Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 or 10 of Co. 0 Fractn 4 1 06 03 01 01 02 15 11 05 15 05 12 03 Jumbo End Ex 01 01 01 03 02 06 4. 02 02 07 03 02 04 0 in such issues, and a a ed ma. STOCKTON DAILY EVENING RECORD, STOCKTON, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 23 Finance and Commerce- Commerce-Stocks-Bonds and Market Quotations S. F.

Stock, Curb Exchange Magnavox and Kolster Main Attractions in Quiet Morning Trade; Oils in Upward Trend SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. Press) -The market was quiet, but number of gains were recorded throughout the list on the San Francisco Stock Exchange this morning. Bank of Italy opened higher at touched 216. and then eased to Bancitaly Corporation started up at 3 climbed to then softened to American Company was slightly lower at Magnavox began at soared to and then steadied around.

16. Kolster Radio was quiet, losing ground from to Caterpillar Tractor lowered to 801 from 801, as did Crown Zellerbach by dipping from 24 to Galland Laundry WAS stronger, moving up from to 571, and Hawaiian Pineapple touched a new high at 631 from its opening of 61. Golden State Milk Products attained from 60. Paeific Lighting Corporation was slightly higher at 77. In the oils.

Standard of California began 1 at touched a new high of to then return to 653. ShellUnion opened new top price of lowered to and then moved 11 to Richfield Oil was off fractionally at whereas Union Oil of California displayed a small rise at S. F. Hay SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8.

-(Associated Press) Hay quotations (new crop): Wheat, No. 1 to choice, fair, $14 016.00: tame oats, fair and medium to choice, $13.00 19.00: wild oats and barley, $12.00 Alfalfa, medium to choice. $16.00 Straw, $10.00 Furnished by Geary. Meigs Co. Close Toll Amer.

Bridge 1.30 145 Atlas Diesel Engine 74 179 Bank of 214 Bancitaly Corp. Byron Jackson Calif. Packing 75 Caterpillar 79 Columbia Steel Crown-Zellerbach Emporium Kolster Foster 13 Fireman's Fund 119 Golden States Milk. Honolulu Cons. Oil.

39 Italo-American Pet. 1.70 Illinois Pacific Glass Langendorf Baking Langendorf Baking Los Angeles First Nat. 115 North American Oil. 4234 Pacific Gas 523 Pacific Gas 265 Lighting. 77 Pacific Tel.

com. 151 Parraffine Co. (bid) 85 Richfield Oil Roos Bros 311 B. F. Schlesinger A com.

221. Schumacher Wall Board (ask) 161 Security Trust 179 Southern Calif. Edison 51 Shell Union Oil 3514 Standard Oil of Calif. 65 Union Oil of Calif. Union Oil Associates Union Sugar 241, Magnavox .16.00 Marchant 4.15 John Bean Kleiber 3.60 fa*geol 4.75 S.

F. Grain SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. (United Press) Barley, feed. $1.50 1.65: shipping, 81.65 01.80.

Oats, red feed, $1.95 2.00. Wheat, milling, 2.15. California Produce Markets Local Wholesale By Stockton Commission Houses and Dealers The local prices on butter and eggs are quoted daily from the office of the ton Retali Grocers' Association. Prices are subject to revision daily at 4:30 p. m.

The poultry and nut prices are quoted daily by Wilkes-Pearson-Knutzen. EGGS AND BUTTER EGGS--Extras, 40c; medium, 29c. BUTTER--Stockton creamery, 49c. POULTRY HENS--Pound: Small, 314 pounds and under, large, 31 and under 5 pounds, Plymouth Rocks, 25c. Fryers, to 2 pounds, Heavy bred, 2 pounds and up, Broilers, 1 to pounds, BELGIAN HARES--Pound: Young, 13c: old, 2.25 dozen.

Squads, 35 pound: alive, ROOSTERS-Pound: Old, stags, GUINEA FOWLS- -Nominal. CAPONS--Nominal. HAY (Prices to Growers) WHEAT--No. 1 to choice, per ton: fair grade, per ton. TAME OAT--Medium to choice, 14.00 per ton.

15.00 per ton. ALFALFA-No. to choice, 17.00 ton. per ton, GRAIN BARLEY 01.50; shipping, $1.50 01.60. CORN -White, $40 yellow, $40 ton.

WHEAT--Federal grade, soft, $1.90 bard, $2.05. MILO WHITE EGYPTIAN GRAIN BAGS CALCUTTA-12c. BEANS (Jobbing Prices per cwt.) Large white, small white, pinks, California reds, large limas, $10. F.o.b. country selling prices quoted by San Francisco dealers for C.

R. C. California- grown beans--Large white. small white, pinks, California reds, $4.75: red kidneys, bayos, $7.00: blackeyes, $6.70: H. B.

limas, limas' cranberry, $7.00 8.00. POTATOES POTATOES--Delta, per sack on levee, SWEET POTATOES-31 lb. ONIONS Red torpedoes, nominal; yellow Globes, $2.25 Spanish Globes, red Glcbes, white Globes, Australian Browns, $3.00 3.25. NUTS NEW ALMONDS--Nonpareils, IXL, Neplus, Drakes, 12013c; Texas, 13c. Local Retail Market Local I market quotations, particularly on butter and eggs, are liable to variation in two quoted prices.

Quotations are received from leading houses dally and the minimum and maximum prices are the quotations given: EGGS AND BUTTER EGGS -Extras, 50c; medium, 39c. BUTTER-Stockton creamery, 52c. MEATS BEEF -Steak, loin, 35c round, 34c: chuck, 24c; loin tips, 35c; porterhouse, 42 (242c. Roasts, prime ribs, 32c; rump, 25c; ciosa ribs, 26c: clean lean beef, 24c; brisket, 20c: flank, 20c; corned beef, 200; liver, 18c: klaneys, 20c; hearts, 150. MUTTON--Small rib, 35c leg, 30c: to joints.

12c: spring lamb legs, 40c; small shoulder, 20c; breast and stew. 12c; shins rib, 55c; small loin, VEAL ribs, shoulder. 28030. stew, 25c. BACON-44c sliced, 55c.

-35 37 1 lb. PORK -Prime ribs, 40c large loin, 34c: legs, 28c: shoulder and neck, 28c. VEGETABLES BEETS-Two bundles, 15c. CABBAGE-10 head. TURNIPS-2 bundles for 15c.

CELERY--15c head. CUCUMBERS-3 for 5c. EGGPLANT-2 lbs. 155. LETTUCE-10c head.

GREEN ONIONS-3 bunches 10c. DRY lb. PARSLEY-50 bundle. BELL dozen. CHILI lb.

RADISHES-5c bundle. SPINACH-100 lb. TOMATOES--Sc lb. STRING BEANS-10c lb. SUMMER SQUASH-50 lb.

'FRUITS APPLES-50 lb. BANANAS-10c lb. ORANGES-40c, 60c, 150 dozen. STRAWBERRIES-15c basket. CANTALOUPES-4c each.

WATERMELONS-200 up, according to size. PEACHES-100 lb. FIG8-2 lbs. for 25c. NUTS ALMONDS--New crop, 30c lb.

BRAZIL NUTS-350 lb. FILBERTS-30c lb. 35c 1b. 1s new the Wall Street Financial Review "Hoover Market" Another Order Flood Into Wall Street, With Sharp Bulge in Prices NEW YORK, Nov. Press) -The "Hoover market." which got off to a flying start yesterday, continued to press forward today under an avalanche of buying the copper, oil, motor, merchandising food shares.

Fears that a technical reaction would follow the initial celebration of the Hoover victory inspired profit-takiig in a few which dropped 2 to 5 points, but the general list pointed upward. with gains ranging from 1 to 16 points. Trading was conducted at terrific pace that the ticker had fallen one hour behind the market by early afternoon. Total sales crossed the 2.500,000-share mark before the end of the third hour. With directors of the General Motors Corporation meeting after the close of the market, that stock again became the center of speculative interest.

Heavy buying carried it, up more than 3 points and part of the gain was cancelled. All sorts of guesses as to what the dividend action would be were circulated, with the majority of observers inclined to the belief that an extra cash dividend of $2.50 would be declared on the present stock. which would be split up on a 2 to 1 basis. Mack Trucks and Chrysler also moved up smartly and Brockway Motors attained a new peak. Call money was in plentiful supply Markets at a Glance New York Stocks strong; Montgomery Ward rises more than twenty points.

Bonds steady; rails again in demand. Foreign exchanges firm; sterling recovers slightly. Cotton strong; bullish government crop estimate. Sugar higher; better spot demand. Coffee declined; European selling.

Chicago Wheat higher; firm Northwest markets. Corn firm: rains Illinois and lowa. Cattle steady to lower. Hogs lower. Trading on Curb NEW YORK, Nov.

8. (Associated Presa) The curb market was called upon to absorb considerable profit-taking in the early trading today, but pointed upward around mid-day. Oils, which have been a feature of the market for several sessions, sagged under realizing, several issues, including Humble, Imperial and International Petroleum, losing about 2 points, but most losses were later regained in part. Standard Oil of Nebraska gained 2 points on declaration of the extra dividend, and Kentucky stepped up more than a point. Several specialties were whipped 1p smartly, Deere soaring more than 15 points.

Adolf Goebel went to a record high. Fox Theater A gained a point, then encountered selling, while Ford of Canada. a conspicuous strong point yesterday sold down 11 points. Hiram Walker advanced more than a point. New Cornelia was a strong feature of the mines, adding 2 points to yesterday's gain of 7.

Newmont went ahead 2 points, then flopped back 4. Hudson Bay was in demand slightly higher. Utilities were generally heavy, Electric Investors and American Gas Electric Josing 2 and 1 points. United Gas Improvement rallied after an early loss. S.

F. Live Stock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Associated Press) -U. S. Bureau of Agriculture- HOGS -None: holdovers 220: slow; looks 154 25c lower: load good lightweight Californias, $10.50: over 225 pounds, $10; part load 140-pound pigs, Wednesday sixteen loads easterns, $11 or 10 4 15c lower: packing sows mostly $8.00 7 8.50.

CATTLE--Receipts 75, including 21 for stock show. Market offerings good grade cattle scarce: strong to 25c higher; two loads low 990 to 1025-pound horned California steers, $12.25: few medium grades out at $11. Good grades she stock absent: odd head dairy bred cows, $8.00 8.50; cutters quoted $3.75 6.50. Bulls, $7.75 8.75. Calves none; quotable steady.

SHEEP- -Receipts 275: holdovers 110: steady, Two decks medium to good grade 68-pound California lambs. $12.35: load summer shorn 88 pounds, medium to good ewes quoted $4.50 6.50. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. (Associated EcoPress)-U. S.

Bureau Agricultural 1 0 S. F. Poultry -Receipts of live poultry were somewhat heavier today and trading in most classes was only moderate. Some dealers reported difficulty in selling their leghorn hens at present prices quoted, although in most cases, they had decided to hold their stock rather than sacrifice them. Young colored roosters were barely steady and were not cleaning up quickly from dealers' floors.

The turkey market WAS considered no more than steady, although receipts were comparatively light. BROILERS-Pound: Leghorn, 1 to pounds, 39 0 40c: 11 pounds, 39 40c; pounds, 391 140c. FRYERS- Pound: Leghorn, 2 pounds, 34 35e; 244 to pounds, 34 35e; colored. 2 to 2 pounds, 34 35c: to pounds. 34 35e; 3 pounds, 34 35c.

YOUNG ROOSTERS and PULLETS Pounds: Colored, to pounds, 34 35c; over 3 pounds, 34 350; staggy showing spurs, 23 25c. CAPONS-Pound: 32033c; dressed, 36 (738c HENS- Pound: Leghorn, to 3 pounds, 25 260; pounds and over, 27 0 29c; large colored ranch and eastern, 334 34c; poorer heavier, 30 32c. GEESE--Pound: Live, 23 dressed, 31 0 34c. DUCKS--Pound: Young, old, 13 dressed, 26 30c. TURKEYS-Pound: Young, 35 old, hens, dressed, 40 44c.

N. Y. Stocks (Furnished by Geary, Meigs Co.) NOVEMBER 8 Close Amer T. 1875 Amer Can Am Woolen 2214 Anaconda 95 Am Smelting. 274 Armour A Atchison Bald Loco 235 Beth Steel 69 Cal 75 Can Ches 189 Chili 68 Chrysler Coca Cola Con Cuba Cn pid.

5 Chn Am 17 Fam Players. Fisk Gen Asph 735 Gen Cigars 604 Gen Motors Great Nor pid Girt West Ser. 34 Gulf Hudson Hupp 7116 Int. Comb Eng Int Nickel 188 Jordan 14 Kelvinator Kennecott 135 Loews Mont Mack Trucks. Marland 4414 Mid States Oil Mo Pac 123 Moon Motors.

Close Motometer Nash Cash Reg. 931 IN North Amer. Packard 97 Pennsylvania Phillips Pet 4714 Postum Pierce Prod Refo. 25 Pullman 82 Pure Oil Radio 233 Reading 104 Tob. Rep I 80 Sears Roebuck Shell Union 011 Sou Pacific 123 Sin E.

Stn Oil of Cal. 65 Oil of Stn Oil of 374 Stewart Warnr 107 Studebaker Texas Co 69 Tob Prod Trans Oil Steel 210 Union Oil 54 IU 8 Cast I P. 263 Vanadium 129 West Pac com West Pae pfd. White 37 Willys Ov com Yellow Cab 36 Cotton Market NEW FORK, Nov. 8.

(Associated Press) -Cotton futures: Previous High Low Close Close January 19.41 18.71 19.34-35 18.76 March 19.38 18.68 19.32-36 18.73 May 19.25 18.58 19.21-23 18.64 July 19.10 18.44 19.03-05 18.50 October 18.70 18.10 18.65 18.15 December 19.45 18.77 19.36-39 18.83 Opening: January 18.80: March 18.77; May 18.64: July 18.50; October 18.15; December 18 85. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. (Associated Press) -Cotton futures closed steady at net. advances of 58 to 80 points.

Previous High Low Close Close January 18.88 18.14 18.78-79 18.19 March 18.85 18.10 18.76-77 18.16 May 18.77 18.02 18.65 18.07 July 18.60 17.90 18.52-53 17.92 October 17.70 17.70 18.15 17.52 December 18.85 18.10 18.75-76 18.17 Opening: January 18.16: March 18.14; May 18.08: July 17.96; October 17.56 bid; December 18.13. L. A. Live Stock LOS ANGELES, 1 Nov. 8.

(Associated Press) State Live Stock Market News ServiceHOGS- Receipts 500; strong to 10c higher: top, $11.75 for good 200-pound 0 11.75: small lots trucking, $11.00 braskans: two other good loads butchers, CATTLE- -Receipts 200; killing classes steady 10 strong: car Imperial steers, 810.85: five cars 933-pound Texas steers, $10.50, with about A. half load, bulk she stock, all cutters, $3.50 6.75. Bulls, $7.50 8.50. Calf receipts 200; undertone firm; few calves, $10.00 7 12.00. SHEEP- None: medium to choice lambs quoted at $11.00 13.00; medium to choice ewes, $5.00 00 7 00.


0 0 I Closing Mining Stocks NOVEMBER Tonopahs Bid Ask Bid Ask! 70 Tonopah Belmont 'Namara Tonopah 76.. M'Nam West Crees 03 West Ex North End 01 Rescue Eula. 021 Goldfields Comb Grandma Flo Goldfield Goldfield Con Dp Goldfd Goldfield Dev Manhatn Con Myra Eur Hamiltn Alto Argyle Brougher Dividend Gold Zone Harmill Belmont Best. Bullion Chollar Concordia Con Virginia. Gould Cur Ben Hur Butte Cent Eureka.

do A Double Gruss Hickox Mineral Mtn, Belmont Met Bevis Champion Comatock Sil Divide Ex Grannis Miscellancous Acme Aladdin Amador Coal Arrowhd Anx Arrowhd Dev Bdy Red Mtn Black Black Mamth Booth Brit Col Dev Broken Hills, Buckm Mina. Carrie Divide Annex Elsa. Jack Golcondia 03 06 Great 16 01 02 01 Silver Pick 01 02 03 04 Lone Star 01 05 Manhattans 02 White 21 03, 22 01 02 Quartz Mountain 02 03 San 03 01 Divides 03 04 Kerniek 03 04 Rosetta 04 Silver 01 02 03 04 Tonopah Div. 07 08 01 Victory 01 02 19 West Mine 01 02 Comstocks 24 Mexican .1.35 08 10 Ohpir 02 03 05 (Potosi 05 13 16 Savage 03 04 65 67 Scorpion 23 25 02 03 Union 18 20 05 061 Californias 02 03 Nevada Hills. 22 23 06 08 Gold Goid .1.75 1.80 85 Divide 03 1.25 Quartz 02 03 38 40 Sugarman 15 16 03 04 Trinity Bar 28 27 .195 10 12 01 Westn Merger 01 02 Arizonas 18 19 Katherine Ex.

01 02 02 03 Katherine Gid 04 06 01 02 Kingman Silv 01 02 03 05 Treasure Vult 14 17 05 Vit Ex 01 02 081 Nevada and Other Districts 12 13 Gn Mn P.1.15 1.20 01 02 Giant 08 09 10 11 Liberty 01 02 01 Majestic 21 22 01 02 Operator 01 02 01 Prince 02 03 02 Round 14 35 Simon Sil Ld 02 03 08 10 Sunset 02 08 10 Thomson 01 02 01 02 In Hasbrouck 01 02 14 15 Verdi 01 02 01 02 Veta Grande. 01 02 02 Wright Creek 20 25 1.25 Idahos 12 40 85 L. A. Produce LOS ANGELES, Nov. Associated Press)--U.

S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics- APPLES- Central Newtowns, $1.75 4 02.00 mostly smaller, $1.50. ASPARAGUS--Imperial valley, fancy, $6.25 9 6.50 box; extra choice, $4.50 0 5.25; choice, $3.25 3.75; unclassified, $2.50 2.75. BEANS -Local Kentucky Wonders, 8c limas, 899c; Coachella Kentucky Wonders, 54 6c. CANTALOUPES 458 to -Imperial 365, valley $3.00 pink 0 3.50; standard 459, $2.50 0 3.00; pony 458, $1.70 2 25: flats 12s to 155, $1.25 1.35.

FIGS-Local black, 90 12c smaller, 7 Sc. GRAPES -Central Muscats, few 4 d5c local Tokays, fair color. 50 60c lug; Cornichons, 35 40c lug; Missions and Mataros, $20.00 25.00 ton. LETTUCE--Guadalupe, dry pack, $2.25 2.75 crate; poorer, Romaine, 75c $1.00. MELONS- -Imperial valley, flats 95, $1.25 1.35.

Honeyballs, standards, 45s, $2.50 4 3.00; jumbo, 45s, $3.00 3.75. Sales Tuesday, Imperial valley Honeyballs, $35 per ton; Turlock Casabas, $35.00 .00 40.00 ton. ORANGES--Culls and standards, loose, medium to large, $3.00 3.25; small, $2.00 2.50. PEPPERS -Local bells, 75c 4 81.00 lug: smaller, 50 60c. RHUBARB Local two- pound boxes, cherry, 55 65c: four -pound boxes, 900 0 $1.00.

SWEET POTATOES- Merced Jerseys, $2.90 3.00 ewt. TOMATO Local Orange and Ventura county, $1.25 4 1.50 per lug: best. large, $1.504 1.75: San Diego county, good quality, $1.50 02.00. S. F.

Butterfat SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Associated Press) -Butterfat 1.0 D. San Francisco, Poultry Producers The Poultry Producers' Association of Central California quotes eggs as follows: Extras, 48c: medium, 37c: small, 27c; Nuiaid. 19c S. F.

Dried Fruit SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. (United Press) -Wholesale quotations for dried prunes, peaches and raisins today were: Prunes-20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, Peaches- Standard, 8c; choice, fancy, Unbleached Thompsons, 314 Sultanas, soda bleached Thompsons, S. F. Butter, Eggs SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Associated Press) -Wholesale producers' prices: But92 score, 91 score, 48c; 90 score, Eggs, U.

S. No. 3 specials (large), 460; U. S. No.

1 extras (large), 45c: U. S. No. 1 extras (medium), 32c; U. S.

No. 1 extras (smalls), Cheese, California fancy flats, 23 Oregon triplets, 24c. Dressed Meals Western Meat Company quotes: CATTLE-Steers, No. 1, 22c: do second quality, 21c. Cows, first, 181c; second, Heifers, first, second, CALVES-220 24c.

LAMBS-24 Quoted Dy Orvis Clinger as followe. CATTLE Steers, No. 1, 210; second, 19c; cows, first quality, 17c; good dairy. others, nominal: heifers, CALVES--No. 1, 22c; heavy, 19c.

LAMBS-250. HOGS-17c. S. F. Citrus SAN FRANCISCO, Nov.

Press) -Federal-State Market News Service- GRAPEFRUIT-Tulare, $3.757 4.00 box: choice 50c less; Imperial valley, $4.90 5.25 box. LEMONS--Fancy, $5.00 00 5.50 box; $6.25 6.50: choice, 50c $1.00 less; lemonettes, $2.50 3.50. ORANGES -Valencias, fancy 2003. and smaller, box: larger, $6.25 7.50; navels, fancy, $8.50 7.00. S.

F. Produce SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Press) Market News vice- L. A. Butter, Eggs LOS ANGELES, Nov.

Press) -Butter wholesale price, 50c; price to retailers, 53 54c. Eggs, extras, Sic; fresh firsts, 47c. Tide Table Date High Low Hich Lot 3:21 9:35 4:38 10:40 4:20 10:18 5:11 11.24 I 9 0:28 10:06 0:41 Chicago Grain Pits Trading at renewal figure of 6 per cent, but some uneasiness was apparent weekly Federal Reserve brokers' loans figures to be publishafter the close. Famous Players ran up 2 points to top at unconfirmed reports that the new stock would be placed on a $3 annual basis at the meeting next week. Greene Cananea Copper ran up points.

New high prices in the copper groups were established by American Smelting, Cerra de Pasco, MagMiami, Calumet Hecla, Calumet Arizona, Nevada, Inspiration, Granby and Howe Sound, In the oil group new highs were recorded by Amerada. Mid-Continent, White Eagle, Superior, Texas Coal Oil, Shell Union and Sims. Colorado Fuel, Vanadium Steel, Midland Steel Products preferred, Wright Aeronautical and Otis Elevator sold 4 to 6 Ingher. Warner Brothers issues reacted 5 points and Kennecott, International Nickel and Woolworth each fell back points before sufficient buying support was provided to check the decline. The closing was strong.

Several of the high-priced shares performed rather sensationally in the late trading. Montgomery Ward leaped to 372 for 811 overnight gain of 23 points. Wright Aero climbed into the $200 share class as it moved up Coty did nearly as well with a gain of Radio was up points and Western Union and General Electric, 4 points. Standard Oil of New Jersey reached its highest price since 1922 As it touched Buying was confident in many quarters, despite the lifting of the call money rate to per cent. Sales were more than 4,800.000 shares.

IV. Y. Bond Market NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (Associated Press) -Prices improved in quiet early trading in the bond market today, with oil and railroad issues again leading the advance.

Time money WAS dull around the saine levels. Banks called upwards of $10,000,000 loans. Andes Copper 78 moved up about 4 points, nearly touching the year's high, but Anaconda Copper 6s and 7s yielded to selling pressure. Camaguay Sugar Ts also sold off, although most other industrials made small gains. Barnsdall 68 with warrants again led the oil group, rising 2 points to a new high at 145.

There was little early demand for utilities and Public Service of New Jersey ylelded fractionally. St. Louis Southwestern first 4s, with gain of points. were among the strong railroad liens. St.

Paul 5s of 2000, Denver Rio Grande Western 58, New Haven and Northern Pacific 48 also improved. Italian Public Utility 7s attracted most buying in the dull foreign list. Rio Grande do Sul 68 showed a further decline. Public offering W8S made today of $2,265,000 Province of New Brunswick, Canada, 414 per cent. Gold bonds and $1.131.000 Lawyers Mortgage Company per cent guaranteed mortgage certificates.

A syndicate headed by the Continental National Bank of Chicago and National City Company of New York 18 reported to have made the high bid, 99.07, for $2.000.000 State of Illinois 6 per cent waterway bonds. A joint syndicate headed by the same firm and the First National Bank of New York and Halsey Stuart Co. was awarded $7,000.000 Illinois State Highway 4 per cent bonds at $99.55. Weather Report San Francisco Bay Region -Cloudy tonight and Friday, probably rain, mild temperature. Moderate winds becoming southerly.

Northern California -Increasing cloudiness tonight with rain on the extreme north coast: Friday unsettled with rains north portion. Warmer in the north portion tonight. Gentle variable winds becoming fresh southerly on the coast. Sacramento and Santa. Clara ValleysCloudy tonight and Friday, probably rain Friday, warmer tonight.

Gentle southerly winds. San Joaquin Valley--Increasing cloudiness tonight and Friday, mild temperature. Light variable winds. Southern California -Fair tonight and Friday, mild temperature. Light variable winds.

Idano- Unsettled tonight and Friday, rain north and west portions, moderate temperature. Washington and Oregon -Rain tonight and Friday, warmer in the east portion tonight. Southerly gales on coast. Liberty Bonds NEW YORK, Nov. (United Press)Liberty bonds closed: first 4 $100.29: fourth treasury 48 treasury 8 treasury 5 of 1947 treasury of 1943 $99.14.

Corn Swins Into First Place, With Traders on World Shortage Report; Wheat Also Advances CHICAGO. Nov. 8. -(Associated Press)-Corn developed strength today and toward the last gave all grain a general upward swing, despite early weakness shown by wheat. The five principal corn producing countries of Europe were reported to have a total corn crop of only 294.000.000 bushels for 1928.

against 403,000,000 bushels last year and 600.000.000 bushels in 1896. It was also reported that the remaining corn surplus in Argentine is very small and that new Argentine corn will not be available until April next. Corn closed unsettled to net higher, wheat to up, oats showing to to advance and decline provisions varying from 5 cents to a rise of centa. With Argentina reported today as offering old wheat for November shipment at a discount under the new crop, indicating that old crop supplies in Argentina are still abundant, wheat traders here also were confronted today with reports of auspicious weather for the Argentine wheat harvest. Spreading operations here, in which wheat was sold and corn bought, tended likewise to depress wheat values.

Notable falling off in the volume of corn receipts helped at times to- Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO, Nov. Press)' -U. S. Department of AgricultureHOGS-Receipts mostly 10 0 lower than Wednesday; butchers, medium to choice 250 to 350 pounds, $9.00 0 9.45; 200 to 250 pounds, 160 to 200 pounds, $8.60 9.40; 130 to 160 pounds, $8.25 9.15 Packing SOWE, $8.10 Pigs, medium to choice 90 to 130 pounds, $8.50 8.75. CATTLE -Receipts 7000; calves 3000.

Weighty fed steers of in-between grade continue dull and sharply lower than a week ago; most sales $1.0001.50 down: trade about steady with Wednesday's a dull close; fairly dependable market on yearlings, especially choice and prime kinds: slaughter classes, steers, good and choice 1300 to 1500 pounds, $13.75 0 17.75; to 1300 pounds, 950 to 1100 pounds, $13.75 18.00; fed yearlings, good and choice 750 to 950 pounds, $13.75 17.25. Heifers, good and choice 850 pounds down, $13.25 15.75. Cows, good and choice, cutters, $5.75 4: 7.15. Bulls, good and choice, beef, $9.50 11.00; vealers, milk fed, good and choice, $13.50 10 15.50; medium, $12.509 13.50: stocker and feeder steers, and choice, all weights, $10.00 12.50. SHEEP--Receipts 8000; strong to 25e higher; top, bulk fat lambs, $13.25 09 13.75; best.

fat ewes, $6.75: feeders strong. Lambs, good and choice 92 pounds down, $13.00 14.00; $12.25 60 13.00. Ewes, medium to choice 150 pounds down, feeder lambs, good and choice, $12.25 9 13.35. L. A.

Potato Arrivals LOS ANGELES, Nov. 8. -(Associated Press)-U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics--Potato arrivals 18 cars California, 7 care Idaho; on track 60 unbroken cars, 28 broken: supplies light; demand and trading moderate; market firm: Stockton sacked Burbanks, U.

S. No. 1, bulk, $1.20 10 1.35 best special marks, $1.450 1.60; ordinary quality low as $1.10 sack: Idaho sacked Russets, U. S. No.

1, $1.50 1.55: occasional car, $1.60. Onion arrivals 2 cars California; 011 track 1 unbroken car, 2 supplies light; demand and trading slow: market steady. Street sales local sacked Valencia type, U. S. No.

1, minimum, $2.50 0 2.75 carloads sacked Valencia type, U. S. No. 1, 3-inch minimum, Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, Nov. 8.

(Associated Press)- exchanges firm; quotations cents: Great Britain demand 484 7-16; cables 484 27-32; 60-day bills on banks 480 9-18. France 3,90 5-16; 3.90 9-16. Italy demand 5.23½; cables 5.23%. Demand: Belgium 13.89; Germany Holland 40.10; Norway 26.64: Sweden 26.72: Denmarak 26.64: Switzerland 19.24; Spain 16.12; Greece 1.29: Poland 11.25; Czecho- 2.96%: Jugo-Slavia 1.76; Austria 14.07; Rumania Argentina 42.40; Brazil 11.93; Toklo 46.45; Shanghai 64.15; Montreal 99.90%. Call Money NEW YORK, Nov.

8. (Associated Press) -Call money firmer; high low ruling rate closing bid time loans easy; mixed collateral 60 to 90 days 63 0 4 to 6 months 61 prime mercantile paper Bankers' acceptances unchanged. S. F. Receipts SAN FRANCISCO, Nov.

(Associated Press -Receipts of produce: Flour 2000 quarter sacks. Wheat, 4000 centala. Barlet, 26,018 centals. Corn 800 centals. Potatoes 2217 sacks.

Onions, 1600 sacks. Hay, 108 tons. Hides, 2000. Lemons and oranges, 1350 boxes. Live stock, 4500 head.

BORN ELLIOT -In Stockton, November to the wife of Alvin Elliot, a son. QUESSENBERRY In Lodi, November 7, 1928. to the wife of Clay F. Quessenberry, a daughter. PADDOCK--In Stockton, November 8.

1928, at St. Joseph's Hospital, to the wife of Marvin Paddock, a daughter. "Protect Your Babies" PIONEER The Rich, Pure MILK Untouched, by PHONE Human 711 Bands day to give firmness to the corn market. Arrivals of corn in Chicago today amounted to but 164 cars. against 348 cars a week ago, KanCity, St.

Louis and Omaha receipts were also meager. Furthermore, advices were at hand that United States corn is underselling Argentine corn in Europe by as much 85 9 cents a bushel. United Press Grain table: WHEAT Open High Low Close Dec. $1.14 March 1.18 1.19% 1.17% 1.19% May 1.20% 1.22% 1.20% 1.22 CORN Dec. .62 .83 1 .82 March .86 .8414 .85 May OATS Dee.

.43 .44 March .431 May .413 LARD Nov. 11.40 Nom. Dec. .11.55 11.55 11.50 11.55 Jan. 12.00 12.00 11,95 11.97 March .12.13 12.17 12.12 12.12 RIBS Dec.

11.07 Nom. RYE Dee. .99 1.00 .99 March 1.02 1.03% 1.02 1.021 May 1.04% 1.05% 1.04% 1.05½ CANH GRAIN CHICAGO, Nov. Press) -Wheat, No. 2 hard, No.

1 northern spring, Corn, No. 4 mixed, 791 9 80c; No. 3 yellow, 8114 84c. Oats, No. 2 white, 46c; No.

4 white, 414 Barley, 50 72c. Timothy seed, $5.00 5.60. Clover seed, $23.25 0 31.75. General Motors Propose Common Stock Split NEW YORK, Nov. 8.

Press) -Directors of General Motors Corporation proposed 8 common stock split of two and a half shares for one today and declared an extra. cash dividend of $2.50 on the present issue, in addition to the regular quarterly payment of $1.25. New York Metals SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Press)-Federal-State Market News Service- -One dealer today reported the arrival of cantaloupes and honeyballs from Imperial valley; this is what is considered the fall crop in that district. Cantaloupes were reported to be of fairly good quality with standards selling from and pontes at $2.00 2.50.

Honeyballs, in standard crates, were offered at $2.50, but the demand was rather slow. The strawberry market was barely steady with receipts of all berries amounting to 144 chests and 20 crates. Fancy strawberries were quoted at 75 85c with poorer stock bringing as low 8.9 60c. Grapes were weaker and stock of ordinary quality was selling slowly. Fancy grades were in fairly good demand, especially WAS it true of Thompson Seedless and Muscats.

Isabella grapes were bringing around $1.25 0 1.50 per crate when of good quality. Ribiers were in very slow demand at 80c a $1.00 per lug. Dealers reported a very slow demand for fresh olives and the market was barely steady. Winter Nells pears of good quality were quoted from $2.25 2.50 per packed box. Fancy Bartlett pears in cans were quoted at $2.

Pomegranates were in very little demand and supplies were more than sufficient. The artichoke market was weaker and prices were from 15 9 25c lower on lugs and about $1 lower on crates. Brussel sprouts were also slightly weaker, gelling from 6 8c per pound. Cucumbers from Imperial valley were offered to the trade at $1.25 1.50 per lug. The quality was said to be fairly good.

Eggplant was moving at $1.00 01.25 per A. lug, but the demand was not. very brisk. Prices on lettuce dropped sharply due to heavier supples from nearby districts. Most stock sold 88 $1.00 1.25, with poorer grades slightly lower.

Supplies of spinach were heavier and the market prices ranged from 21 per pound. Scallop and Italian squash sold generally from $1.0001.25 per L. A. lug. APPLES (boxes) -California Pearmains, to 4 tier, $1.15 01.35: tier, 1.10.

Newtown Pippins, to 4 tier, $1.20 01.50; tier, $1.00 Spitzenbergs, Delicious, extra fancy, $2.00 2.25; fancy, Lady apples, Tuolumne district, extra fancy, $5.00 5.25; fancy, $3.50 4.00: grade, $2.50 3.00; half boxes, $1.50. Washington Jonathans, fancy, $1.65 1.85. Rome Beauty, fancy, $2.00 9 2.25. Oregon Spitzenbergs, extra fancy, $2.25 02.50; fancy, 81.75 2.00; choice, $1.25 1.50. Delicious, extra fancy, $2.75 03.25.

Winter Banana, extra fancy, $2.25 4 2.50. 10.00 per dozen for large sizes; medium, $3.00 7.00; small low as $1. Central American, 41 6c. BERRIES--Strawberries, local, per drawer; few fancy, 80 85c. RaspberTics.

$1.20 per crate; few fancy high 8.5 0 1.60. Huckleberries, 14017c lb. MELONS--Honeydews, flats, standards, Casabas, standards, flats, 70c 4 $1.15. Persians, medium. small, 85c $1.00.

CRANBERRIES- Massachusetts, $8.500 10.00 per barrel; $4.75 05.00 per barrel. FIGS--Missions, layer; white, 35 50c per single layer; double layer, 60: 65c. GRAPES- -Seedless, $1.00 per lug. Muscats, $1.00 0 1.25 per lug: few fancy, $1.50. Malagas, per lug.

Tokay, 75c a $1.15. Ladyfingers, $1.00 41.25. Emperors, 50 60c. Ribiers, 80c $1.00. Cornichons, 50 65c.

OLIVES poorer. PEARS--Lake county, packed, fancy, $3.00 0 3.25 per box; choice, $2.50 0 2.75. Winter Nells, $2.25 00 002.50 per packed box. L. A.

lug; 90c 4 $1.10 per orange box. WATERMELONS- Angelinos, lb. ASPARAGUS--Imperial, $7.00 8.00 per crate. ARTICHOKES (boxes) $2.50 3.00: small, poorer low as cratese, $7.00 09.00; small low as $6. BEANS- -Kentucky Wonders, local, 3 0 southern, 607c; Blue Lakes, limas, river district, BRUSSEL SPROUTS-7 9C lb.

BUNCHED Carrots, turnips and beets, dozen bunches; radishes and parsley, 25 CABBAGE $1.250 1.50 cwt. $1.00 dozen. CELERY -Local, $1.0002.00 crate; best high as river, Oregon, $3.50 3.75. 1.50 L. A.

lug. 1.25 per L. A. lug. San Diego, lb.

lb. LETTUCE Dry, $1.25: fancy, $1.50 1.75: iced, 6 dozen, $2.25 2.50. 4 60c lb. ONIONS -Green, $1.0001.25 lug. Jobbing: Dry yellows, $3.00 3.35; Australian browns, $3.25 3.50.

poorer, 6 0 8c. 1.75 large lug; 75c 0 $1.00 L. A. lug: San Diego, 60 8c. POTATOES--Jobbing: Stockton, $1.00 1.25: poorer lower.

Washington netted gems, $1.101.25. 1.75. RHUBARB- Watsonville district, $1.509 SACKED VEGETABLES rots, $1.25 81.50; white turnips, $1.00 yellows, $1.25 beets, 65 90c. lb. SQUASH -Scallop, $1.00 1.25 per L.

A. lug. Italian, $1.25 01.75 per lug; fancy high as $2. Cream, per large lug. Hubbard, $1.00 per sack.

Banana, lb. PUMPKINS-20 lb. SWEET POTATO No. 2, 4 3c lb. Yams, 4 5c lb.

$1.00 0 1.25 large lug: 50 6 75c per L. A. lug. atones, 80c 4 $1.00 L. A.

per large Jug; few, $2. San Diego, $1.00 1.45 L. A. lug. I S.

F. Produce NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (Associated Press) ---Copper firm; electrolytic spot and future 16. Iron steady, unchanged.

Tin steady; spot future $49.50. Lead steady; spot. New York East St. Louis $6.32. Zine steady; East St.

Louis spot and future $6.25. Antimony $10.25. Boston Wool BOSTON, Nov. -(Associated Prees)Prices on 588 woolen are strengthening the current price on offering of Missouri and Michigan fleece wools of this grade is 50e in the grease for strictly combing staple. Ohio 58s have realized 52c in the grease.

The scoured basis price for some of these wools that have recently changed hands is fully $1.10 per pound. Territory 58s strictly combing wools are moving freely at scoured basis. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Nov. 8. (Associated Press) Bar silver, Mexican dollars, LONDON, Nov.

Press) -Bar silver, 26 11-16 pence per ounce; Short bills, per three months, money, per centi; Discount rates: 55 cents. per cent. DIED BAGLEY- In Tracy, November 6, 1928, Caroline C. Bagley, beloved wife of Daniel Bagley, of Tracy; mother of Mrs. F.

V. Kelly and Mrs. R. Robey. of Stockton, Daniel Bagley, Mrs.

A. C. Smith. Mrs. Edwin Mackel, Mrs.

J. A. Doody, Mrs. Fred Newton, Edward Bagley, all Tracy, and N. of S.

Bagley of Oakland; sister Mra. Jole Dunn of Oakland, and grandmother of five grandchildren; a native of California. remains are at the home of the daughter of the deceased, Mrs. J. A.

Doody, 256 North West street, Tracy. High mass for the repose of the soul will be celebrated in St. Bernard's Church in Tracy, Friday, November 9, at 10 a. m. Friends and acquaintances are invited.

Interment in San Joaquin Cemetery, Stockton. B. C. Wallace in MERRYFIELD- -In Stockton, November 7, 1928, Ada Merryfield, loving daughter of Mrs. L.

B. Heller, beloved mother of Mathea Merryfield, sister of C. C. Heller, Edna. Heller and Mrs.

Gladys Wood: a native of Missouri, aged 40 years, 4 months and 26 days. may call at the chapel. of De Young Conklin, Fremont and American streets. Notice of funeral POTCHI- In Stockton, November 1928. Lilly Potchi; a native of Wisconsin, aged 65 years.

(The remains are at the funeral chapel of DeYoung Conklin, Fremont and American streets. Notice of funeral ADAMS -In Stockton, November 4. 1928, Mrs. G. Adams, beloved wife of Wright Adams, daughter of Mrs.

Amanda Cooper, sister of Miss Alice Cooper, Mrs. Margaret Wismer, Mabel Adams, Charles and Albert Cooper of Lodi and Mrs. Ruby Suihart of San Jose; a native of Missouri, aged 37 years. are at the chapel of Hale Bawden and funeral arrangements will be announced BITTERMAN-In Lodi. November 7.

1928, Christine Bitterman, beloved wife of C. Bitterman, mother of Mrs. Pete Schmidt of Tripp (N.D.), Albert B. and Ferdinand Bitterman of Lodi, and grandmother of ELmer Streyle; a native of Russia, aged 55 years. remains are at the 0.

H. Wells Son funeral home, Lodi, and services will be announced Every emotion of the human heart is reached when you "Say It With Flowers" San Francisco Floral Co. 536 E. Main St. Phones 1444-1445 For Those Who Wish to Plan in Advancethis organization will accept the sacred responsibility of carrying out any last wishes in detail.


Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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