Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (2024)

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (1)

During surgical procedures a working environment that is as germ-free as possible is crucial for preventing postoperative infections. For decades, surgeons, doctors, and nurses have scrubbed with antimicrobial soap and water before procedures – often several times a day. The downside of washing hands so often, however, is that it takes a lot of time, wastes water, and often leads to skin irritation and inflammation among hospital staff. A far better method is surgical hand disinfection with alcohol-based hand disinfectants. Using this technique, staff only wash their hands at the beginning of the surgical day or when their hands are visibly soiled. In this article we explain why disinfection is superior to hand washing.

Ever since the mid-19th century when Ignaz Semmelweis discovered that infections during medical procedures can be caused by microorganisms on doctors' hands, hygiene before operations has become the standard. [1] However, the procedures and products used for this have constantly evolved.

While chlorine solutions were primarily used in the operating theatres of Semmelweis's day, 20th-century hospitals have frequently used antimicrobial soap to eliminate potential pathogens. Most hospitals still use these special soaps, which are often based on the ingredient chlorhexidine or chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG).

From hand washing to hand disinfection

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (2)

Recently, however, increasing numbers of facilities are abandoning this method of hand hygiene, actively choosing not to use soaps containing chlorhexidine ("scrub"). Instead, they are opting for alcohol-based surgical hand disinfection methods ("rub"), which use hand disinfectants without chlorhexidine. There are several reasons for this. Before we take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, let’s see how "rub" and "scrub" differ.

Rub vs. Scrub: The difference

When we think of doctors preparing for surgery, our first image is usually of surgeons and nurses meticulously soaping their hands and forearms for minutes on end and then intensively "scrubbing" them. This is the so-called "scrub" method, which usually uses chlorhexidine-based antimicrobial soaps. On average, this procedure takes 5-6 minutes.

With the "rub" method, surgeons, doctors, and nurses no longer wash their hands for minutes in preparation of each procedure but disinfect them with alcohol-based hand disinfectants. In this scenario, medical personnel only wash their hands at the start of the working day or when the hands are visibly soiled. Before any actual procedures, staff take the following steps to disinfect their hands and arms.

  1. Removal of all jewellery (including wedding rings) and watches from the hands and forearms.
  2. Activation of the disinfectant dispenser lever with the elbow and wetting of both hands and forearms with sufficient hand disinfectant. The hands and forearms are rubbed thoroughly and kept wet for the entire contact time of 1.5 minutes.
  3. The process is repeated to ensure that all areas of the hands and forearms are thoroughly disinfected.
  4. Before putting on gloves, the disinfectant must dry completely.

Compared to antimicrobial hand washing, alcohol-based disinfection before operations offers several benefits to staff as well as facilities. Let's look at them.

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (3)

Skin friendliness

Various studies have confirmed that frequent use of antimicrobial soap can lead to allergic skin reactions. The numbers speak for themselves: around one in five healthcare workers who regularly uses chlorhexidine-based products develops contact dermatitis. [2,3]

"My hands felt like they were on fire," Scottish nurse Thomas P. confirms. For years, he used chlorhexidine-based antimicrobial soap until he and his team discovered that the product was causing skin irritation and inflammation in many of them. "We now know that the skin reactions were due to the soap we used. Unfortunately, this diagnosis is not rare," says the nurse.

Over time, the situation became more and more unbearable for the caregiver. Thomas remembers, "Not only my hands were inflamed, but in some places even my forearms. It got so bad that my hands were bright red and I had to see a doctor." There was no improvement until his team switched to the rub method and used Sterillium® disinfectant instead of chlorhexidine-based soap. "Since then, I haven't had any skin reactions or inflammation. It saved my career!" says Thomas.

Science confirms the caregiver's experiences. Several studies show that alcohol-based hand disinfectants with a modern care complex cause significantly less skin irritation and dryness than soaps or antimicrobial detergents. [4] Since 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has thus removed chlorhexidine from the list of products labelled "Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective". [5]

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (4)

Time savings

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (5)

Another advantage of disinfectants like Sterillium® is that it can save hospitals a lot of time. After all, washing hands before operations takes an average of 5-6 minutes per procedure. The rub method, on the other hand, usually takes only 90 seconds. This may not seem like a lot of time, but the time savings accumulates. Calculated over a whole year and in a facility with some 30,000 surgical procedures per year, about 1,750 working hours can be saved. [6]


The decision for or against the scrub method also has a major influence on the environmental impact of healthcare facilities. Consider the fact that on average, staff spend 5-6 minutes washing their hands before operations. In many cases, they run the tap for the entire time. [7]

This means that around 20-40 litres of water are used per person for each procedure, even though only six litres are needed for the actual hand washing. [8] This shows how much water the scrub method wastes. Appropriate alternatives are therefore increasingly relevant. This is especially true in regard to climate change or in countries that have a limited water supply and that must pay increasing attention to limiting their water consumption.

The rub method can be an important component here. After all, much less water is needed to disinfect hands than to wash them. In an average hospital with about 15,000 operations a year, a transition to the rub method would save about one million litres of water. [8]

Switching to surgical hand disinfection also saves other resources as well. Staff no longer need many single-use paper towels or plastic brushes to wash their hands. These items can be eliminated from parts of the hospital’s inventory. And finally, the rub method uses less energy for heating the water used to wash hands. Hospitals that move from scrub to rub significantly reduce their carbon footprint. [9,10]

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (6)

Economic efficiency

There’s a significant economic payoff for hospitals that switch from scrub to rub: lower costs for water and energy consumption, thousands of working hours saved per year and less downtime due to occupational skin diseases.

To be even more precise, facilities can save from around $280,000 to $348,000 per operating theatre per year. [9] This includes the costs of the operating room and personnel, water, towels, brushes, and water filters, if staff primarily disinfect their hands instead of washing them before every procedure. Surgical hand disinfection can thus save up to 67 per cent of costs. [10]

Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (7)


Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (8)

When hospitals decide in favour of the rub method, the effectiveness of the agent they choose is also decisive. The central question is whether hand disinfection can eliminate pathogens as reliably as scrubbing with antimicrobial soap?

Various studies have shown that disinfectants such as Sterillium® achieve comparable or even better results in reducing the microbial load than chlorhexidine-based soaps. [11] This is especially true in terms of long-term efficacy. After using an alcohol-based hand disinfectant, the reduction of the microbial load on the skin is still guaranteed after three or more hours. [12]

At the same time, bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to chlorhexidine. Since this agent has been used for over 70 years, pathogens have had enough time to adapt to the active ingredient and develop strategies to withstand it. [13] Comparable resistance to purely alcoholic disinfectants, on the other hand, has not yet been observed.


Whether it's skin compatibility, sustainability, cost-effectiveness, or better protection against pathogens, switching from the scrub method to surgical hand disinfection offers hospitals numerous advantages. Still, many facilities rely on antimicrobial soap as the product of choice. So let's use this year's World Hand Hygiene Day as an opportunity to start rethinking. In the end, everyone benefits surgical hand disinfection – from patients to staff and hospital management to the environment.


[1] Stang A, Standl F, Poole C. A twenty-first century perspective on concepts of modern epidemiology in Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis' work on puerperal sepsis. Eur J Epidemiol. 2022 May;37(5):437-445. doi: 10.1007/s10654-022-00871-8. Epub 2022 Apr 29. PMID: 35486338; PMCID: PMC9209376.

[2] Stingeni L et al. (1995) Occupational hand dermatitis in hospital environments. Contact Dermatitis 33: 172-176.

[3] Chiewchalermsri C et al. (2020) Chlorhexidine Allergy: Current Challenges and Future Prospects. J Asthma Allergy 13: 127-133.

[4] World Health Organization. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care. First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care. 2009. (accessed on January 4, 2023)

[5] FDA. FDA Drug Safety Communication FDA warns about rare but serious allergic reactions with the skin antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate. US Food and Drug Administration. 2022.

[6] Kampf et al 2006 Hyg Med 31:316-321

[7] Widmer AF (2013) Surgical hand hygiene: scrub or rub? J Hosp Infect 83 Suppl 1: S35-39.,less%20time%20than%20washing%20hands.

[8] Ahmed A. Surgical hand scrub: Lots of water wasted. Ann Afr Med 2007;6:31-3

[9] Javitt MJ et al (2020) Association Between Eliminating Water From Surgical Hand Antisepsis at a Large Ophthalmic Surgical Hospital and Cost. JAMA Ophthalmol 138: 382–386.

[10] Tavolacci MP et al. (2006) Surgical hand rubbing compared with surgical hand scrubbing: comparison of efficacy and costs. J Hosp Infect 63: 55-59.

[11] Fry DE (2019) Operating Room Hand Preparation: To Scrub or to Rub? Surg Infect (Larchmt) 20: 129-134.

[12] Kampf G, Ostermeyer C. Efficacy of two distinct ethanol-based hand rubs for surgical hand disinfection -- a controlled trial according to prEN 12791. BMC Infect Dis 5: 17.

[13] Buxser S (2021) Has resistance to chlorhexidine increased among clinically-relevant bacteria? A systematic review of time course and subpopulation data. PLoS One 16: e0256336.

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Use disinfectant carefully.
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Rub vs. Scrub: The benefits of surgical hand disinfection (2024)


What is the difference between a surgical hand scrub and surgical hand rub? ›

In the past, washing hands with antimicrobial soap and water (surgical scrub) was the norm, mainly with chlorhexidine or iodine. More recently, alcohol-based hand rub has been successfully introduced, showing greater effectiveness, less irritation to the hands, and requiring less time than washing hands.

What is the preferred method of hand disinfection? ›

Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is the preferred way for to keep your hands clean. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers kill the good and bad germs, but the good germs quickly come back on your hands.

What are the benefits of surgical hand washing? ›

During surgical procedures a working environment that is as germ-free as possible is crucial for preventing postoperative infections. For decades, surgeons, doctors, and nurses have scrubbed with antimicrobial soap and water before procedures – often several times a day.

Is hand rub more effective than hand wash? ›

​​How to perform hand hygiene? Clean your hands by rubbing them with alcohol-based hand sanitizers; as alcohol is the preferred method of routinely disinfecting hands if they are not visibly dirty. This method is quick and more effective and better than washing with soap and water.

What are the two 2 methods in surgical hand scrubbing? ›

There are two recognized techniques for surgical hand preparation: a water-based scrub (with an antimicrobial soap) and a waterless scrub (with an alcohol-based hand rub). The time required can range from 2 to 10 minutes.

How does surgical hand rubbing compare to surgical hand scrubbing comparison of efficacy and costs? ›

The literature showed that SHR had immediate efficacy that was similar to that of SHS, but SHR had a more lasting effect. SHR reduced costs by 67%. In conclusion, SHR is a cost-effective alternative to SHS.

What is the most effective way to disinfect your hands? ›

Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations. If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

What is the most effective method of disinfection? ›

Chlorine is a highly effective method of disinfection. However, while in the pipes it produces small amounts of chemicals (called “disinfection by-products”) if the source water has higher levels of dirt or germs that may react with chlorine.

Which is the preferred method for decontamination of hands in a healthcare setting? ›

Unless hands are visibly soiled, alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) is preferred over soap and water for cleaning hands in most clinical situations15. This recommendation does not vary when caring for patients with C. difficile infection (CDI).

What is the purpose of the surgical hand scrub? ›

The purpose of the surgical hand scrub is to remove debris and transient microorganisms from the nails, hands, and forearms; reduce the resident microbial count to a minimum; and inhibit rapid rebound growth of microorganisms.

What are 3 benefits of hand washing? ›

Washing hands prevents illnesses and spread of infections to others
  • People frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it. ...
  • Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or consume them.
Apr 17, 2024

What is the difference between hand washing and scrubbing? ›

Hand scrubbing involves the addition of concentrated disinfectant when cleansing hands with running water, while hand rubbing employs alcohol-based active ingredients to disinfect hands without washing under running water.

What is more effective for cleaning hands? ›

How to wash your hands. It's generally best to wash your hands with soap and water. Over-the-counter antibacterial soaps are no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap.

When should hand rubs be used? ›

Keep your hands clean! Use an alcohol-based handrub when your hands are not visibly soiled. Wash your hands with soap and water when your hands are visibly soiled.

What is the purpose of hand rubbing? ›

A hand rub is a gel or liquid containing antimicrobial agents that decrease the number of microorganisms present on hands. The antimicrobial agents in most hand rubs are alcohols (ethanol, isopropanol, and n-propanol), available in varying concentrations.

What is the purpose of a surgical scrub? ›

The objectives of the surgical scrub are: To remove soil and transient microbes from the hands and forearms. To reduce the resident microbial count to as low a level as possible. To inhibit rapid rebound growth of microbes.

What does a surgical hand scrub consist of? ›

The most commonly used products for surgical hand antisepsis are chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine-containing soaps. The most active agents (in order of decreasing activity) are chlorhexidine gluconate, iodophors, triclosan, and plain soap.

What is an example of a surgical hand scrub? ›

Surgical scrubbing should be performed with an agent that has immediate and sustained antimicrobial effect (for example chlorhexidine gluconate, povidone-iodine).

Are hands sterile after surgical scrub? ›

Since skin cannot be sterilized, members of the surgical team must wear sterile gloves. The purpose of the surgical hand scrub is to significantly reduce the number of skin bacteria found on the hands and arms of the OR staff (Kennedy, 2013).

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