r- a osturago and VIZSLA 19 weeks 2 male 2 fem ch take over pymnts 1885-6285 stli horse 3813064 GN SHEPHERD pups AKC 7 AKC $1153-8413 3065 West Capitol Ave West Sac ta wre ng -IABLE formal Gold Leaf rnd din AIR COMPRESSOR 20 hp used 50 0-4 LOADER Ripper very good ramento Also in Modesto 371-8800 ORM Horse 11 vrs old For be- Feed Lots wks 130 lb parents Bee tan ing w-6 hi back velvet rs Suzuki 5030 Pacific St hrs a steal at $1500 961-02 OPEN Shoohng Gymkhana Show 39 shape Ready to got S6500 Phone ginner or child All tack Saddle 967-4972 i YORKSHIRE puppies AKC ready eon $3500 Call 916-6626195 mire bike 488-1251 Rocklin CA Phone 624-2871 QUALITY used pats for at AC 28 112 livestock and ind 45-6620 IRRIG p-st r-e or- Is r-es facie- May II Rusty's Stables 988-0403 --I TABLE SAW homemade VS Tarp No- cagfgrnia's Largest I Bee INC Ford rase John Deere trac- LOADER Hough 4 -uPPliell lie 9 yrs Perfect for adult or child ties O'ale 4WD very good' 6 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK QTR Horse Palomino sound gen- -----e- body temperment 16 wk fem -F-REE fluffy killens 8 wks 3 fe $ii8e0P44p608 Beautiful in males 5 Meyiett Assorted colors 991-2218 Also eteeesd AM-1416 ii 10x12 $750 Reel type lawn mower tors Florin Tractor Parts '8345 S495 0 Item 529 Goetz Co 36373e5 Vau 988f 5654 6 1 VI 443-44e8 Florin Rd 383-0317 ANGUS BULLS black 2 w-papers Trail or pleasure $375 w-saddle se------ tack 48(12791 1RRIG PASTURE 100 acres clover GREAT DANE pups AKC 6 Wks TELESCOPE Jason 313 454 power too Wanted- FROELIGER MAcHINE TOOL CO TWO auto bale compactorbalers $5004575 Aft 5 1-645-2203 I 2 SPOILED MALE KITTENS 6 wk orchard grass Avail May 10 thru Harlegelp Boston White 743-4509i bik gray to good home Only Free Equatorial mount $225 1662-7524 Miscellaneous Stockton 209-948-2888 te hanving been in le ders These ALBINO Foals Rep filly colt year- QUARTER horse mare roe $800 Oct 15 707-255-7907 GERMAN SHEPHERD POPS 447-0441 after 6 HORSE-p-asture SO fleiNKETS TREASURES CalcLif FORKLIFTS Belioht Sold use approx 4 mos 'They are espe lines Top ACHA breeding Matched Call atter E285681 area Or Jr show WALKER Hound cross pups $25 1 discriminating protectors wormed 6S tor sled scuba bed sofa records WANT 2 room tent porch sleeping on Interstate 80 3n-94N cially adaptable for restaurants or Pair not twins $700 tor pair $450 QTR HORSE MARE yrs also Coll $20 a head 6853132 AKC reg from top working stock parents ()FA hips reliable 251 af books household A Nothing Over erea 488-8140 WEST STATES CO Sales mgmt light industries developing quanti- ea 967'5498- shetiand pony Eves 1-7261932 me 8 acres $100 6782 Middlecoff Wv So area 140-FEE SCRAP 'WOOD MIMI i Mach Eclat Sales auctions 1-743 ties of loose waste Compaction ra-AOHA GELDING always in the rib- QTR HORSES FOR SALE Shenan se Pas ure 9 aft 5 perament health S100-terms 28th Sts HORSES BOARDED $15 irrigated 88-5891 shots ped Guar for good hips tern- CAPITOL AQUARIUM Mav 4 5 10:00 am to 7 pm Keibro Corp 3560 Ramona 452-5841 te up to to dependent i 1 1 ddt on ma- bons in pleasure and dry stock' dean Farms (2091 835-0642 TOTE-GOTE hey duty Briggs 1 HOSPITAL BED want good used '1949 UNIV Truck Crane Ex for tend New cost now approx $3600 Call 481-8650 -PABBi-ts pure-bred New Zealand LUSH pasture feed Carmichael 6415-33 $50 -ISR ite Stratton 4 hp like new Orig $300! gelluStaglee927-60 IS scrap yd $2950 1-743-2959 per unit Will sell for $2250 each APP mo ALOOSA gelding 8 yr old EXP white Does bucks 332-lt-- Box stall SI 5 extra 9440121 Str 7 wits Free WEIM RA A NER ownerSt loin Wei This includes Installation on your Comoopents 489-4187 44251 thorized maraner lub ee ing 5 7 Call a rider 1725-8585 7454 or 331-2661 pRivATE Sli-kfiLES litalls a1faii to Pd home 487-7086 1 Now $150 Call 489-1284 wanted De- --CONVEYORS A SSCREENS ENS site in the Sacramento area by as Nevada S25048-8461 6-4 scribe to Bee Box M17-531642 dealer Call (702)-786-4868 APPY reg mare able 944-1952 ETTER gentle but spirited IlliAVINGS Bulk loads Delivered -TA--- Lightes indoutd arenas IRISH fem TV portable color Jacuzzi whirlpool- a30 bath pump adding machine 8-day WANTED: gas powered port air rs APPYS (101 1-3 old well bred SUFFOLK Hampshire sheep pure LLe $100 483-9953 7---------- 15 mos AKC -9 7-7041 or 179 018 WANTED: Covered single or dbl order reas priccomoressor must be good working INTERNATIONAL TO 158 AG PHONE 457901 Rusty's Stables 'y 988-0403 IRISH SETTER PUPS horse kir to lease tor 2 mos of mantle clock Hoover vacuum with ed 635-8873 Crawler late model Orton's Equip ue attachments Byrd Mk VII respire- ary Co 209-947-3301 ct AUCTION --Ao- marked 93365901 bred Ewes rams Iambs Also FINEST PASTuRE big stalis lighted NO papers $40 925-5633 crossbreds $35495 332-7454 or arena Breaking pen 100 mile trails 21-t---ls sumer 4551544 tor lawn sweeper a lot of misc WANTED: Small utility trailer 1n- PY Gelding 8 yrs grel sell separate to Verv close in 922-7235 don't wants FREE 967-6811 $100 4909 62nd St der $50 488-7216 TE)25C AG Crave Modern Woodworking Plant 331-2661 01k-white conform 1-8851725 RENT titul $10 1-726-1389 TV ZENITH port New picture WANT 400 ft of 6' chain link fence Mc late model Orton's Equip Co I Lone Cabinets Inc O-Reelategeoy reeese----Stes-yeis--ySence SADDLE western 14" Almost new permanent pasture tack -------1------ a 209947-3301 2500 Citrus Road Show odality Se00 17e6-6739 room parade grounds 2 miles IRISH SETTERMalamute mix pups IRISH Setter mix pups 6 wice Beau- ADOPTION CENTER list your wants Ala Malmutes $185 tube $35 8 mm movie protector $25 and gate' 961-9719 w-brown markings 15 hands exc from Roseville 1-782-4145 4899676 8 wks SS to good home 967-3073 or 1 hearing aid $25 Metal chairs $2 ea BIBLE Way Church needs piano or CRANE OR DRAG LINE PAN le RANCHO CORDOVA CALIF endurance horSe $400 1-6632740 SHADOW GLEN RIDING STABLES Lhasa Am $I5998 457643 organ If you have one to donate' yard clam shell bucket $3000 707- For Benefit of Creditors entle Under new management scenic trail James Cusses Assignee APPY-Gelding 6 yrs very HORSE needed tor emphr Stall on Irish Setter $110 call Reverend Lockwood at 1- 422-8728 IRISH SETTERS 8 wks Good tern- Keeshonds S145 SEE laree ad Simday thru Wed $175 1 Sorrel mare fast walker TV Motorola Quasar 16" portable 7258700 ers good horses tack Horses Paddock 481-4152 rides group rates of 6 Or more rid- Auburn Blvd bridle trail Indly per See siredame $45 944-3290 Labrador Ref S65 i color TV Excel cond $150 925- FORD TRACTOR A EQUIPMENT DELL SieuFFIELD AUCTION CO gentle spin on a dime $2751 lbw bought sold traded 4080 Hazel Hobbits Min Schnauzers ears crop 3125 0427 OLD CLOCKS I Sacramento Ford Tractor Inc WEST SATES CO geldIng can be ridden w-ha ter KITTENS FREE Se Siamese 1 War Poodles Teacup Toy $115 IMMEDIATE CASH 929-1515 6200 Folsom Blvd 452-140e Yuba City call 1673-5189 $275 e66-3351 Ave 967-9866 for reservations I us poultry I 1 oray striped 9673257 Chow Chow $225 TREATMENTS 184 Gloria Marshall e------ s------- or 1-743-2118 -A-NG-OS-Hereford Cross Heifer 645 SADDLE TACK SUPPLIES and Supplies figure weight reduction $300 ASS5RIED tools wanted a box to a USED tractor parts 2U 13A 3R Low Discoun Prices Siamese Burmese KITTENS free? wks old Long hair a Persian Kittens 9884501 after 5 pm i shopful 456-4609 or 457-2276 JUNGLELAND PETS For Sole box trained 456-0214 Shelties Cairns Pugs r-ifir---tiMbriii-el-P-UMpi-oir complete 16 ft grainheader 4 row en inch S89 white-face steer calf 300 lbs De D4 TD24 TD18A ID9 C16 FOR SALE: I-IHC 503 combine lbs $248 young Charalois pair HD69 IA Best Mach Co 4836 Au I-725-3960 6099 San Juan EO 9-e---e--- II) TOOLS shop equipt new used RAR units 441209 burn Blvd 332-4156 KITTENS FREE BOB'S PET LAND eornheader diesel 'enge cab' Jac- S159 Bred Holstein Heifer 800 lbs tors air cond Excl cond Call $325: Charalois calf S98: Piggy sLeo ea 9884437 kittens $IO et Iepte 7725 Aubern ESL CH Lie Inspected by USDA HENS young Drown egg-laying type 481-7149 UNUSUAL 4 diamond wedrile-g--)2L-SnZigl -60-IENTAI-a--ErtiRIAN RUGS FORD 640 Weeder John Deere SO Fred Son Dixon: 678- Gilt 280 lbs S125 991-4844 SHETCAN0 ponies (2) very gentle UNUSUAL es- will i Japanese Silky chicks 2 wks Carmichael 9443S19 epee at $200 Sacrif $95 1-725 per Ford mower 2411 Any Size Any Cond-4556e36 MF25 Diesel pull disc post bole dig- 2585 or 678-2361 APPALOOSA 8 Yr gelding 151a $50 $60 991-1351 991-1540 old St ea 991-5381 JOTTERS free 16--iii home 6 wks -7-- -----IRED euNG HAiamese ki rake egot hands west pleasure Show Pros SHETLAND poniet (2) both $75 or PVT pty wants used chain linkl 9277109 Dir Baling Wire $5500 per box contract Peet Red 191567 Sired by to RABBITS for sate Show breeding bee wilt mix 9227939 2425 (1 St NO 2 Bet 7 TV Zenith BW 18" Zenith stereo 6 fence pipe brick 363-S453 eves thru the season Sisal baling twine Dutch Elk TB JC560548 Owner t) 991-1530 klit-O-NiTiiiiiiiii-c-trained free wood headboard coffee tbl desk homes 925-1251 Cairn Terriers AKC $100 lame other misc $5475 441-1024 USED TOOLS WANTED FUEL STORAGE TANKS saillprn moving 933-1286 SHORTHORN Bull 2 pair reg pet NZ reds tans Silver Marten to goo eed 9882156 call early AM or PM (915) 991-e33y RABBITS FOR A LABRADOR shots loves kids 5' after 7 pm Large or small lots Dir 451-4121 Dieeel oil or gasoline storage tanks wire )2 guage 26c Per Pound 101APP STUD Spanish Jack good -Tekel-ROLIGiiii kite-Haler gelding- LE $250 to $10 mos SO 451-3721 Gidn Retrevers AKC $125 i 1 82-6531 American guage and 9 goose 40c per pound build good color Horses boarded VENDING machines Moving S1500 363 4913 456-5563 Meat ISILVER COINS Pay 300 of face 000 to 1 500 gal cap RABBITS young $2 and up bred sell sacrif 925-2385 5-10 pm 1 Sterling silver $275 on 988-7988 lied Plastics' 1-7824300 13 guage hi tensile' 39c per pound bouoht sold CircleR Stables Disc Blades Fencing Fence posts Roseville I-791-1374 TENN Walkers blie brood pleas-I 487-3479 PUPPY MATCH VENDING Machines 1 candy 1 ciga-1 PRINTERS Wood type Write Bill ONE 40 ton per hr hot plant Porta etc ure mare $400: 2 vr gelding well 011tea1730 CAL EXPO MAY 12th Lhaso Apsos AKC 3135 Cocker Spaniels AKC $85 1 8 50 I yr filly $500 991 RABBIT I white New Zealand buck 635-6550 489-5258 mite 1 sort drink good Cond I-I 415 First St Benicia 94510 ble See at 9353 Jackson Rd Sacra- '3065 Farm Supplies and more at Big APPY West Capitol Ave West Sac- trade yr 17 hands gentle $200 or broke S6for auto Or Pickup 331-2600 5792 eves ALSO 7561912 Davis mento Ca or call 363- lr ramento Also in Modesto 3718800 3777 (707) 425-3874 I SIO Call 351-0305 anytime LAB PUPS yellow I MINI SCHNAUZERS CANARIES IWOOD LATHE Wanted Good cond! ATTENTION DAIRYMEN 70 "-till 700 RO LUGS APPY rid 4 yr old Ile Alloy Vs TB gelding reg dark bay 8 yrs ens WHITE QUAIL chicks eggs VACUUM CLEANERS Need med to lg One for Boy's VO 1 cational School 1-265-6042 Ford Green Chopper or corn Silage chopper ed cond 1-756-1115 21 S500 1-783-0 2 TRACTORS Ortr li ly oentle $300 each or both prospective hunter started lumpin 9274300 dogs Easy to train for guide dogs A Con rider only $1Z50 Phone 7(1- 963-7670 -TE1LS LOVE BIRDS FINCHES ble Ex hunters guards family PARAKEETS COCKATOO COCK- 12733048 IV INSTANT CASH for furniture or what IARAB le reg fieldin Best offer HUISMAN AUCTION SERVICE Good 116 Fur Bearing LAB black 5 MO wshotS $4S Dial NEW DOG TRAINING REPTILES SMALL ANIMALS USED REBUILT have vou 1 oc or a houseful 488- 0444 dB' 916-42227e Yrs old Rsnbl Aft 6 9884193 Animals CLASSES MAY 14 7 PM 16e7-e4a3 THOROUGHBRED 17 hands 6 269-745-Iro All L7000 kAnoltion I 929-484 UPRIGHT MODELS $9 95 es 1972 RELIANCE semi bottom dump mASSEY-FERGUSON 2135 tractor 3 ARAB 34 reg Palomino Gelding 7 LHASA APSO-MALTESE black OPEN 7 DAYS Kirby-Heover-Eureka others AVER GOLD COINS used less Man 5000 mi One Hough pt Mt 100 loader 4 yard One case 1000 le PTO real sharp A ackhoe $3450 i RAB purebred colt 2 yrs flashy pleasure brood mares Quality yrs started on Dresage 9a83598 yENNESsEE Walking Horses Showi CHINCHILLAS A equip $2 to $20 428 4495 white adorable fluffies $50 Ph CASE 530 diesel loader Corning eyes 916824-4897 Land Park Pet Center CANISTER MODELS BUY AND SELL track loader and POP one Runs goo $4450 chest show ouality come See stock Member of Breeder's Assoc LAB PUPS mother thoroughbred Land Park Dr Sutteryllie Rd FOOTHILL SEWING CENTER Allen roln Company 6448 Fee Blvd Cat 14 blade ROP 1-673-7176 or Days 1673-9991 eve 16740306 117 Dogs Birds PPS I OPEN EVES 'TIL 8 4886448 or 967-1216-earmichael 1673-6467 FORD 641 tractor 3 pl lift Runs make offer 682-2557 --Bl' $25 S30 9256404 4564537 5132 Auburn Blvd 332-1496 I-- good $1850 Pentagon-Eadiur PONY $SO LAB GERM Shorthair VACUUM cleaner 1974 Kirby Ome- WILL PAY S20 CASH -6-MC 371 Sta Power Unit w-HYD FORD '2000 Gas tractor w-loader 3 AnAB coltby 1 -95-2177 Welsh 1 2 9 tt 12 75 Welsh Stud For 9 Wanted Sale and pups FREE halite eas erms -t MaStercharge BankAmericard mixed yellow needs adults 371-5924 Pumestank S1800 209-245-6657 pt lift Very clean 53150i 160 entl 48 -3 3 a m- I ea with shag king de model DAViE) Brown Model 880 loader 3 ARAB purebred colt 2 Yrs WELSH Pony Yrs wnew bare- LA flashy AFGHAN Irish Setter mix free to teenagers Gd pet watchdog 118 Nursery Stock 7074482717 FORD 3500 loader 3 pt lift Real make offer 6822557 huge discount Ph 3321496 dlr For non-working air condi- JOHN DEERE 70 HI good home 8457 Florin Rd FREE 488-2674 Seed -CROP eves pt lift PTO Runs good $3850 chest show quality come see back pad A stirrups bridle best offer Dial 1-346-8266 Bulbs Wallpaper In Stock tioners 18000 BTU or 3A-973 CAT -r-i ia-le dogs (blue het- Ala MUFFIN needs home 6 mos old bile Fertilizer etc D3H 6- farm tractors dl- sharp 4 3 0 Pa ir tractor rIPadS3' loader -ii-el-irs11-4rAeColl rriadyM May I 933-1070 or WANTED Cream Separator 4H Prof- Malmutes 1 1 I2011 patterns 20000 rolls -hang It higher 483-9254 Dlr rect drive Call 381-1444 scraper Sharp $3850 1-6711122 ect Leader needs separator to buy Lhasa Apse 0 0 tan very loving All shots 131- $15e Aim For Sale today SHEI UPON'S Paint Mart 2951 ARDEN WAY 481-1491 JOHN Deere beet digger model 231 MASSEYFERGUSON 3165 diesel or rent Eyes 36212C4 Welsh Terrier AKC $135 Keeshonds $145 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies RICE HULLS 5 cu ft bag $195 (96 78-3 WINDOW COOLER Neer Coldoest 102 Building Materials 1 7712 MASSEY-FERGUSON TO 35 3 pt Inge Registered $150 up Terms TROJAN AUTOMATIC Basset Hounds AKC loader-backhoe Runs good sSo650 ARABIAN Mares Stallions Geld sies AKC outstanding pedigree $250- Western Ranchers 5835 Don WY lift TO Sharp $2350 707-448-2732 CATTLE HORSE WATERER Min Schnauzers BTU Wedgewead range' TA-NIEL'i-Pilimill'4G is fill2itle! ONE 3hrtti tdtell nalor trOwtr? pt iisc Trade-ins AccePted ARAB Qtr AppV 3 Yrs trained Double unit Serves 2 stalls $149S Poodles Teacup ears crop $125 $300 Terms Cali 4220877 Carmichael Toy 5115 -OE sheepdog Darrens Blue Miguel 1 4 burners S50 8" Craftsman table 6103 Stortimn Blvd FOR SALE: strawberry plants 200 saw $50 All in good condition 371-6314 THRONE FARMS A EQUIPT well perfect conformation sire by Easy 6 instal Beagles AKC S7998 at stud AKC champ lines 9618054 925-8290 DRY CREEK LER sALES 5704 Ore 2612 HiwaV 16 (Woodland River Rd) Graze Eagle Warrior $385 1- ALBSEts FEED FARM SUPPLY Siamese Burmese Persian kittens ---i I Creek Rd Rio Linda 991 2004 DRAGLINE 1 yd CRAWLER with West Sacramento 371-1547 6632364 6100 Folsom Blvd 452-8156 Shelties Mx kittens 8 wkS Ideal ea 98S-3125' WIRE REELS all sizes great for ta 7---- 1-7--- 60' boom 1 (J perforated drag sjEDAR SHA'AES PICKETS Di CHAIN SAWS ARABIAN WANT TO BUY SADDLE HORSES ox trnd Prefer both to same BOB'S BOBt PET LAND Cairns A PugS PERSIAN comp to adults or older children Ile ACRES southwest Sac for pan 1 bles etc 1119 5t Mon-Fri reel from mill 1-273-8932 bucket I2 yd Velem bucket Wt 34 only 8-5 ton good condition $8000 Al- ANY KIND ALSO HIGHEST i be 1 9443219 home $11) 331-5183 den use 442-8667 arrn I TEMPORARY POWER POLE len 1012 Elm Ste San Carlos Calif STALLION SERVICE PRICES PAID FOR SLAUGHTER REDWOOD SheetIDS Dv truckload WATER BED $55 Cushman scooter S75 682-2E196 94070 415-5934239 lic for 74 $75 COMPLETE LINE 2 sons of Fersevn Soneen 8551 Grand RANCH GELDINGS GENTLE yer $4S $55 363-3042 $21 Der load delivered Fuller Lume 1 8 lug wheels I NATURAL REDWOOD Stenoing Man Prix 21262 These 2 great stallions HORSES GOOD SELECTION OF AFGHAN OTHER PUG puppies purebred black or sil- HORSES ON HAND WILL TRADE1 POODLE TERRIER pups 7 wks 2( her 1 181329' for Chevy $20 Good cond Dial 1 Stones 50c up 4887116 489-4987 GANNON SCRAPER 2le yrs old 6' See the Chain Saw Ma(McCulloch Distributors) will stand to outside mares the 1974 blacks 1 white $15 991-2139 9227811'4 5" high back hydraulic ripper 6553945 EDEN BUILDING MATERIALS teeth Needs some welding $300 LEAVITT season 1- 1-655-3395 --I----- CALL JIM CLAPP 3322512 AltA-21 TvD 14 me rnare chestnut POODLES sm toy STUD SERV 'at WOOD PANELING 24 sheets a 80 4x8 sheetrock 1-169 ea cash 1725-7731 I ARABS pure part bred show stock col gold mane can be reg $200 Writ I Sily Occ Dupe 3314104 It color S39s Per sheet 457-2680 12'04 Doug fir 59c ea e-2 HI 6-7575 CATECROFT ARABIANS 1885-4740 or best offer 991-6915 POODLE Tiny Toy stud sem 8095 Greenemie Lane CH 967-7719 uOZEre blade w-cutting edge2105 i St Sacto Calif WATER-COOLER $50 Mini bike Rancho Cordova blues in Western Pleasure Exc 126 x3O'l like new 1-885-1886 265 Sunrise Blvd 1 ARABIAN mare 152 hands Many 5175 362-5997 4x8 PREFINISHED Panelling $398-- or AL13-EkS ROPHY IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PUPS WM Sil 72-5-8329 Ca Hgte rR- pPPI Old Malamute ES 6 wks sheet FORKLIFT 6000 lb 10' lift S1275 GREAT LITTLE AKC REGISTE THE Pit KING young girl 6854659 WASHERS coin operated Harvest 6' Fence el 99 ft i LIFT ALL INC 371-9494 34" dia all wall 254 ft ALL GRAIN HORSE FEED ABLE PUP STOP BY SEE 25 0 Lab tree 1-726-2672 COMA-PHONE Gold Frigidaires used clean guar- 2x4 Redwood 12c ft SHEET Metal brake 10' 14 gauge 42' dia 516 wall 250 ft -1t A -18-5T2tiltk mare 7 yrs flashy Add hay tor complete feedin 13 5 excel tor 4H Ross 1- ALBERS FEED FARM SUPPLY 17 50 DIFFERENT BREEDS POMS AKC loveable 4 me old $50 1 anteed $95 ea 421-8445 LUMBER CO in exc cond 1343-0219 or 1-343-6985 Ice dia i2 9auge 41100 ft i Call 4550619 4510845 I 637-4838 6300 Folsom Blvd 452-8156 THE PET CENTER 5180 Franklin Blvd 452-7391 II-9 18A-MOTOR radiator to fly 36" dia concrete steel clvt $6 ff BEE CLASSIFIED'S POODLE-Terrier pups SS WATER COOLER lg capacity GAL roofing 1150 wheel 0'1710 exc cond 53250 (2) 24" did concrete steel civt $3 ft ARABIAN HORSES 30 req Pure Cattlemen's Livestpa Market- Country Club Pin HOUR 988-4991 Call 33126e3 Sale Vs' 1 en0745 2731 Galt 28 ga gal roof ingcut 75c scene D-9 18A swing frames complete with Many ateer 372-2195 breds Termse (916) 6874340 a 0 gel figeeeee- Watt El Camino 4111-3297 I 24 WELDING SET Victor cutting torch Vein' alum siding 35c so ft Ille lime rollers $900 ea (916) 534- 621 Harbor Blvd west Sacto i AQHA PaloMine chatnut saddles ZATTLE-PALACE Livestock Auctioe AdiTAR-ILIMS7--2 11-S nal corrgi--with POODLE Puppy silver toy Sloe AD CANCELLATION 33 eves AKC papers 466427 $75 Power lawnmower good cond lx4 fir std btr 7c 1fle 7965 or (9161 534-08 Priced To Sell Consider Rms 9222765 i Tues 11 AM Elk Grove 6859503 I i st s25 is gal corm with eeees $25 922-1471 204 redwood 545 to 12' 16c 1f se eEie i e-ecoustic Pump wMixer 1 Wookidge rear cable unit S2a500 ANGUS cows cross bulls Aft 4 pm1 HITCHING RAIL $20 927-7417 POODLE 3 yr black Royal Std SERVICE ell 2x4x8' stud grade SI 99 ea mounted DON HOBAN CO 7608 2 Woolridge 15 yd cable $70000 18859281 8e eess Folsom Calif 3625S3606 iiMERIC-Ael 'Olt AKC -'31 Bull Terrier puppies e's- re: e- CANCELLATION DEADLINES: WAS-WASHER A DRCER Kenmore $70 Carichael Salvage 232 ea Excl cond Scons soreader $101- Btvd Folsom lsom Blvd 3832024 3 Buckeye cable rear unit $20000 -enaiyELDING 7 yrs ge for I TENDER LOVING CARE foClOuLE sTog surtioCe Also teacup UKC 6 wks While tan brindle TO CANCEL YOUR AD Blue Velvet chair Ottoman $130e PARTITION STUDFS 89c -Cm- -gearitoT 0343 -2-00 KW ceni 4 John Deere elevator 30 ft Se500 trails anybody can ride S300 991- For Vout horse your pocketbook 9911954 tiny toy Dome MSC 332-124 966-3810 elete with stand tank less power 7 Allis Chaimers side delivery rake emsoard at Double Tree 991-3871 1 eiREDALE tor Stud pick of litter -0666LE PUP' toy a wks't male' YOU MUST CALL BEFORE: Dry stud grade Surfaced to ES4" unit $1250 Chico 342-2667 alt 6 027500 whlte S75 reg 944-2744 WATERBED 451-6571 dlr PM Alli 8 Chaim ers twin round bailer ARAB endurance prospect also ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service ter 4561913 2 rider $300 391-8250 9 Vee Ditcher 3 pt hitch off set 14F-W- 5 Yr guar mattress liner algicide SHEETING: St8- thick ra 1t1 TRACTOR Allis Chalmers 0-14 S30000 quarter horses apoy All well cattle Call 916-9016851 broke $300 up also saddle I trailer -seer A-2- --a-2- A 44 -ALASKAN MALAMUTE AKe all heeE sist LE TRUIS shots worming 1-788-n47 POODLES Toy AKC black wiwbite 2 males $50 682-2787 9 PAR FRI free SUN PAPER repair kit carved frame $49 944- dom Width length $ew per the wheel tractor wMoWing mach Call $7500 383-8765 or 391-2770 FACTORY DIRECT PRICES AUSTlEA-LtAN-Shepisereli-loci-- -DLE TOY puppies ple6se-tieft it PM SUN EOR mON PAPER 2238 or 3313083 sand on ft 1-7432959 66-5-9557 Elk Grove 10 Cable ripper 3 curved standard on ARABIAN STALLION at stud IS- 4231 West Capitol Sacramento Beautiful SID 362-5397 A eoes POODLE roe find homes before "set in 9 PMMON FOR TUES PAPER WHEEL chair metal collapsible 6" FIBERGLAS Moe 15c all ft 6 MOBILE LUBE TRLR Ali air riper- rubber $65000 SON 67232 Die bay 15 hands ex- (916) 371-0913 wevs" $100 36'3-6964 9 kki TUES FOR WED PAPER Like new SILO 01r 487-0770 milplaetic-rolls 2c so It Med Grease oil Pumps w-air 11 Adams grader diesel model 512 treme refinement sons and dation- HORSE trailer catile trailers Miley AUSTRALIAN Blue Healers Ranch se rUPPIES WANTED: We purchase 9 PM wED FOR THURS PAPER 1 EASTMAN BUILDING PRODUCTS comp are Inc 371-7845 1160000 ters at ranch $300 P13 $100 others and Hale Saddles and tack Fenc- watch raised Wonderful stock Companion AKC registerable temples 451-1561 9 PM THURS 011 Fla PARER TERREL'S PLASTIC 8191 Eider Creek Rd ROTOTILLERS 2 LAWNMOW- 12 Johnson dual chain bail loader BAR-B-ARAB1ANS 961-6686 Inge fence posts barb wire western doss! dogs 6 4 57 Pup 2ies to grown 11-0-6 Di sifier min male moo Plexioless plastic sheet rod I tube Ficerulass supplies erafts 3618 2 PROPANE TANKS gal 100 ERS 9227247 $375 APPYlage 00 vr old Geldin tomer clothing western boots portable --5 se es -1- 9 Pm NB FOR SAL eAllit 9 1 -1-- 13 Graham 8 ft chisel $45000 1 i BASENJI puppy female I wks old- Housebroken shots Loves chil- Broadway 4524814 gal Call 9619884 LOA-DER H90-- Item C-4e2 212 Yo14 John Deere Keefer chisel 539500 3311713 corals an Dor ab arenas arm 311-2136 Capitol West Sacramento 3718e00 -805ION -terrier male AKC 2 me CALIFORNIA ALUMINUM window 6x6 If $50 4 supplies and more Big 3065 West MSC 707-446-0265 dren S35 81 bucket $16000 115 Case 1000 harvester on tracks BABY FEEDER CALVES -POODLE AKC 5 wks Tiny toy male Sacramento's Finest Showroom 1-7256585 GOETZ CO 363-7395 runs e99000 980010 S100 10 Off with this Ad USED Redwood Lathe 6 ft long 6c MODEL 282 Hancock 10 yd Elayat- 16 KOsCh belly Mower used Wig BULL reg H-eretard proven S151 Calif Livestock Mktg Assoc call 1-725-5048 Light Apricot Ex Mother's Day DIAL 444-6000 gift 3319516 2812 Marconi Ave 084570 each 1743-2959 ng Scraper in operating cond 59- $27590 calves 1-687-6373 687-6813 TULARE YARD BOSTON Toy goes Sr Pull POODLE puss IN SACRAMENTO mix Spayed tem Also GET HARO TO FIND ITEMS AT FO-Ijit curved-Wooden trusses 60 ft 50 Liberal terms or disc for cash ik edits Grain with Per blade $1 4013 So St AKC Ch stud service 383-9 NEWBERTS HARDWARE 17th span witn all hardware 9166452269 209-369 xx le al ph clic bCan De reg 991311 BULL-Charlois 5 vrs gentle 1B00 TULARE CALIF -0385 eves BOXER pups 4 wks old AKC 1- -Doie ---mima ---REE 48-7e990 mo or i --r Phone (709) 686-3836 707448-5332 or 707-448 OUT CS TOWN eSIDENTS -6531 POODLE min male apricot 12 IllGHLAND SALES DOORS cab air -CASE-1-276433-H tractor for sale like new $47500 a duals 3 -32 0703 att 6 or 19 International $9500 I bottom rear plow BABY calves SU-SOS Feeders $100 call 1-725-4676 wks VI Call 456-6380 BRITTANY Spaniel-English mix 9 OH THE FOLLOwING 2510 Elkhorn Blvd Rio Linda 200n 18" to 36 wknds 20 Ford 3 pt 1 bottom rear mower SPECIAL es good hunter $15 Must sell POODLE OM toY 9 wits AKC 2 to CANCEL 'Wee AD A GI LANDING MATS EA weep epos SW lAth' HIGH Cycle generator 485 am 2201 $27500 BEEF CALVES started feeders 41-4743 eves tem silver Cream S85-S9S 362- Chain link fence: Master Charge I BankAmericard cars Open Sat 8e02 Metals volt 400 cycles 3 phase 28 volts 8121 3 pt hitch spring tooth harrow Ready for grass $35 up Can de- BEEHIVES 282I-32nd Ave DIAL TOLIFREE 2x4'S GOOD )0c FT sCRAP top prices Paid we also bin liver 916273-7845 HOLSTEIN S847 0 POODLE GROOMING all sizes $7 $17500 4226565 or 3912716 110 volts gels engine excel conciel --e breed- del 371-3305 ENTERPRISE I6999 free pickup 1 1 ABPuPS excellent PHONE 331 S200 Call 9271807 or 332-8201 22 Bankout wagon 140 sacks 5169500 CALVES FEEDERS FOR SALE BLCK LAe-- -1228 635-8753 -01WATONNA hayswatner model 91 23 Letourneau LS scraper wduais 15 i CLEAR PLASTIC SHEETS factory 100 AMP serviceS with main $2550 Hesston hayswather model 240 'id $90000 421-991)4 HEIFER SALE nce 707437-386 5 ARROTS fem male VS ea 3701st Ave 4559880 AUBURN BEAE 2nos save up 50 TAP Plastics Plumbing 7212 Stockton Blvd Newholland haybaler 2 wire model 24 Oliver 3 bottom plow $9900 CALVES welt faced I days Sa a BRITTANY Spaniel puppy AKC Um mle 10 wks fawn CltRuS HEIGHTS COLOmA ea 481-7584 421-4770 272 9254674 25 Allis Chalmers hydraulic )0 ft 6 mos old 3622159 Pad provided PUGS 3 fm I DAvis DIAMOND SpitiNGS tmask AKC re no ee In disk $45000 Monday I May 6th I PM BRITTANY 3 yr Sleeved Loves chii- lV635-6554 it EL DORADO CIA GliovE CLEU I STONE INC DEL PASO PIPE MACHINERY es ryjeKlirTS used all makes Town 26 Graham chisel-11 ft with exten- CALVES Baby started feeders dren $30 985-4330 IERSTS LINC011o 100E4IS Liquidators Auctioneers 455-3953 1113 Del Paso Blvd No Sacto otoi Dire 444-7611 1-6S5-341 sions $107500 Beef Or Holstein I 6454389 One Cons BASENJI Red pup excel ignment Of QUEENSLAND BLUE HEELER HAiersyiLLE Nsweeskt -FREE BATHROOM SCALE for 3 -66-CAT wiM VI Yd badc hoe 27 Case tractor's with loader back- tV 30000 ft to be old Units cover blade dap Pups Dial 16526238 OROvILLE PENRTEE ma sub SF Chronicle 489-3 649 REDWOOD tenting very good quail- Show gual SI00 1273-4087 i at bed to haul hoe and front blade Gas Diesel COWS 1 fresh Swiss cross heavy 1320 Head SPRINGER Spaniel male 14 mos PLACIstylits PLEASANT VALLEY si BASSETT Hound pops I Wks old pa ROCKWELL 7" sandergrinder 2(10' of fence In 4' 5' 6' lengths Same' 59 or IS yd dump box wthoist 28 Gem camper top cab high $gce00 1- producer 2nd calf I BW face Be- ail shots has hunting Mei' $50 POLLOCK piNES RtODING Reg $104 50 Sale price $8450 28c bd ft by units 7341 32nd St Make offer to: 1201-103 Sycamore lent stein cross lot calf heavy proouc- 556 Head of Holstein heifers bred 2 s50 ff 481 perS eac or ma er Ask for Charon 4552507 ROSEvILIE SUTTER Tools 7020 Broadavaie451-7791 High Ask for Marlon Cottle Terre vale Ca 94087 Call 408- WESTSIDE TRACTOR 5 Cr both very gentle Sell with Or to 4 mos 900 to 1050 lbs 1028 eves 73 ySin SKIDS 4'6" long 3' wide 248-776 AU 2 Willows (916) 934-3131 w-out calves Call 1725-2378 These heifers are all bred to top BURESE 5 mos $25 ea SHIN TZ0 puppies AKC reg 6 wits WOODLAND I YUBA Cite very gool quality 1707-446-069A affee 10' high with Varon legs angle Sinks-Govet Surplus CTION: Steel fabrication plant to 1114 with tti t- wheel tractor war Sl CALVES FOR SALE THey wils are 1-756-5696 Eves MOYEet puribred pup 2 11-61 5 7 of Kittens grade Hod steiitulls They sell JuSTAAtistvr msTrett Iron sides hardwood toos heavy be sold at South Lake Tanoe for forklift and canopy Demonstrat- Cali Auourn 88 -6 47 iit-eit---7 guaranteed to be bred BURMESE kittens show quality wks old w-shots Sell 1-645-8710 ENTERPRISE lawn ettyriMa duty good cond SZO each or 050 Win lots of 100) 9271875 Wahl Berg Sat May 18 10 AM ed Only 300 open Mrs 825 to 850 lbs reg $75 to 8100 362- -see- for entire stock of 73 skids Call The Steel Sinks '11 95 es Auction Villa 455-2616 2 Towner ditcher 4 tool bar new DAIRY c-Awsc best cows I CalVeS 300 open Mrs 775 to 800 lbs S627 att 6 1-'914531 SAree EDS white purebred 5 3 Miskin 3 pt hitch No 12 land ENGL-I Sacramento Bee M2-5011 extension Cast iron sinks $225 ea $13500 1isH JUMPER -725-447 164 open CHIHUAHUAPtPs Mrs: 650 to 700 lbs Wks precious darlings loveable 340 6' Redwood Tristake Fencing 103 Machinery plane new S230000 yr 01171 All heifers will AKC II wk These heifers will sell guaranteed ti COTY DUIN 2 or best offer 9272519 ales S25465 38I-2978 EKTASOUND movie camera and Posts rails 5209 per lIn ft roc ST feC Pi-electors Demo 15 oft est INDIAN VALLEY LBR CO a II Etc 4 International 12 ft swather PTO tWES hands 72etrifei $800 Firm ce Mont 944-3879ana yrIngs be open and breedableraded to Quality and Size prior COCKER pure AKC fe champ lines ey 371-3743 ars drive new mower-conditioner 916-371-5060 or 371-5368 Re I Box to sale beaut bilsehots $100446-7438 4 7 1 4M0 Cordova Camera 163-3764 933-1103 Carmichael 481-9167 For Sale 5 Murry ill yd 1739 West Sac 95691 Cattle may be Inpected at the sale AKC Parte First shot ydrolic scraper SCHNAUZERS miniature AKC ch COCKERS 36 -Gov't Landing Mats SEMI-GLASS ENAMEL PAINT -14 new 6 Murray te ft drag scraper (new) ELEVEN fancy first-calf heifers yard after Friday May 3rd wormed $85 1-534-1071 line shots $125 95-31 alter 4 cutalpHoHE 5 Gal for $17110 If you Weekdays SURPLUS STEEL PIPE CO Railroad Salvage 221 16th St 7 CANARIEs gu singers $3911 iCOTTIES-TAI4C-8-NI-iid--15" ANNOUNCING International No 440 2 wire PTO starting to calf now Call aft 1:00 desire Motel reservations- Call the yard office CHICO 2200 Park Ave I bailer-new good sayings 7e2-4129 1-209-686 92e8 -383e Land Park Pot Center 4S6-4537 Chester 11 ORLAND Rd 2i at Hwy 99 NO I heavy --hakes so No 1 International 400 planter 6 row FEEDER calves 300 to $OO lbs DEE GIBSON Ma SmIgoint female 10 ma DIAL 444-6000 SACPAmENTO 1834 Auburn Blvd med shakes $13 sre MOORE1 THE NEW With fertilizer atiachmentsnew some cow fed from SI50 1791-4331 -Fr $65 383-0638 COCKATIEL-female albino ll lirs 3iiiMESE free 392-3579 966-2889 STOCKTON 1533 Waterloo Rd BUILDING MATERIALS 488-0520 good savings Phone cows PUP AK re wshots 4 KAL KAN 24 es cans only 49c SO DIESEL UTILITY DIE 9 Rotory mower new 3 pt hitch 5 FILLY 9 To father reg ADM 9 to 991-139 alter six SIAMESE pure bred S35 ea beauti- $1 eves 4s27514 WANTED: Covered single or dbl days 75 188S-341i 1- lb dry only S810 Western Ranch- ivies I hewer stalls ft $45500 00 papers Me ers Supply 5935 Don Way Carmi ell sizes Placer eabrication 633 TRACTORS 10 New Sidewinder 1312 ft rotorv GOATS French Alpine dry yearling horse trir to lease for 2 mos Of 3464553 eves iinkiEtE-Pilit-ititiens Free to goal 2 I-64S-8 78 11 New 12 ft cultipacker COATS Mother baby sato cutter 1000 RPM $100 ea 687-6783 eves this summer 4551544 I COUNCIL OF DOG CLUBS 4833602 chael: 1600 34th Lincoln St Sa home 988-1147 Sacramento Both -ii WANTED: Gentle horses Ionia Yorkshire Terrier ogees 3111791 IIAMESE wiscratching post riEL NORTE SWIM TENNI3 MOORE'S FENCING New 6 ft 3pt hitch rear blade s75 12720507 CLUB membership $80 422-9019 0 "tannin 12 S19500 tack 0 aft 13239 ernoon COLLIE PUPS Ch-11-Pg lines floor to Ceiling style $50 More ots S65 DIM 927-6505 Info? 4870416 Bee "6-1-1ErktAtA MARKET Pree sit KO Grand Ave 9271071 16 13 New International model 2000 -GUERNSEY family cow calf WEAtiEROlos tram -ChansisTo-r-1 stiTcli sh ydro COCKER SPANIEL AKC reg pup- h7r 34" SPRINKLER ewe ne ft 1 hlic loader with bucket Call 991-2509 1 for 4H or FFA or market $35 ea aHErn-cRto01-110 mix female Every Sat Sun 8-5 70 Inside Reses Plueibing 4520 Franklin 14 New 3 pt hitch post hole digger GELD Welch sr- yrs Some l-6525170 pies $75 blond red Male IC- Free 11 mos Pie 9296918 aft 4 spaces 6218 NO Golden State Blvd lel with 9" sr 12" auger gymkana $225 9884437 male 9661705 iiEANER Pigs res Harm 2tto ilLgts rerreir oitti-Cr -ilis Axe (Old 99) Turlock Call 209 526-4060 HUGHES PLYWOOD CO g1Q------o '15 New 14 ft Cook hydrollc mete GYMKHANA ride ail day Sat Sin- lbs 1-677-2316 DALMATION 10 moo male bill I champ line puppy shots 1125 481- r4101 or 209 6349786 Folsom Blvd Cr nr Sunrise 1111' iiiiseasar-irr plow gles $51amilleae10 291-3871 white AKC $50 1-7580366 5842 1 chair barber shop Rancho Cordova 635-4865 se eeee lfl' 16 New Ridoer on tool bar $31000 WESTSI DE TRACTOR GELDING 5 yrs chestnut thorouoh- beet ARTIFICIAL insemination Dairy DALMATIAN Rare liver-colored 1 SHIH-TZLI-PEKEi crossed male 4 unit Make offer 924774 I DECKING led APPROX Wet ise- PI i---sre Willows 916-934-3131 bred with papers 161 hand Neck A tea Ice Guarantee ser- spots See 4211-0942 I SS OFF Sale May lg Have your old 84 TIMBERS LONG ''Ar reins and English Reins A be vices 9331010 or 1-677114 bod-Obicifinie-CliTs7iiiitorsed by ginner lumper presently lumping 3' REG Quarter horse 5 yr old mare Sail'' Kneel Club 331329e Photos copied by experts Sirlires ALL USED 104 Machiner Bee Wont Ads 4443113 1 1309 SI 444-8464 Larkin Equipment Co Tractors-Wanted HEIFERS 3 Angus 3 Charlotais old Filly rse not re I ock but ta DOBERMANS I AKC to ek Mate Y't 6 S650 925-3385 Sired by Seer Skipper S600 2 yr PATIO COVER ALUMINUM I2x18 7650 14th Ave 452-8191 be S250 4524933 Call 9 to pm males $100 451-091e oft6 SAL Gadd cond 4284663 I GET your price Consign any items cross 11 mos 22 mos Lincoln u0BeRMAre- pupples-I red nil 6 hi i ResaleAuction (209) 369-1006 Lodi IM5-3406 FOR SALE: Reg Vs Arab colt I yr tan Exc health part Shots $25- OLD LAND Park 12 family Garage Exterior Siding Te i---it iice traiSna John Deere HAMPS registerable excel 414 I s497 14585489 $75 1-8852625 Sale House Patio turn leaded Premlum 4b" Sidlne on ea 2544 $4 calf S130 steer 43c lb Clear 742617 boars OlitS 0535 1- glass doors dryer rues mowers Face Reverse 14 Theye he'd Pugged vrsat4 world YOUNG blk I het calf Dr 105 harv (2091 748-21011 ee- 68769es hell DOBERMAN ma 3 yrS Nfld FFA proiects Irlh HEat14141 tikes 10 in up Books tove 4x8 ehts I te25 Des $119S or ti373M famous Kubota diesels at aoshn-to- 1 0 0 WF Hereford pair $249 0 fl sise Cell eaess97 ensue 3814 Lard Park Dry as Plus S1120 ea or S3SOM arm ro or HORSE AUCTION wk steer calf SIX: red x-bred bebelt NRI AnNot 0 ona goo if Mire Fri Sat 9 to 51c to S100 tes ea or 3415M earlh antes Perfect for mowIng till- 4ser lbs SI89) Fresh Holstein cow 4x9 sheets Si DOXIE male female AKC 8 ma i f-OR RENT large LOT tor garden Every Saturday night 7:30 Shari) S365 elk heir calf $100 9914844 shots 37 chempS in ped $50 ea Galt Unscramble these four Jumble 26 Pius $1366 ea or $379M Sa SUN SCOPE John Beam pit aligner mg hauling snow removing harrow- Water DPH area 9270334 Soecial this week: 1 AQHA stallion 5141-lik GEL01N-G 4 YriTd4-42 -a-a 209-14548" Bear wheel aligner rack Amco LUMBERJACK ing dIggmg cultivating etc Proven FRESH FRUIT 10 reoLstered Quarter mares 00---tr-Ttri- one letter to each square to identilkotiont conformation $900 704460J66 at- DANE-Lab male free 0 brake shop 991-1319 Everyday low prices ELK GROVE HORSE AUCTION 2 form four ordinary words I ter 7 PM try home 3 yrs gd watchdog 9 9- OM Arden Way 9721427 for years all over the world I-6452977 4131 I 10 off with ad 11" -171- ie i7----- EXPERT ng Instruction our pilaces color TV etc Wed thru YARD SALE many good Items CD- 8380 Florin Road Sk3-3050 Three models (1 21 26 hp) No Jack's Produce 3732 Auburn Blvd 140sES boarding I mt 11 Also horSe Al DOG GROOMING JUNGLELAND a bey 4 sell Big Oaks Ranch 991 0 Yours 4 so Boar I I Sun 6611 Carnation Ave 5cS100 CORRUGATED GALVANIZED ulor turf end wide tread tires low FRESH cARRifft-in large poly 6818-- 5S5 ing Feed nIn new barn Box stall I arena PETS 6099 San Juan CH 7253960 NOWNK 1 -00FING bags emorx 75 lb $4 Excl for HEREFORD Heifers $195 A icl You clean Fair ENGLISH SETTER PUPS 3 MOS ric 11 4 la ill de 46 1f pri(es a low upkeep 3-point or feeding livestock Special Cow 1 991 3530 HORSES BOARDED Alfalfa hay fed to $15 428 (Doke 9884440 OLD REGIS EXL HUNTERS 160 PAU" rait misc To $IM 3279 Bridgetord Dr Heavy Cedar shakes W39 91 so hieh re Iwo or lour speed price by the ton Free delivery 1 1 645 8- 2936 9-5 Thursday med Cedar shakes $3695 sq 37845 1111P1 IsW aVit 4 der shinoles No 1 Ms so hyaraulit lift 8 or 10 gear 2 HORSES BOARDED '224741 and twice a daV SCO month 5401 ENd7SETTER Duos AKC me i YARD SALE furniture garage door HI-tensile US ma YARO SALE: Old furn '47 wringer I gdar shingles No 2 $3250 so 1 evenings 922-M75 Levee Rd 972-6761 Or eyes week- hunt 8 show stock must tell $65 washing machine '52 Packard Bell transmissions uses Category 15 lb asphalt cOn10 shingles 11695 111 Hay Grain and HORSE SHOEING show I Pleas ends 94685 or offer422-4246 Erpriti TV both work 1-7251109 90 lb roll roofing min surf $625 ri implements (we have them Plenty Feed-For Sale ure Cali lien Strunteel87-9119 24028 DUTCH Barn W-20121 Nor ENGLISH BULLDOG guellies AKC YARD SALE Wed thru Fri Cal Era Lbr 6438 Folsom Blvd of parts available and expert service HORS and IVanted ES registered a grade $ISO area above slab Free plan eery reeistere ce 473e801 9 1717 Virginia Ave Sac Wheatland after Cern In Amt Get A Fits a speciolly by our Homed men and Lig 79085 685 istan Shep-Lab bikpup Or II 1 I YARD SALE: May 3 4 5 corner of Cut Rate Plumbing I -G6E55-6ATILAir- a outd Boarding box stalls indoor est S2750 Lic No 2 oor ring $55mo 74252e9 5 pen ask for Mary 363-3496 Bregoeld yrs EnglishWester 9006e615e2s59 T-- 6 4697761 aireel pies Good hunting good pets PER Sian Seed for Sale $li i riu Svit HORSES BOARDED-BOX STALLS 2 gentle Tennesee walking horse es REAT DANE male black reg horse te 1-4 8' Bela co Ave nr Las DeMONSTRATION clothes St GI 33987 Pain-as Jr High 3 familleS clo 333 12t lighted are- mares 99171 color TV I turn home decorations SACRAMENTO princotore Irricepasture tack le 38 AKC 1 mos old 11150 Also female a Cordova 25 0422 REG Mr hone Mare I gelding well 2Vs vrs old S100 927-1404 611111011 i-ARD SALE appliances tools big PAY LESS SAVE oLOALIT HAY HAULING cail WHAT YOU CAN'T al materials baby items musts misc Water Heaters 1 3838631 att ilber HOLSTEIN yearling heifer Also le trail 1 de- REAT DANE Must Sell female I trained or asu I 1 971 rateallileargloll WORK AT THE Ic460 Saturday Sundey steel Bath eon as is $325111 IESIA0-11 FORD OA a Ask for WTOCK NAY Nevada Alfalfa Shetland stud Serv 682-2716 743-3193 HOLSTE114-bred heifer SierkligUi luxe Bar-A 2-horse Me Call 916) yr old Blue w-papers Nal Call (916) 3658679 aft 3 pm MINT WITHOUT noon to 4 4544 Amberley Wy Edl- Toilets Porcelain Tank Se 50 le i Straw 991-2628 9912398 (DISPERSAL Show quality Arabs 20 WeellrellEILWIIMI sonPeesadenaerea e82e305 3" Drainage her pipe 2212c 11 TRACTOR steer $300 or will trade for 2 hors Fi 1 6 it 991 2029 excel unting stock Sia GOLDEtt RETRIEVER pups Mixed trailer 967- 698 Mares I ys Mi YARN SHOP Fixturei a-Menne Pvc PI Atel 1 WATER SEWER SUNRISE RANCH SUPPLY stock guinS 4881420 141'05(ft i HAY-FEED-TACK JOHN WILKES Auctioneer I Steal i REG Aineir mares $350 apiece er 2135 4DENT 452-1408 WE HAVE BABY CHICKS se Estate 1783-3137 Anytime 1450129th 363-1411---- ZERM SHEP pups AKC reliable 'YARD-SALE: Virpirls Mask hal- NAME BRAND APPLIANCES 7640 Sunrise Blvd tAmBS-Toi-sele7geoci tine isiiii REG AQHA 4 yr geld Goes discriminating protection Shots 112milomilorai Now arrange the circled letters 10-speed bed frame furniture Comp stock Bldg materials i to form the surprise answer as 4300 Attdwa Ave off 24ousehold personal items To S50 SankAmertrard MaSter Charge 6200 Folsom Blvd 103 Machinery breaking into yearlings am swhgrtito EzivitrilaSpfloec Igtat 74 2 4166 b000La rD DO-terms 383e64rdirltriiii th St 16th Mon-Sat PM 'pe Losed Sun man should look at these 111311PAMINIBEELIM suggested by the bort cartoon Ave Sat I Sun 10 AM to 6 PM Sacramento Col 1 face ewe lambs 350 cross 6'il-ed ewe SHETLAND Stud colt elle mos Old mix res 6 Wks To good homes Tractors Etc- tflybstsTegri IARRIER walltroe air cond 25000 Anderson Lumber i lambs Ph Kermao (209) 8467B31 White Arabian pinto mare 101a only 5 442-5227 BTU $95 or best offer 482-6957 For Sale LOOKING FOR A HORSE? mess 01 155:19 GERM Shop pupplee Beaut 7 wits r-117111-91an -APPRox 70ft adobe brKint xi SPECIALS Peg Black Mare quiet teIce STALL far rent Racetrack I arena old $25 9252441 Gymhkana Mare Quick end fast 538 334 $100 944-1852 No 1 hvY Ceder shakes per Sel 518 Fed bedded Pasture 991-6928 GERMA Sit-HAIR Male 3 yryrs (Amber Monday) Sorrel mare exp riders only Also 2 caddies western a English sank Gcl with kids $25 3311149 SYLVANIA color television plc- No I med cedar shakes pee sel' $34 tl 966-3351 terms tv thildrenle horses Sack) Saddlery 2920 Auburn insulates QUAIL CAPON BETRAY' FINALE 21 lb it hi I SI 79 ure tube S7995 Rebuilt yet rare asp a comp shingles es 5 nEttiviAnlitePoorigippleiM-oki earth phosphor new electron gun 90 lb roil rooting per roil $619 Blvd 489-6678 old $20 967-1765 Yesterday's I labor extra Freeway TV 5126 Au- Asnhalt plugs Sale 100 lbs $750 IANSUI 1050C turntable wicartr rUMBER new Douglas Fir a Aassers Tap trsoutormed into fad-VEAr $9951 structural Vele ideal for GREAT-DANE-pups beau Owns 9 turn Blvd 312-3144 rs29 tcy iladgr $18 per ige seo 5 4 all lesepthi 9 livestock tyoe nce $1 $169 per fe60 St Rio Linda Phone 9915580 Dir BEE CLASSIFIED 0150 988-2167 or 36359 86 GERMAN SHORTHAIFF fireraTil 3 $99 KF8011 KENWOOD audio de i'i'of std btr studs 3189 per Short Term Wheel Tractor MORGAN QTR 5 yr old SPirited keep free to good home 488-8947 at- ratser 1135 71887- ABA' 1789 lerx4x8 CDX plywood $608 per pc grofeSSionally keeled tack inc DIAL 4443113 ter 6 BS GARAGE SALE: Load 12332 St NH 33H 331-3144 Rentals A I bl MAREoo well bre ow inn a $550 988-214 od gentle a Willi Aittly Capp 1 new used items Posturepedic box i egrirlog frame girls bike books DI VaAi rim MAN I 1 yy Ow SAYS breed free 5250 93454 6 Never used elec can opener knife sharpener fondue set Re- PORI lumber S45 10c lin freshments tool Sat Sun 4430 Bo 5 ft MARE 6 yrs old Best offer 16x4x8 plywood ext glue S460 in Sacramento area Available th 209-245-6930 ONE OF THESE DAYS 1 1 bich Ave eaxexliplywood ext glue $5 19 MARE le QTR Red 7 SE A Dos I KNOW WNAT EIS DlyEg THINK YOU -MEN'S wALL FIXTURE) 4x8 plywood ond 7- plywood seconds 5 sec $56? S679 yrs Personality $22 EW JOHN DEERE 4230's 4430's y5 9610287 mane IS Glass plate shelving ON ASOLA THAT BIT oF mirrors 4 4x8 plywood ext glue S989 ORGAN GELDING Reg Eno i COULD MINK OF vi ADVICE IS AS FRESH chairs manneouins Monarch mark- 3i'" front doort $1650 up West Vile 363-4524 OFF BoY Ing machine adding machines Mat- 30(44 redwood ext glue 11 '19 Full Maintained your fuel oil IAA el iti i ORAe' ar Mall 0 yrs sound SOMENNI it AS A riAiSY I CAN'T PHOUSTERY MAtERIAthews St -s- eax4x8 T1-11 redwood ext glue 5998 aith good rider '5250 7534407 PET- UL g000 aexix8 et- R-S eat glue S59e I Davis FRESW TO REMPASEA e' 1 i'luWit747t-oloi 42 vdsy3t mower HP swcalcher 1150 4832606 ONCE IN A LIFETIME SALE Closing out complete stock of orals mental trees oriced for oukk sale We're beautiful Del 'very arranoed Or take yourself cail 91O8 11iCv3 Parsdise Sorklmon Trees Sin bkvJOY THE WANT AD NUMBER IS 444-3 I I 3 lax4x8 1-111 Fir ext glue $950 Flower Woll panelling 44 $699 STEVENSON PLYWOOD 3813512 7250 Frasinetti off Florin Rd Plumbing Sale 180 env service medfhtio $1895 Flboralass bath fob ft Sr2240 Sol' Inkier head 25 rt rediuS $135 200 erne sevice made lie $8995 Carmichael Plumbing dieV1411 1106136 PO Oaks Blvd Carm IV7-611 RATES VARIABLE DEPENDING ON USAGE THE NEWHALL LAND 8 FARMING CO Equipment Rental Division Office 7150 load 9 firebough Cm 209-659-2033 Eves 2094924085 NAT-OMA cars-- I EQUESTRIAN CENTER Ito 4100 Hare! Ave Riff Oaks Boarding trainino riding instruO illit 101757118 ig1e4 d5Z11 for yourself Shelton welcome i II 966-3351 or 9672065 tr PIGS FOR SALE i 6822042 10-1Gr-12 croised 7 SU each dip I 9917060 1-645-8106 PONIES Welsh fLIOrTFutt fr IM END? USitka I J7 yds S231 4874424 seX4A T-1II -Fir ext glue S950' HP Electric riclind lawn- RATES VARIABLE DEPENDING ON USAGE NATOMA CUFFS-- EQUESTRIAN CENTER CNCFikii wcatcher S150 403-2606 cio tl STEVtho Fro slnetti dff Florloitd WS 1 ONCE IN A LIFETIME SALE 400 He! Ae Plf Oaks 19 Closing out complete stock of ornliii 1arve -0 41 Boarding training ridIng inrrue trw- 1 I mental trees oriced for auk sale if 10 We're beautiful ilverv errmond ai I 916-817-1673 Plumbing Sale THE NEWHALL LAND 8 FARMING CO 14a4 I A 1 Or fak yourself flf Viore sitelcome Parsdise Sisfulmon Trees S173 Skv- 100 amo service uls ade- S1895 Equipment Rental Division Offi or ourse ce 966-33 I or 96 3065 1 't-- I 6 -----1)' 90Y PIratIlsesPx-Yt960 Fayralass bath tub 5 ft Sr1250 SorInkler head 75 ft redluS $195 THE WANT AD 200 emo Sevice made tio S8995 7150 load Cm 209-659-2033 PIGS FOR SALE 68220417 I' sz) '-'-'t lib 4 1 NUMBER IS 'Carmichael Plumbing Eves 209-392-3085 01GST-171-ireaserl 7 weetii712-1-iic-K m10116m milit '0 14 A 991706011645-6106! ii 11-- I 111 I PONIES Welsh in 444-3I13 14118 Fele Oaks Blvd Carol 6 kids SI uo 83 5-8103 -t --4 IV7111 a 4111' It -ansae-xeraswewasaa quality color 42 yds S231 4873424 6 iix4x8 T-111 Fir eat glue $950 IIM so Flo HP Electric riding lawn mower Flower Well panelling 4'o3 13102 RATES VARIABLE DEPENDING ON USAGE 1 NATOMA B-CUPPS- AiLloa 1r wcatcher S150 4832606 STEVENSON PLYWOOD 3e SItti IT ff Florin Rd ozA 'ilbAt40 Ottk 411110w 2 II ONCE IN A LIFETIME SALE EQUESTRIAN CENTER 0 4100 Hare! Ave Riff (take of Closing out complete stock of I Boarding trainino riding ins We're beautiful orieN 7250 FrasInetti mental trees oriced for oukk sale 1 ir ul Dellvery rranoe ad spect Our tine facilities end decide numbing Sale THE NEWHALL LAND 8 FARMING CO tion in both Englieh anti western In take yourself Cali 918-877123 for yourself Visitore welcome I Paradise Siaticimen Trees 5173 Sky- 100 amp service Medeesp $1895 Equipment Rental Division Office 9661351 or 967-3065 wee Paradise Cae25960 Fiberglass bath fob ft Se250 Sprinkler head 25 9 radius $195 PIGS FOR SALE 11Z) S8995 7150 lead 9 firebough Co 209-659-2033 6812041 THE WANT AD 200 amp spice made up 171-ireised 7 wittia7121-16-1K dioo mg 't 1' NUMBER IS 'Carmichael Plumbing Eves 209492 Angg 9912T0609e-e458 106: 111111 44 oszlikell 404-3113 116136 Fair Oaks Blvd Corm IV7-6111 I kids UP Welsh 635 POA Fun fr 25 4780 3-r-l ---0 or --e l-e-t Ate' 441.
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