HANco*ck. ITahwi drain Market. I. its). 1 lltifurM'ifimaif fur.
Tax Inu No .1..., I sfil I The Garfield and Arthur club mot Tuesday evening. Stejw were taken tn get tmi-inrina anil torches for a flambeau club. II. Dickinson vm elected chorister of the club and vm ordered to sclcrl song book and form a choir. Secretarv van iiiKtnicl.d Which is Old and Is BaJy Used Up In a LililcScf-To Dowu at Rock ml, c.
S. JOHNSON Attorn oy-atXjaw AND NOTARY PUBLIC, waiioo. t4T-M prclal given tn collection. uvascutriioif two hollars fan tear. JOHN WINTER, Proprietor.
This House In new aiid'nnufy Feriilsbe.i First Class fur Fanner aud ih fravellug 1 abll Mi. SI I TIiu biigtat and beat Stable in town. UTAH ami orders fur Job wurkniii.l be addreewd 10 The Independent. RATES OF .1 II VERTISIXO to umiw nicinlicrH, purchase book, etc. I ('oniniiitrc era npjK'iiitcd to prcjiarc a Van.
)n No. IV1 4VV-45 TIa BLtS Klax Cmm SWI.I -ftl In the 1.1 Oats ififO Iliws Iar too. 3 5.A4.lO Caiti.b J1V.IIS.JII EAGLE BAKERY iaa Column, On Year Ona-quarter Oncaihtb 11 Crd for who i exis ted nl this place Ncpt 20ih. t.lnli then adjourned to meet in one week or Tuesday Scpl. 21, when a full is desired.
The moot win ciiihiiaiaatic, and inch sj-akcr wax heeled. H. CILKESON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ANI jnSTlOE OF THE PEACE. 100.00 0.00 35.00 80.00 10.00 l.ncal sfot IcclO Cents per tine frt Inacrruin. Sfeiil -rllir vncli uhe(pn-nt ii.M-niuii.
Transient ilYcniniviii aiu.l be pAld Turin ad All lime payable Th-s inar'spt raH)rt, being sonvdrd weakly, i bf upon, RESTAURANT! Clocks Watches Prompt ntl flit Inn given to collection and In all huiliinM eiilriirtril tn my care. Office over Juet-pli A (Irafp'n lore. Fifth Hwl, Wnhoo, Neli. ISlinv ly DIasolution Sol lee. The Ann tiT Urban A Kundieri hrrotofu'e d.ilng a aaiirral hardware butluci la Wahoo, la hereby dloulrnl by mutual couorut Yrban n-liriug.
Mr. JuNcph KniiilM-r asennie the indebted-new aud 1 anthurixed to collect all acitiuute dne aaid drill. lHwidiiliou to date on and after 8ep-einbur lsllSW. Fraxk Vimtx Jusxru Kcxjiba. rpllw3 A KHiiMiNh'itmit Hkra WAIM MKAi.S, 1 MJNCIIKR, I'JHCSI OYSTIiHo, rt tel them To the Rditor of Ti.x tNotrrxooT: the evening of the bill iust.
J. K. Ieriurk was to make a IIancHk- sjiMnrli liefore the greenback elulion Hook Creek fpnd.ably for fusion). Suiic repiitdieaus who knew Van. of old thought it would do to walch him so drove t.vcr.
Van. ealle 1 them (. C. White's boilygtiaril blit xs soon ns lie found out about their arrangement lie said he was not well, nml could not go bad men feeling of lii pulse, blit a. ter all, lie did gov When he got then, he went nroimd av.oug the Ixidyguard to lin.l who they Wert-going to have there for a siKvker.
as lie knew, lie said, that it as a puDup job. Fie ioninl out, after a while. C. C. White, it seems, bail gone tlier just to bu.k on, but after relocated urging was induced to notieu so.iiv of Van.
mistake. Vim. began with some wlioppcr, presuming iijuiii igi'oranee of hi uiidiemv, he il ually doc, lo save lii reputation for veracity. When lie was dune, Mr. White took mime of his broad assertions in hand, and in his idain and iiiias-uuiing way showed where ho hud made some very grave mistake.
Van. intirruptts.1 him several times, to bollier lii in. At length Mr. White, in speaking of the Def Jdvc-r made 0- R. R.
R. tl mm Station. I'niil fiirtli.T niiMfe irnlna will arrive anil lie-purl from llila Mm inn an follow uoiso KArT. UhoJ, t. a.
fir-tsu WBrT. l'wMinr. II. b.NYHEIf. Mlsv'l.
3.3.1 p. m. Mr. A oiiiil', if the firm i.f Young A h.i I ecu Aii.Tcring severely for the three weeks from felon on hi band. It vm earned in the lirwt place bv K-iinl burrs.
Helm had it lanced limes, but it docs not sci to get better. It seems nt last to have Ivrniiiv something else than felon the skin has come r.H" hi hand and eight ilifli-rciit wire have formed. Mr. Young i suffering extreme pain from it. JOSEPH ARNOLD, AUornpy nt Lnw, And Notary Public, ROSTIN.
Will Im lu agy-slyle and at all hour. on haiiil Fnh ttukt'il Hr -ad, C'uk. Cookie, (iltig-T Snap, auil In furl evmylMiig lu this l'iu. tlKOltUK l.VtiK, i vi p. ASH LASH, SEH.
Given to Collections. Attention HrsWAllOll T.OIMSK NO Ml A A. M. Siaii-il I 'iininill nirn I iiirr Sal ii nl-ay on nr Prompt lluntU itissuL irrwx so tick. Tn whiini it may runrirn The Arm of John Ulier ami Joseph Ktl doln biisliie at Pilxen, Haander county, I.
Ix-ri-br dissolved by the withdrawal uf John Uhar from said Asm. Jahu toiler continue bunt new at the aitma place. Joux UltKB. flsept.lw l.irg-t of the nt till I he ill ul living In-lorr the full moon in each iiinnMi. mot on I lie rrrond Salnr lliei jailer.
Viillio' l.ielh'en ror-iliallv irvilivl. M. VV. N. H.
Sec' D. H. MOORE, For Prcmiiiiii Lists of the Ashland fair address 1). 1). Cooley, Scptltiw2 kn'i-s liaud i kind ill uiuikvl, uud pi Ice.
Cleaning i u.l repairing promptly. I'eiiii-niber Hie pine Chilli-ergs Drag 8 1 ore. julylf.r done lieully C. THOMPSON, torn ov nt Ln.Vi TilS OU) r.KMADLE THIS C1CCB Iw found on nient Gm.P' mo rnren a (u NpiniiMiNT iu J. lIAinliTitau.
suppliM fer II. 2 an DavU i priaiing and staliuaery H3 Howe Jt Hedge, hri-lge 61 01 Juliisou A niille. bridge lumber lit 6.1 een Bros, bridge plks Ol Stratton Jt IMielp bridge luciber 41 IS I'rbaa uaiU 5 iH J. IS. printing 1 r3 A.
bridge lumber IT3 To tile eotinty treasurer of Saunders county: you im; hereby siutluirized to revoke taxes on the Xj X-W of See. IK lo, 5 E. the same not being taxable, a Iso. to reduce the assessment of M1 II. Xoiewarv for the year li79.
the same being erroneously assessed; ulso reduce the valuation of improvement of E. for the year ISTS the aame being assessed ton high; also reduce the valuation on part X-W, S-KJ of 5147, being 7 acres assessed to J. II. White to 5(1 diillur viiliiatioD, the stmie being assess.l too liigli; also to refund to Davi-d Jones the taxes tor the year 1873 on. the S-EJ of See.
1(1, 1(5, 15 7 Iv less the taxes on the amount of investment in said land, name lining school laud. You are authorized further to rebate the juill taxes of the following named person for tlie year 187(1, oil account of old age and physical disability; J. S. S. Ingraham, Samuel Whitman, John Talbot David Turney, C.
() Meese, Ilati Peterson E. II. Wilcox, XIartin Okes.in, K.T. White aiid Zcrgenihivm. Application of John Iveay for liijuor it.
cense laid over according to law. Application of I'her for liiptor license in Elk precinct IgM aeeonlingto law. vurt I-nx U.irrau (l1. fc XMMrncta may bo Made tipnirwftt.i. wlirrc i.lt.rrtlali.K for 1 1 1 A K.W IUBK NI'IIItAKKA.
I.ook ut LfjiKti it Co nne good. Our Village AITalra. It is a well-known fact, which is beeoi.i- VMII.A-NP, Will atinril In rolliTlIm.M promptly. all iIm' rtnirlN III the Male. JEWE PnrtlrM g'met -if trjttUf aept'J Mollett sells for enli onlv.
This pajHir may la; founil oil file at nil liiiies at f. 1. I. A 1. It.
ollice, No. 01 street, Chicago, where our friends are at to cull nml examine it. ICeop Solid Gold Itingj, and a Bplcndlr. i Assortment of1 7. 32.
WILS31T- Aii.lsA, Nm- biiulir A hra- ka. Ix-iwa A ob new Ktore is on Broadway between Third and lourtli Ktreels. Keptltf lheli A Hnline for dry gmsl. Jewelry," Clocks, Watches, TURK DRUGS, riTRIC riTHK DUHi.S, MUSICAL INSTKlM ENTS. AVIMXAW Cl'RTAIXS, WALL JFAVELliV, STATIONERY, Ac.
Ac. Ac AT Cllil.I.BLRdS. sep-t I (5 ishisl, Vim. arose and swore hu would vote for (lurfield this fall if he ever plead a ease before 1 he supreme court- A it is a well-established l'uet that a field not only plead wet time are simply one case Iw-foro the I S. supreme point, disgrueiful.
Every man in town who wants i it certain that Vail. i mist retract or cnrrv out the oath which he to Jieap dirt in the nt The new store of Co. is the the plaie to buy good cheap. Bcptltf Shingles, laili, ldii.ds, thsirs, etc libiket.iad liros. (V.
septllllf took with hand uplifted to high Heaven, and vote for (larlield. X. E. 15. J.
r. VA1T DllARS, VlTOKNKY AND CoUNSEI-Oll AT I. AW, Nulary Public nmt Kril F.lte Will piarihw'tn Fniiiidursand ailjolnliig Connilas. ErKC.I AT. ATTKNTIIIN CIVF.N OU.F.f riIONS, VALVABAISO.
NED. You can wive money on the IXL Hardware. cook Htoves nt i At Lowest lJidck- J' inri nml Clouiiin'Noiitly (lo to II. Fiihrinan' and sen the latest styles of dnM pnsls nml re trimmings. sept Id Seie gttotfts etwy dug nt 7wt Os.
rpttf IV jut I lino; Dirio -Util siinl see first tluor Tim oflico LEEtiiBB- rsftv.d.VM. There are now 27 -j scholars enrolled in the Wnhoo school. and iv lienee her streets, whet her it is ucuded or not, hu licen allowetl to do so and places which need dirt do not get nsjv, while places where it is rot needed get full viiptily. TJiero seems to lie no head or tail to this matter. If the city marshal is silken to about it lie claims that the trustees have not met for the lust six months or more, and that he has no nuthority to act in toe matter.
Will our cily diuls, if wo have any, prevent any further olistruc. ti mi, from living placed in our streets If they will not meet and do tlu-ir duty, will they see to it Hint someone has tlu-ir place who see to this long neglected work (Jo to Ekelev, Carlsoa .1 CVa Application of Augnat Milenj fur liijuor I (F'11- July 22-tf. C.L.STUHDEVA1TTM.D. lKu'h A Holmes for trunk and vuli-'cs: (iarfield uml IlatieiK'k hats can he had at 1 1. Fuhriiums.
sept 1 0 A Mothers Cirl. TI10 jirtdc of a t.mther, tlm life of her Inline, arc her eliildicn, griiT when "ieknii1 enters ami takes them away, take then, tliat you are siimiing a terrible rLk, it' they have a rough or who.iJ.ing eollgh, IV It it It leads In H'lisuiiijilion, if jon do imt attend toil at mice, Shiloh's Cure i guariiu teed to cure them, l'rieu p.l- rt. 5t) rls. uml .00. Fur lame hark, side, orehi-Sf.
use Shilohs loiiif.s I'hssttr. lriee 25 Sold hy 15. B. Morton. Fieiilr, Tin- American in Sabbath Sehfsil held at the Woolley Hchool-lioiiMe ill District X.i.
21, (Mr. Samuel Woolley is to have a picnic on the 22-1 are to meet nt the school -house ut 10 0 clock and after the exercise are over they will repair to Mr. Woolleys grove fur dinner. There will lie gtssl from abroad, and a good time is expected- A cordial invitation is extended to American 1 nion schools of the prii'iiiet to join with im. lleasp come early.
Ill) inquest of the. fb-fio-il. -pt. IS, SO. II.
X. IltKSKiw. Central Meat' Market. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Offlco liver Btliniilrd lu.
Carload of MitaiH' wanted at II. Fulir-inans. Will pay highest market price. sept Id J. IE AM.EX, ITiOllMIiTOlu.
All i-hIIs pruniilly JU or I. in llmg Slore, hr rniinil at offien rty or night. Waiioo, snnAK koi (wiiFijiiitl.r dm IihiuI nil kliiiin of fnj iiHil Kiilt Mcatr hliil Kalivugo. IVeli A llolnier at J. Manners for ladies mid gents furiiihing gosls.
wptld Well Boring. I have the most improved for well Isiring nml mn now prepared lo sink wells of from 12 to 20 indies in diameter. Satisfaction guaranteed. Xo water, no pay. Call on or address, Hou.u Carr.
2scpt-3w Clear Creek, Xek Pressed Corned Eecf 17jmic80 I. I.leeh Ilolim-s for vour drcssi giyi.ls. scptld Van irk Mi nit pi! I h.y and unadulterated hoiirboiiisin to the Hanco*ck and English chili of this place last evening. He had three imints: 1st, The vast di (Terence between the and the negro, nml cxeiiipute-l s'liilli, ern outrages oil this ground; 2d, Eights, of which he linl wavs been ail ar- Stato I wish to inform the pen tie of II a wo, tat: I hare started A UM-BEll 0X1' license at dtliacn laid over according tn law. Lhpior lieelixs granted to Jiw.
KasjHir to sell liquor in Elk precinct. for a year. (Jipior license grunted to A. Xcincc to sell liquor in Chapnian pri-cinct for $50 a year. Liquor licenae granted to Thomas to liquor at (dear Creek for a $100 a year.
Application for liquor lh-cnss of Moses I'aradi to sol liquor at Alvin or Mead station laid over aeeiinling to law, J. K. Beaman appointed supervisor of Dial. 27, Hack precinct. On nimiiui an order was drawn on the imor farm fund to J.
Ii. Davis for $30o for payment tr.i poor farm. -8. ii, Dryim. Co.
coin. pi 3 40 John Fiuiiiliig. ilo. IT 30 John D. J.climkiil.l, iln 3) 30 lioanl adjourned mitil fAvtolier-Illi 1 -JO.
E. I. Ev I.E, Co. Clerk. (oltipii Wedding Hells.
Our venerable frien Eldor W. Smith, of was in the city yesterday, and I Ilf. miulJAl nail I of hu JH.nts Kn-sh l-ivcry Day. '7Tl rraiii th routilry ironiilr Illsbi-si nrlivH imiiJ fur lililc. ri'inrinber.
Murfe-t mi Liicldi Avi-imn Xurth of Hlecn ilro. Ilimlwi.ri?. Jiiiii-3iiiS A full line of dry good and groccri at Lpn rf CV. srpfltf PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Dlakestiul UnM.A for Iiuuher.
sepiidtf. ltf radiair-c always smiling i countenai-cv led to hi being iuti-vicwcd All pruliwiiuiiil rails innnplty Allrmleil In. llrrg Flore on Fifth Slm t.rasl of l.tn-dsn avrinie. Aln proiirlvlor .1. i i by a reporter, when it was leariu-l that lie mt ilc.cndcr, and in whieh he hail always nml his good wife would llaekcstad Urns.
A the firat-elas lumlier yard. Il iltoni prlcjs. Field Glasses, Telescopes, Pocket Barometers Compasses, Magnifying Glasses Micro- scopes Pocket HQ! FARMERS! City Drup" Store. Livery Stable seplltilf Seplliw2 tin to i lib fair nt AAliland I Where msy he full ml a full Hue of ftvsli Drugs. M-iillelne.
S.ih i i'-Ii I Mt-ulini iry. iilM and Arl I. 'I. i n-i I i very thing in lids Huts Vhihi, NimmA. nlng stmiewhern, ending nowhere as I w'il! be licit I ii Bolins 5 rove, a mile from ON store liot- the aiidionee lieg.in to peter out, and Van.
was obliged bring up at the rebollinu. Dccli A Holmes at J. Manners will fit rivt out with nobbv full sails. prices sept! (5 The lasit goods nt loMret prices, price-list 24 sent free. A fully illustrated catalogue of 170 agps for 25 cents.
In writing mention this jiajK-r. -15. J. Manufacturing Opticians, Ih ihiilel pli ia, len 11. SIXTH STREET JoTin.
Han.ar SI 1 lliu iaru lu liny yi.iir ZlnrncsR, Bridles, -r 1 MARRIED. Iff. W. STOTT. M.
D. Surgeon, Tlie Eastern District Fair AssiK'iatiou will bold its (irst annual fair nt Ashiaml, Nebraska, 28, 23 and 30. Septl(iw2 and the entire community will tuwi out to do iuniar to the estimable couple. Elder S. is in hi seventy-first year, aud Mrs.
S. ha lompleted her seventy-third. Both are hale anti hearty, though the Elder is now excused from active work in 1'ie ministry. They have living, thivo children, eleven grandchildren, and live giAridcJiililrcii, who will lie present. The iidiiir will ho very pleasant, liml nil who desire are invited to alien 1.
Linrnlu JoMrnid. NEB. At I OO. llnis. A Co.
keep a well-selected stock of all kinds of lumber and building materials. sept 1 fit IH5USH--BTEVKN8. At thu residence of the ill Wnlion, mi Thuraday, Sciccin-Ivt Ii. ISSl). ty lii T.
K. Tyson. Mr. Kugrun Krnsii tn VI ir A. Stcruit hath of SuilD'luri cuuiiiy.
Ltisch ik Smith beg leave to announce to the public that they have mi hand a supply of first-class Brick" that then? are -wrnlV A 1 1 1 A. al. ft- I (til S.ir'ery a Swt--lulUy. 4.1 -an- noviiib-il to. iffii-o ovr llnrrv itim.
,17 Rif'S are ail neir. trill hr fd cased lo render, a. share of four OJJJE BE lUUl REX. DIE. i.iiniiK'd nn rhort nrtirn nr.il at low rati 11 ururk srt-l-d.
l.w piha. A'oil (hii vu nn uuy liy lo liiig rfnio. mi Filili in-cl. uue iliNir raal of it Crjfr i'niiiu slid lie cniiviuerit. JOUX LIMlKISfAMI." STuli iy Wulion, Nch.
Itenienil'cr the (larfiel.l and Arthur club meets next Tuesday evening. Turn out to nil orders for the same nt fheir yard on ChnrlcH Stm-kings farm, a half mile" east of Waiioo. Price rqnaonnhle. lniity Lrscir A Smith. K.
GBAY. M.D. cvrvl.oijv. The (na terljr Sleeting. Of the M.
E. church will Ijo held in the school Iiou.se at Waiioo on Saturday and next, September ISth a.il Ilvaoiiiiig on Saturday evening at 7 oclock and mi Sunday morning nt 11 siclo bv Ir. W- Ci. presiding elder of Omaha distr.ct, Thu ip.iarterly meeting will close w.ih the nioriiin hervice. A Protest Against Killing Nkt.
2, 15, 5. S.U'NP"ns tv ysh ia si 23, 1880. N-i time Il'iniliugnt H. Ftihrinaus at this or suy otltcr time. lIRDfSES.
Of typhoid lever, at tlie m-idence of Mr. II Ruse lie, on 1'cIu-jtlny. SepteiiilMT 8, ISW. at 9 o'clock a Mr. W.ihera Hedge, ailed 27 year.
At tli.i nsi ilcaco of Kiln Miildlo-ta on the liKirning of Suitciii. ol'h-jart disease, Mr. James Mnrrar. Jut tred. A asiortiiii'iit of Flower Iots -nil Hanging B.i-kits nt Ji-eili (im o'1.
rlivniJ nl Kr- lt. All BlIH IFflll Mild ruruliie drseniH. sejdlQ C. W. Eichardson, T)pnHst ii ii uImIN i ml priiiticiniicr In nil mci-ii Consultation Freo.
1 Iv ZSOZETSrr All who want mouejr will on CHANEY HA.LL SKI7 The soldiers and sailors lit Central City began last Mint l.i- an-l eloujt next Saturdav. To tin? of Tub Imikpodsst. It may Im an isolated case, and I nuiv he ucting wholly alone, and I inayn.it; hut I would like to say a lew words in regard to A-Lr" 41 the wholesale slaughter of prairie chieken by the professional bunterii of tii- Hiwn, tUrouglioiit tlie eonntv. They keep them-si-ive in practice, ami keep a large supply of hird- lo: MI RHAV. in Walite, her in.
14. "lien they make a raid 1 Death lias time one in town. health became morning an all nicdietil. Ifllcc up stairs over 'liillhergs Drug 1 1'Kt'i il KXTIAt'TKI). niiifli nml lit -cl utitl nil I work warraiiird to gl vn sut 7ang tf Stale Fr.Tr.
(r t) tluStife fair njxt brnday and take your families and all the wonderful tilings you have ft) exhibit. not Saunders county be behind in her exhibition. Buoklins Arnica SalTe." The licit satvc in the world for Cut Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter Clinpjiod Hands, Chilblains, and 11U kinds of skin eruption. This salve is guaranteed to give Kiiinfaivcloii in every cuse or nmney tcfundisf. Price 35 tints jier box.
I 'or sale hy H. If. Chillherg, WaliiSs Xc-li. IJ. B.
Mf'HTON, M. D. I'll YSIiI A AND Sl ItllKON. Jack Frit silliel out this way Xlondav night and In left very decided tr-uvs of his visit 1 eliillil liint. Ofiiif nvrr Priiffnw, rml obiwlui, At the Court ll'iitvc.
ai binning money 011 iniyro 'ed'far'rs at rHU-sulInin lower th.iut lift loivu. 1J suns surf m-i! ftieiii lii-furu iniilil'ig oilier arrAngsiumil'a am' you will -ill I -fl'5 tliat I hu uman wlmt they-av. ClICNIiV ALL. Cm mm LIVERY! e-imo am st im again. This middle ife has been stricken Strong and very robust once, I.
is impaired, and last Friday attack of heart disease soon proved fatal. Mr. citizen of this county. homesteaded laivl 2j Creek. Alsuit veitr Wahoo where he "ha Murray was a member of.
this place and tlie funeral taken charge of ly the -were hold in the Rjv. K. Wilkiusjn Cull pinnildly atlenildl to. HlXirr.ATOH DIUTfJ -iTORE. It.
H. MDIITON, PHI IP. good for three ilavs and including they oftentimes take an entire enve-v Xow to t.V Sro.m:!s will be sold at the I have no ol.jections to their hnnlit'vf chickens, but I feel tlic-rc is nothing in making them take an equal chance with the farmer," who feeds the ehiekens. Jx't them their dogs at hom*o give the ehiekens, as well as the farmer, ail equal I Ircsbvteriaii church, show. 1 like to take a hunt once iti a 1 following low rates: From iValioo.
Mead an 1. Clear Creek SI Ffort aad Weston $2.75. tickets will ho sold at half rules to those desiring to remain several days at the fair. Freight will be reiurned front the skill, Murray is ail old Iif the fall of 5870 he m.lcs wet of Clear ago he removed to since lived. Air, the masonic lodge of services were masons.
ho services 7la kcta.l Bros. A Co. have Ixr.iglit out the lumber yard of A. Jausa on Broadway and respect full invite (he public to cmno an 1 see them, examine their stock and get their prlcis. kept 1 (it htir free of charge.
A ifi'iicr'il M'mk LlitiiNa TtvlH ArffidiM aiul okH Mml frv, IiiftirK mu Tnhi'un, Mmt'ihw i nml imlnL OiiiF mid mp kfi ('(iiBMHNtljf on hand nml (nr Hilb ui low price GET THE BEST! UUY YOU It -r--- FRUIT TREES! Jl 1 1 -5 I Ar a IIm. M. 15. Recso stnrlisl for tlseeoln, Iowa, on Wiiliuw.Iay of last week whor* his vii'c daugliter are now visiting. Mr.
Reese will lm two three weeks. Facts tnatwe Know. (Xiiiii'iitOiii- If you are suflering with a severe cougli, ctid. asthmos hsoimliiti consumption, loss of i-ciice, tickling it die or any affection of tho throat utitl lungs, we know that Dr. Kings Medical Discovery will give von immediate relief.
AVe know of hundreds of coses it lias enrol, and that where nil other medicine had failed. Xo Ulier remedy cun show one-half many permanent Xow to give Vfp satisfactory proof that Dr. King's New Discovery witl cure yon of Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay fever, (kinsiimjition, severe Coughs and Colds, and hoarseness or npy throat or lung disease, if you will call nt IE II. Chillbcrgs Drug since you can pet trial bottle free of cost or a regular size bottle for 1. Fcliool Books, (jo to Mortons and liny School Books chpap.
W. H. DICKINSON, while, and I also like to see a chicken. But to take the chance after our sporting gentrv and their dug, but few chickens ilo I We are all aware there has been a notice in the luij'er oflering a rewan! of $5 for the information of any parties killing game contrary tii law, when it is for the juirpnsc of itig the game for our sporting men, Fur Naii. acres of earn in the fljld, acres 01 enrn 111 tne Rein, Oritesi-oiisibli! ami PERRY GASKIN, Proprietors.
J. (iiiibons at 5'nlparniso in laying in a huge fall stock ofilfy goads and groceries aii'l have printing done letter heads, envelopes, which lie gets at this uwl not wholly for the club. OF REPUTABLE NURSERIES, Seventy cut sevtio.i 2ft, town 13 range E- alioiit three an 1 one half miles directly east of Valpt-raist. For term an 1 particulars inquire 0:1 said section at 0 John Kir wax. (Scpt2w Clear Creek Hrm.J.
Two new stores bave built at Clear during tlie past month. Ilullhorst A Damon have started a dry gooif an.l gra-iiry store. These gentlemen are both old residents of Clear Creek and well acquainted in vicinity. They start out with a well selected stick anil are rapidly building up a good tra-Je. F- AV.
Milek has ojkmu.i1 out in the hardware Ip.ismcxA. He 1ms got tin .1 good stock of shelf liaiilware, and is adding lo it every ilv. He runs in connection with his store .1 wagon an.1 blacksmith shop. Xi-w wrtg.ia. irw -'ser, gool 1 rtrtvcra, everything in Cral-clasa rtyle, at (lie Tiic of -IlliMiiningloD, nn: the of the They tlilp uljr stuck Slid yea tutu rely up jti-it.
F.il KVii nn.l Agi-nt. r.aiid Ag.nit of the II. A M. It. It.
C.1. Cliatiel Ismii rur une year's liine. I.oxas made lniinivu 1 or Wil-i l.aa.l. .0.111 on any kind of safe reeuiliy. fiongor Short Time Notes Bought.
Will liny and sell ail af III Estate, p'leven year' nldeiu-ii la Sait yd up eouii'v. lieerinlly answered. at the old stand of Ceo. 'V. Inrti n.
uneG. Wiihuo, Nell. tm the 22d day of 188ft, ns a goodly ninnber of the pcojdo wen gathered tit Hill scliiMil-liotise, after Salbat ii seluidl hour, one Milt. Copji (for short), liml two other young rich, and a dog, drove bv short distance and lUcd off t-i tlie left ami 1 login shfMiting at uml killing. If' I am righ.
the law does not allow the killing of Seven men from this place went to Kansas some time ego to bay cattle, nml seven women are in trouble because they have not hoard from their liege lords and fear they are scalped. Do not ho doocivert' by irresponsible agents. All entries at the Ashland fair must I before the second day, and must sjc -ify the name and residence of tho exhibitor and the class and number for whic-li lie and she compotes. mstil now. nor roaming over tlie country on the limiting game of any kind," and Auctiox.
I will attend at nil auction where my' services may he desired. Charges reasonable. Orders may bo left and engagements made by Ravi A Jlan-cK-k at Tii; Ixdepexdkxt office, Wahoo Nebraska- Ia W. (rlLCUIRIST. seqitUtf vour o.d rsfi-y C.
-Clift on or hi. (Ii-pntio. st ie of these uu-Hcii-a fir liT sii'l ISiiilpr r-iiiniieH. i.O Neb, 3junc3m diiurbing the jichijiIc. It is enough to see A.
is to his stock of them on week-days making a clean sweeu on J.iiirlcn Avcaitc Drugs. Mr-. li'K-kwell started at Clear Saunders County Bank, HORNET PROfS, of the eliickcns, without taking the Sabbath I -deove home front the schiMil-iiotiso, pul away my team, anti was on the lookout for Joseph Kumliera has just received a large invoice of cooking anil heating stoves. The very host stoves in the market whieh will he soli! at Ixdtom prices. A tine line of table cutlery.
Bememlier that lie ki-iq a full line of hard Aarc and tinware, scptlfiw2 Red White Slue Barn, The Ashland fair will be held the hist A Strange People. Ik you know that there are Hlrangc people in our community, wu say strange because they seem tn prefer to suffer ami pass their dav ami night miserably, made so bv Dyspepsia and liver complain indigestion, constipation, and general debility, when Shiloh's vitalizer isgtwanteed tocuYc them sold liy -5. Morton. Ayirxmcl. BAKKltm Bl'atXK VnXCTEII -jnry Inaiied and note dtsromited.
tiiem walked down in mv Held, exueetin" 1 1 .1 1 lo fitvi them, and so I did." As soon as they the of Seplr. The Creek about a year ago and hv persistent uttenduift'c to his business and square dealing has built up a pood trade. In this connection we may add that Xcri-i, a young pliysreian of gooil promise, hu Uunjj out shingle at Air. Rockwell drugstore where he may Lc found at all times bv the On Fifth saw they were strongly inclined to driw off. I spoke to C'opji to hold pn.
hut thev did reel seem inclined to stop. I spoke 81 them-the lliinl time bcfoie ti premium list, which is now before us, is magnificent anil complete. Don't tail to attend, and take your best fruits, vegetables, grain and stock. Scptl6w2 Bu? to and From aU Trains, A large of Exchange luuht aud tuM oil all p. int iu tlie world.
Inter! paid on timpdcpoalt. 1nmipt aitcB lini uiven to rnIVrfnr. COOeiKid lot to aril or trade for pluck cf any kind. Real Evlate houht and rold on coniniiralon. Bank Situated on Fifth street.
Waiioo, Xer. 4Jcc6m Ashland is bound not tn ue behind. The district fair which she proposes to give will not be hu passed by any west of Omaha. scptifiwa up Teams Read Horses, The Wuhoa Foragers started to Uentraj City bright and early Monday Morning to attend the re-union. They went nrt-rlnnil witltliree teams, cxjioiiing toenmpout one n'glit in Into military iyl.
The liovs stnrtoil off in high spirits with the stars aiul stripes floating over them. There will be no better looking lot of soldierly fellows ut that grand re-union than our own boys, in blue. To If ham It may Concern. This is to certify that on the 10th day of August I gave my son, John August Xel-son, hi time and earnings, and will not hereafter become responsible for any debts wtach he may contract. V.
J- Xej-i)x, aept9w3 IIbxbt Axdebov. For si.Ie or tranc. We gnaranton onr stock to oa represented or nJoialo. Wcimpurl liroi (driit fttun the gcel and defy cuinpuilitoh ia prioc. AVe have a speedy ami positive cure; f.iT catarrh, diphtheria nioiitlt, and headache, in Shilohs Catarrh remedy.
A nasal-injector free with each bottle. Use it if you disirn health aud sweet breath. Price" 50 cent: Sbld by Ik. B. Morton.
Joux X. Gitirrrrii ANDERSON GRIFFITH, B-HSTIZIEIEeS- t.i tlse wagon and asked them if thov did npt know it was Sunday? Thcv said" thev dfil- 1 asked them if they dil not know' that it was- against the law to lie hunting outlie He wanted to know if I always lived up to the law. I told him I diil as far at I knew. I asked them if they (lid not know that it was against the l(lw to fli(M)t quails now? Coop said he a cuss; that he liked to hunt. I told them that they 1ml six dav to hunt without taking the Siabbaiii for it.
I told AVe kqop for salo Ccm-mon Sensed Liniment. 1 Tri ntming silks and velveN at MblLtt's. Scpt3 Is a compound of tho virliies of sarsaparilla. rith stillitigia, mandrake, yclfow duck. with tho UASKIN.
iodide of pfttasli atiii iron, all iM.wcrful liltyxl-. if pfttnsn min iron, ail 1 Wo need an opera ball this winter, we must have a hall and shall have a There is no use talking a hall of Mine kind is as neecesaary as food and raiment. Let a paper be started and let our lituincw men subscribe liberally for stock and we shall soon have a hall. It will be a paying investment. Ispn it Co.
tM eh, ip for exit. them I voultl have no shooting on niv farm Fits Hnntlre.l Tlionsami Strong. In the past few months there has boon more than -500, (.00 lales'nf Slii lulls Cure -sohE Out uf the vast number of pcnplefho-. have' used it, nKre than 2,000 cases of Consnintiim. have been cured.
All C-ottgbs, Criiup, Asthma, and Bronchitis, yield ut once, hence it i that everybody speaks its praise. tlioc Notaa Pubbc, Beal Estate and Insurance Agents. Do all kind of general hanking. Exchange honghtaud o1d on all the principal elite of the United state and Enropc. Pacnger ticket on the mot popular tteam line to and from Enropc.
Doubtless the two doctors will get alon, amicably, as they are both too good-natured to.qunm-1. 1eters Son were getting in their fall stock and were as busy a Parmenic-r we found ioiig a very trade. 15. AY. Birins, the roister, was convalescing.
lie had been Huuler the weather for sonic weeks. Mr. Phelpc, of tlie firm of Pheljis Co. grain buyers, reported tho grain btisineJ a little slow last week ns farmer were too busy haying anl threshing to got to town. Mr.
Phelps wa giving hi attention almost exclusively to a carbuncle on his foot. AAliile we were waiting for the noon passenger, which was an hour late last Saturday, he took us to look at two tine MjfCcinieii of Poland China hogs whieh he had procured Illinois. We eyed them connoisseur- on Sunday; that I did not want nnv shoot-, lug' a round here on Sunday; that we are to act better cxnmrlc. They said they did not wish to distrust anvone hut thought they were about ns near right (t KL'flev, Cnrleun A Co. have it full line tf dry groceries, boot and shoe, crockery tcare, gin ware and cl'ithing, chick they ore telling at bed roek price.
They hate thebMiline TV WsM, i': ife flint have nut used jt, h-t-us say, if vou have a Cough or if your child has the and Collections Promptly Attended To. Wahoo, Nebraska, laprly making, atitl life-sustaining 1 elements. It Is the puresf, and in every way the must (-frectual alterative known or available to tin public, Tito sciences of mndii-ino and ever prodn-nd ko valtialilo a remedy, nor one so potent to cure ulj diseases resiiltinw from inijuire Mood: It cures Scrofula; ami ail scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, liosc, or St Anthonys Fire; Piniples and Face-grubs, Pustules, 1 ulotglies. Bolls, Tumors, Tetter, Salt ltheum, Scald-head, Bingwrin, Sores, Rheumatism, Sleryiirlgl. Diiesw, Neuralgia, Female Weaknesses-and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of tho Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility.
those whti better thing, ami then I drove Uf. I do ot k.tow the nlniw of the TI Jhr'j ehea? ihe ehtai tf you vaitiy lifejwvt fail to try it. For Yame Largest and best asserted stock uf good ever seen 11 Saunders county or in any other place, now at II. Fiihmian's. Cali and satisfy yourself.
sept 1(5 Back, side or plaster. 'Use Slii lulls kiroits Sold -by 'your druggist. Valparaiso. Nebraska. for cash.
Remember they ddieer their good. July 22-. New millinery at Mollett's. septO other two. If they wish to hi nt on iut place they must leave thei? dog at home Rial common week days for I will not allow tliciirtahuut on Smvl.iv rw with deyt.
M- S. lliu.s. n. K. JOHNSON, ppclni Sehael Xreling.
Notice i.ereby given to the qualified el ietors of school district No. 3ft of ft $1.25 PER BOTTLE. A Positive Remedy. for ALL Kidney, Liver and Troubles of both. Male and Female.
1 like, and advised him to take them to the State fair. BANKER. By its searching atrt cleansing' qualities it -purges out tlie foul corruptions Which corttaminato-tho l-lood, aiid cause' derangement aiid Jt stimulates and enlivens ennnty that a special meeting of said, district is called and that said meeting on 1-c held at the school house in tho vital functions. It'proinbtes chcrar and strc-iigtli. It restores and jtrcscrvrs It infuses new life anti vigor throughout tho ft 'VIA dllffltM fmM JfsAMSi whole system.
'Xo Sufferer from discaso Coamisslanent Pmreedinz. AVahoo, Sei t. 10 1S8D. Board of county tr.rt; Present Lchmkulil, Fleming and Bryan Minutes of previous meetings re-ad aad approved. Bond of A.
Keuiiton sujK'rvisfir I list. approved. Saturday the day if September, I at 7 o' l.M-b p. to eonkiiler the foF following Transact a general Banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all pointa In the United States.
Interest paid on time deposit. Collection promptly attended to. Money loaned and note discounted. Insurance written In the best companlo. V-iLPABAito.
Ninmji. I'owTivfc Results. There remedies that cure sometimes and become trusted as useful but none have ever proved no effectual cured so many and such remarkable cases as Dr. Aver medicines. The Cherry Pectoral has restored great numbers of patients who were believed to be lytpelessly a fleeted with consumption.
AgD6 Cure breaks up chilly and fever quickly and surely. 1 Ayera Coftvpouti Extract of Sarsaparilla eraflieatt-s impurities of the blood, cietHiHe the system and restores it. to vigorous hc-cdth. By' its timelv many troublesome disordenj thst cause a decline of health are expelled or cured. Ayers Pills and t.helr oflects are too well known every whereto require any commendation from us Pa.) Times.
nny which arise from iirtputity of tlie blood neetl tlcrnair, who will give Ayeks 8AUAPAKii.r.A a fair trial. Ut-inctnlier, tho earlier tliu trial, tho speedier tltc euro. Considerable local matter was crowded out lost week for want of space. Among these was a notice of the narrow escape which Mr. Frank Allen had from being killed from the discharge of a shut gun.
lie had tied a heifer behind a wagon and wa leading her to town iu this way to bntchcr. Frank was walking behind the wagon driving the animal, when AYilbcr Ellis, who had been out hunting got in to ride. The gun was laid in the bottom of the wagon with the muzzle over the end gate, when it accidentally went off. The discharge struck a piece of hard wood on the end gate and front it glaneud off so that Frank received nine of the shot in his Had the shot not been spent and scattered by striking the hard wood Frank would have received the full discharge in hi iodv. objects, 1st Leasing or a por-tun of the schiK.1 house block.
2d or renting and furnishing echo'd rtran 01- house for school puiqioses. 3rd A tin if of Mathias Mathesou uf l5nS seltolars from Other districts' 4th' To Dt. i approved. take into consideration the raising of funds 41 1ST ak' rea: the It revel tnjr lire. -E: R.
L'lisly, Stl.iiT, It istha remedy that will euro the 1:1 any diseases pccullar to womeu." .1 Ataiuitii. "It has passea severe er and won en lorc ments rrr-ui some of the t.i h-'t medical tftlen: ia the eoautry. StiB Turk IVarhi. TSo r-m edy- 'hcrutofone dlssoversd can he lie.d for oue moment in ciupari-ou with 4-C. it.
JTon R4fS'A, D. Cj This -Great Natural Remedy is for' Sale by Druggists in all Parts of th3 Worlds Its recipo has-lieenfiirniMhetl to phrsicians everywhere; anI tljev. recognizing it supc-nor qualities, administer it in.tlieir practice. J. M- Hedge, of tho firm of Howes Hedges, lumber dealers, reported several new buildings in process of erection, among them a new church edifice being built bv the Reformed Herman church uf Clear Creek vicinity.
Station agent M. JI. Rur.yan was not in politics, but expressed his opinion that Union precinct wuuld jiull over a hundred straight republican votes tni fall and that the green Ijackerw wuuld get bailly left there. is a ycry fair crop in the vicinity of Clear Creek. There was a iight frost in that region one night last week, but iw'S.
miiohU t.idn any ibimacc. J. A. SMITH, County Supt. M.
B. IIefae, Director. For nearly forty yCars has been wlllcly used, ud it-now por -nesses the cotiHdonco bf millions of pcnplo people sept3w3 who have experienced, benefit iron its nar velions curative virtues. Co. deliver goods.
Ekelev. Carlsou July 22-tf. approved. Bond of AA'ni. i reeno Sui'crvisor Dist fifi approved.
Board adjourned tii.lil tu-m-nrow. E. L. Ltld, Co. Clerk.
AVahoo Sept. 3, IS 50. Board rait; all OlEce ia the Court House Regnlar office days Friday and Saturday of ach week. PnWle Rxatninsttiins In Wahoo the last Saint sy of wth. -tf Xehrarkx.
Hajr TYanted. At AVahoo Steam Mills. Having made burninj hay a success 1 desire to buy bay, AT a XT HD A situation bv a first-class rilEter; gotil references given. Address' straw, slough-gn, etc. Prepared by Dr.
J. Ayer Fraetical aad Analytical Chemlsta, Lowell," sou vr ai Bxcizra ur.isf,s., TRY IT AND TAKE NO OTHER! II. II. Co. Sxhter, X.
Y. E. L. Soot, AVahco, Neb. aspt2-Tl R.